Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ritual For Creating Magick Powders

Ritual for Creating Magickal Powders

Supplies in addition to regular altar tools. Mortar and pestle and the
Following herbs
(for example; Double Fast Luck Powder which consists of Patchouli (money),
Rose (luck), juniper berries (anti-theft)
, a ground up dollar bill and a green

Cast circle and call the Quarters-

Light the illuminator candles and say

“May the light of Heaven’s Queen banish all ill shadows from this place, and
Blessed Be, all who would enter here.”

Cleanse and consecrate the salt and water.

Hold up the dish of salt, saying “ Blessed Be creature of Salt”
Hold up the dish of water, saying, “Blessed Be creature of Water.”
Hold both up with arms outstretched saying, “Salt and Water, Inner and Outer,
Soul and Body be cleansed. Cast out all that is harmful, take in all that is
Good and healing, by the powers of Diana and Lucifer. So mote it be.”

As you walk sprinkle the salt along the ground and try to visualize/feel the
Deep-grounded energies of earth arriving. Say:
Power of Earth, bring stability to my work and bless my circle with your
Next walk the circle with the cup of water; sprinkling some as you walk,
Visualizing the cooling, moist energies arrive. Say:
Power of Water, bring deep feeling to my work and bless my circle with your
Next walk the circle with the burning stick of incense allowing the scented
Smoke to coil around the circle as you walk. Say:
Power of Air, bring understanding to my work, and bless my circle with your
Next walk the circle with the lit candle, careful not to burn yourself with
Hot wax. Say:
Power of Fire, bring high energy to my work, and bless my circle with your
Now move to the center of the circle, hold up both arms toward the sky and
Gaze at the blazing stars as you say:
Power of Spirit, be with me in the heights and depths of my magic surrounding
Me with protection and encouragement. It is done.
Hold your hands over the herbs and say:
(We) I exorcise thee o creature of earth, in the names of Diana and Lucifer;
That you may receive strength, power, and virtue; attracting good energies and
The correct spirits to banish all negativity from you, and may these energies
And spirits cause all hostile entities to retire.
Ring the bell 3 times.
Crush the herbs into a fine powder (deosil for building, growing, and loving
Energies. Widdershins for banishing activities. As you crush the herbs, say:
Gracious Diana, lend your hand of magick and direction to these supplies
Before me. Patchouli for money, roses for luck, and juniper berry for
Anti-theft. So that (we) I may increase (our) my good luck and success! (We) I
Make this powder to draw to (us) me specifically good luck and success!
Gracious Lucifer, lend your hand of magick and direction to these supplies
Before me. Patchouli for money, roses for luck, and juniper berry for
Anti-theft. So that (we) I may increase (our) my good luck and success! (We) I
Make this powder to draw to (us) me specifically good luck and success!
When finished, light the candle, and invoke your chosen deity.
In the name of Diana, with the assistance of (our) my ancestors, (we) I call
Upon the ancient power of the universe, which was from the beginning and is
Forever through eternity both male and female, one in Spirit. The original
Beginning of all things, all knowing, all loving, all encompassing, all
Powerful, changeless, formless, light, perfect.
In the names of Diana and Lucifer, rulers of the elements and purveyors of
Wisdom, as above so below (we) I empower thee now in this time and in this place
To increase (our) my good luck and success! With harm to none, corresponding
With (our) my own free will. May the energies of this powder not reverse or
Place on (us) me any curse. So mote it be!
Thank the energies you have called and take down the circle. Store the powder
Until use.
When you are ready to use the powder, draw the rune Rad over it then dispense
The powder saying something like:
Angels of Air, dispense this powder and magnify its power a hundredfold so
That (our) my desire may manifest as (we) I will for the intent of increasing
(our) my good luck and success! With harm to none, away with thee to do (our) my

Sources- Silver RavenWolf, Scott Cunningham

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