Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Magick Of Dreams

Magick of DREAMS

"Dreams are the source of creativity. They are expressions of experiences that are seeking to become real. When you practice dream magick, you do not just focus on what your dreams mean, you use magickal techniques, in the context of your dreams, to help them come to fruition."

~ Sirona Knight Excerpted from Dream Magic
Dream Magick - basics/definitions
Every spell and ritual involves three basic steps. First, you set your expectation, then you fill it with your desire, and finally you merge with the divine, to help your goal or desire to become a reality.
1. Expectation – Having a clear image of the outcome you desire and then setting the stage for this outcome to occur. Knowing what you want
2. Desire – How much you want something to happen. Use all of your senses, to see it, feel it, taste it, smell it, hear it, and intuit it. Be passionate!
3. Merging – Once you build your desire while doing a magical work and it reaches the point where you feel you are about to burst with energy, the time has come to merge with your goal. When you merge, you become one with divine energy, whatever name you give it.

Dream Magic Altar
This is the magickal working surface that holds your tools, components, and other items you wil use in magick making. It can be any sturdy surface even a bedside table, but it should be in the north quarter as the north quarter is the realm of midnight, deities, dreams and magick.
Astral Dream Magic Altar
This altar is fueled with your imagination and thus remains unhampered by physical laws. This is the place where you enter, connect and depart from the dream world.

Dream Guardians 
Like the traditional Watchtowers and four Wards, which are the lesser Goddesses and Gods who watch over the corners of the sacred circle. These deities can be very helpful during magick-making. They weave a protective shield around your circle. These dream guardians are ancient beings who protect you during night spells and rituals by standing guard at the four corners of your sacred dream circle. The difference between these Dream Guardians and traditional Watchtowers is that they not only stand guard while you are making magick, they also specifically watch over and protect you during sleep and dream.
These watchful guardians were originally the lesser Goddesses and Gods who were to watch over Earth and all the celestial realms. A different dream guardian rules and guards each gate or portal of the four elemntal directions leading to the Otherworld.

Dream Magick - Preparation
Smudging your sacred space
You can purify your sacred space by smudging. The smoke of an herbal mixture of sage and cedar, sometimes blended with lavender, copal or sweetgrass, cleanses your room, altar, tools, magickal components, and yourself of unwanted energies. I do this before ritual as a way to cleanse everything. It also helps prepare me for ritual. To smudge your room, begin by lighting the smudge stick and blowing on it softly until it starts to smoke. Hold the burning smudge over a fireproof bowl or dish because a certain amount of the burning herbs will drop down. Allow the smoke to waft over your altar. Pass each of your altar tools through the smoke three times.
Move in a clockwise circle around the room and say:
May the Goddess and God
Protect and Bless this Sacred Space
And rid it of all negativity.
Blessed be! Blessed be the Gods.
When you finish smudging the room, altar, tools, and yourself, douse the stick in water to put it out completely.

To Create Your Dream Magick Altar
Gather together all the items you want to include on your altar. Then spread an altar cloth out on the altar surface, and arrange your altar tool and other magickal components. The altar cloth is usually made of a natural material such as linen, cotton, silk, or wool. It can be any color, although midnight blue, black, silver, and white are natural choices for dream magic. The left side of your dream altar is the creative, nurturing side, dedicated to the Goddess, while the right side is traditionally the active, power side, dedicated to the God. Customarily, a status or other image representing the Goddess is placed on the left side of the altar and am image of the God on the right side. You perform your invocations and gestures before these images, and you turn toward their direction when casting spells and doing rituals. Keep your altar fluid changing it to reflect the different season, phases of the moon, your hopes, and desires. Also, be sure to
Place all the items on your dream magic altar so that you can conveniently reach them even in a darkened room.

To Create your Astral Dream Magic Altar
Items necessary:
~ Small smooth white stone
~ Bowl of saltwater
~ Active imagination First, place the stone in the saltwater for a few minutes to clear it of any unwanted energies.
Rinse the stone with cool water for one minute, and after drying it, hold the stone in your receiving hand (left hand if you are right-handed) while you sit or recline in bed.
Empower the stone by saying:
Magickal altar seen but not seen.
Sacred stone table of my dreams,
May I stand before you tonight,
Beneath the starspun moonlight.
So be it! So dream it so!
Now close your eyes and visualize the stone becoming larger and forming into a natural stone altar resting in a sacred grove of stately oak trees. See and sense yourself standing in front of your astral dream altar, placing each of your imaginary tools on it one by one. Start simple and then elaborate, and make it more personal and unusual over time. After laying your dream tools out, mentally connect them with a thread of brilliant white light. Move your attention and the radiant white light from one object to another, filling them with light. Continue connecting the tools together with light, and as you do this sense yourself filling the stone in your left hand with the image of your astral dream magic altar. Now lie back and continue to hold the stone in your hand. As you drift to sleep, repeat silently “Dream it so.” In the morning, give the stone a place of honor on your bedroom altar. Anytime you want to return to you astral dream altar, simply
hold the stone in your left hand, close your eyes, and imagine yourself standing in front of your astral dream magic altar.

Dream Magic Altar Tools
~ Athame – Double edged knife used for magickal work
~ Bell – Feminine symbol of the Goddess
~ Bowl – traditionally made of clay, this corresponds with the north
~ Cauldron – Three legged pot that represents the Goddess and the water element
~ Chalice – Symbol of Water and West
~ Incense Burner or Censer – Representing fir and air elements
~ Robe – Your magickal skin. Made of any fabric, color or design. Used only for magic working
~ Wand – Associated with the east and the air element

To consecrate your sacred tools

To consecrate your bowl, fill it with earth, hold it upward toward the north point of your sacred space and say three times:
Generous and divine powers of earth,
Fill this tool with your sacred energy;
I ask this in the name of the Goddess and God,
Blessed be! So shall it be!
To consecrate your incense burner, hold the censer upward toward the east point of your sacred space and say three times:
Generous and divine powers of air,
Fill this tool with your sacred energy;
I ask this in the name of the Goddess and God,
Blessed Be! So shall it be!
To consecrate your candleholder, hold it upward toward the south point of your sacred space and repeat three times:
Generous and divine powers of fire,
Fill this tool with your sacred energy;
I ask this in the name of the Goddess and Go,
Blessed be! So shall it be!
To consecrate your chalice, cup, or cauldron, hold each one of them upward toward the west point of your sacred circle and say three times:
Generous and divine powers of water,
Fill this tool with your sacred energy;
I ask this in the name of the Goddess and God,
Blessed be! So shall it be!
You can also rub scented oils on your tools and set them out in the moonlight to empower them even more.

Drawing a Sacred Dream Circle
Begin by determining the four directions of your bedroom by using a compass. Generally the altar is placed in the north point, so you can use it for a reference point and once this is determined dispense with the compass.
Start in the North point and spinning clockwise very slowly with your arms stretched outward to your sides, imagine a clear, cobalt blue light washing out the entire room. As you do this, say aloud:
May all evil and foulness be gone from this place
I ask this in the Lady’s name.
Be gone, now and forevermore!

Starting and ending in the north direction, the direction of your deity, use your athame to draw a clockwise circle around your bedroom, and be sure to include your altar and sleeping area. As you do this, see and sense a blue-white flame flaring from out of the blade like a laser beam, creating a bright energetic circle. If you don’t have an athame handy, you can also use you wand or your dominant, power hand for this purpose. Just imagine the light flaring from the tip of the wand or from your fingertips.
Next, purify the four corners with salt by taking a pinch of salt from the bowl, tossing it gently toward the north point, and saying:
Ayea, Ayea (pronounced eye-yay)Kerridwen!
Ayea, Ayea Kernunnos!
Ayea, Ayea, Ayea!

If you prefer, you can use a sprig of greenery dipped in saltwater in place of the pinches of salt. After purifying the north point, repeat this process at the east, south, and west points, in that order.
At each point sprinkle a pinch of salt and repeat:
Ayea, Ayea (pronounced eye-yay)Kerridwen!
Ayea, Ayea Kernunnos!
Ayea, Ayea, Ayea!
Then face the altar and say in a firm voice:
I consecrate this dream magic circle of power
To the Ancient Ones, to Goddess and God,
May they bless this circle with their presence.
Blessed Be! Blessed be the Gods!
Blessed be all who are gathered here.

Knock nine times on the altar with the handle of your athame, in three series of three. Your dream circle is now set in place. While working magic in the circle, move clockwise, not widdershins (counterclockwise).
Calling in your Dream Guardians
Begin by facing North toward your altar, and then stretch your hands upward toward the moon and stars.
Merge with earth elements and say:
Dream Guardians of the north,
Generous Powers of earth,
Protect the dream door of the North Ward,
And guard this circle and all within.
Come, I summon you!
Now turn and face Eastward, and stretch your arms toward the night sky. Merge with the air elements and say:
Dream Guardians of the east,
Generous powers of air,
Protect the dream door of the east Ward,
An guard this circle and all within.
Come, I summon you!
Next, turn toward the south, stretching your arms upward once again. Merge with the fire element and say:
Dream Guardians of the south,
Generous powers of fire,
Protect the dream door of the south Ward,
And guard this circle and all within.
Come, I summon you!
Then face to the west, and stretch your arms toward the moon and stars. Merging with the powers of water, say:
Dream Guardians of the west,
Generous powers of water,
Protect the dream door of the west Ward,
And guard this circle and all within.
Come, I summon you!
Now stand in the center of your sacred dream circle and say:
Dream guardians of earth, air, fire, and water,
Grant me your power and protection tonight

Cutting a Gate
Once your circle has been cast, you should try not to break it. However, there are times when this is inevitable. If you need to break the circle, you can cut a gate or door. Be sure to always close the door after using it and then re-open it to get back in. Use your athame or your dominant hand and starting just below the east point of your circle cut a doorway. Once you have exited the circle, again be sure to close the doorway. A good suggestion is to cut the gate at your bedroom door so you can easily come and go when doing night spells and rituals.
Pulling up the Sacred Dream Circle
Once the ritual is completed it is time to pull up your sacred Dream Circle. Do this by spinning counter clockwise while imagining the blue-white light of the circle being drawn back into your athame, wand, or hand. Make sure to release the energy back into the ground after you have released the circle so that it is grounded.

Releasing your Dream Guardians
After pulling up the circle, it is time to release your dream guardians. *Note: It is crucial that you release your dream guardians when you are finished making magick. It is egotistical to think that these ancient energies are just waiting around to do your bidding. They come because they want to, because they are attracted to your field of energy and are willing to help you. They are not willing to be divine victims of misuse.
* Start at the north point and say:
O Generous power of earth, depart in peace.
Many blessings and thanks for your presence.
Then face east and say:
O generous powers of air, depart in peace.
Many blessings and thanks for your presence.
Then turn to the south point and say:
O generous power of fire, depart in peace.
Many blessings and thanks for your presence.
Then face west and say:
O generous powers of water, depart in peace.
Many blessings and thanks for your presence.
After you are done releasing the guardians, knock three times on the altar with the base of your wand or athame. Your ritual or night spell is complete.
Dream Magick
By Silver RavenWolf
Do you ever want to get an important message through to someone, but you just don't know how to do it?

Here is what you do:

1. Determine precisely what it is you
want them to hear, or perhaps feel.
Write down your wish on a piece
of paper in simple sentence form.

2. Make a dream pillow using a small
square of fabric and a little batting.
Throw in a pinch of lavender and rosemary
. Put in the piece of paper last,
then sew up the end.

3. Put the dream pillow on your altar.
Do an altar devotion to center yourself, then create
sacred space. Cast a circle and call the quarters
if you like, but is isn't necessary.

4. Center yourself, then hold your hands
over the dream pillow and say the following:
Holy Mother, Goddess Divine,
I stand before your sacred shrine.
This person won't listen or hear
My words tickle at deafened ear.
Holy Mother, Goddess Divine,
Send a dream, awaken the mind.
Through his/her vision he/she might live
The nightmare/passion/lesson he/she so freely give.
Holy Mother, Goddess Divine
Send them your enchanted design
Clear out the cobwebs, tear down walls
Carry my message through spirit calls
Unlock Your Secrets
Are your dreams telling you something?
By A.K. Boyle

No matter how pragmatic or analytical you are, you can't avoid it. You're a dreamer. Everybody dreams. We dream one to two hours a night, and typically experience four to seven dreams in that time. Some people remember their dreams more vividly than others, and some claim they never remember dreaming at all, but dreaming is a natural and integral - if still mysterious - phase of the sleep cycle.
There is still some confusion as to exactly what purpose your dreams serve. Researchers have found evidence that dreaming helps deposit recent events and feelings into long-term memory. And most agree that dreams are a way of processing unresolved fears and desires, which make them an excellent way of clueing you into your own subconscious struggles. Have you're dreams been particularly violent lately? You may be frustrated with an injustice of struggling with something you want to change. If you find yourself endlessly searching in your sleep - even for something mundane like a name tag or your keys - it could be that you feel there is something missing in your life.

They aren't just idle brain chatter; your dreams can be excellent tools in processing your thoughts and feelings. Dreaming about little yellow balls after a day of tennis is a pretty easy connection, but some of our less literal associations can be enlightening about everything from how you feel about your ex to what you're in for in the next phase of your life. If you're planning to pay more attention to your own dream world, here are a few tips that can help:
1. Keep a dream journal next to your bed
Try to make a habit of thinking about your dreams as soon as you wake up, especially if they were particularly vivid or disturbing. Then, write them down. We're more likely to remember nightmares, so these can be a good place to start.

2. Don't wait until after breakfast
As is turns out, dreams really are fleeting! You'll forget half the content of a dream within five minutes of waking. After ten, you'll lose about 90%. So write them down as soon as you can.
3. Pay attention to recurring dreams or themes
These represent recurring issues in your life. You may think you've dealt with a particular issue, but if a problem continues to turn up in your sleep, it's a sure sign that it hasn't been resolved.
4. Go beyond the literal
Ever had a dream about Brad Pitt, but he felt like someone else you knew? Your subconscious is dense with thoughts, feelings and images. The more you pay attention to these many layers, the more likely you are to discover something useful about yourself.
5. Rely on your instincts
Dreams tend to communicate in intangibles, in the way something feels rather than what exactly transpires. That means there are no true universal guides. A dream-death that indicates hopelessness in one person might mean a readiness for a new beginning in another. While dream books might give you clues and talking about them can help you process your dreams, only you are qualified to interpret them.
Believe it or not you can learn to recall most all your Dreams.
With these simple techniques you can start remembering dreams within the first or second
Night of practice. It's sort of like self hypnosis in a way. You are simply making suggestions
To your mind before you are completely asleep.
This state of mind is called the borderline sleep level. It is when your brain is most likely to
Absorb the suggestions. They say that certain foods can cause bad dreams.
Then again, sometimes when you eat food before bedtime that gives you indigestion, it might
Seem that it is causing you to have dreams. This is do to the fact that the indigestion is keeping
You slightly awake. You know that borderline sleep level I mentioned earlier, so you are slightly
Aware of these dreams. There is one other thing to consider. If you are having intense dreams
And they are in color then more than likely you are having a OBE.
There are 4 easy steps to this.
1. Preparing for Bed :Try to get the body as relaxed as you can.
If you have to stretch or even do Yoga all the better.
You can even meditate to clear your mind, so that you are more prepared for the next step.
You don't have to eat or refrain from eating before bedtime. You may do as you like.
Try experimenting with eating different foods before bedtime and see if you get any different
Results in the end. Make sure you have a pen and pad handy to write with next to the bed.
2. Programming : This is the most important part. When you get to that borderline sleep level
(which is right before you are completely asleep) you must tell yourself over and over again
That you will remember all your dreams and you will wake up after each dream and write down
Your experience. If you don't like having to repeat all that then try tape recording yourself saying
These things. Make sure that you tape at least 10 - 15 min. Worth. That should be sufficient.
3. Taking Notes :This is also very important. If you successfully wake up after each dream,
Then you must write down everything you can remember in detail. Write down whether the dream
Was in color or black and white. This is why we will keep a pen and pad next the bed. Make sure
Not to put it in the bed with you. You don't want to end up stabbing yourself in your sleep.
Then you must try to go right back to sleep.
Keeping the pen and pad handy. Hopefully you will go right into another dream and repeat the process.
4. Reviewing the Night :Now it is time to review the night. You will be amazed at how many dreams
You actually had that night! I usually find that I have 10 - 15 dreams a night and sometimes more.
Everyone dreams and everyone dreams many times a night, they just don't know they do until they
Try something like this. Make special note of dreams that are in full-blown color, for you will want to
Reference them once you start studying Astral Projection.
10 facts about dreams

10. Blind People Dream

People who become blind after birth can see images in their dreams. People
Who are born blind do not see any images, but have dreams equally vivid
Involving their other senses of sound, smell, touch and emotion. It is hard
For a seeing person to imagine, but the body’s need for sleep is so strong
That it is able to handle virtually all physical situations to make it

9. You Forget 90% of your Dreams

Within 5 minutes of waking, half of your dream if forgotten. Within 10, 90%
Is gone. The famous poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, woke one morning having
Had a fantastic dream (likely opium induced) - he put pen to paper and began
To describe his “vision in a dream” in what has become one of English’s most
Famous poems: Kubla Khan. Part way through (54 lines in fact) he was
Interrupted by a “Person from Porlock“. Coleridge returned to his poem but
Could not remember the rest of his dream. The poem was never completed.

8. Everybody Dreams

Every human being dreams (except in cases of extreme psychological disorder)
But men and women have different dreams and different physical reactions.
Men tend to dream more about other men, while women tend to dream equally
About men and women. In addition, both men and women experience sexually
Related physical reactions to their dreams regardless of whether the dream
Is sexual in nature; males experience erections and females experience
Increased vaginal blood flow.

7. Dreams Prevent Psychosis

In a recent sleep study, students who were awakened at the beginning of each
Dream, but still allowed their 8 hours of sleep, all experienced difficulty
In concentration, irritability, hallucinations, and signs of psychosis after
Only 3 days. When finally allowed their REM sleep the student’s brains made
Up for lost time by greatly increasing the percentage of sleep spent in the
REM stage. [Source]

6. We Only Dream of What We Know

Our dreams are frequently full of strangers who play out certain parts - did
You know that your mind is not inventing those faces - they are real faces
Of real people that you have seen during your life but may not know or
Remember? The evil killer in your latest dream may be the guy who pumped
Petrol in to your Dad’s car when you were just a little kid. We have all
Seen hundreds of thousands of faces through our lives, so we have an endless
Supply of characters for our brain to utilize during our dreams.

5. Not Everyone Dreams in Color

A full 12% of sighted people dream exclusively in black and white. The
Remaining number dream in full color. People also tend to have common themes
In dreams, which are situations relating to school, being chased, running
Slowly/in place, sexual experiences, falling, arriving too late, a person
Now alive being dead, teeth falling out, flying, failing an examination, or
A car accident. It is unknown whether the impact of a dream relating to
Violence or death is more emotionally charged for a person who dreams in
Color than one who dreams in black and white. [Source]

4. Dreams are not about what they are about

If you dream about some particular subject it is not often that the dream is
About that. Dreams speak in a deeply symbolic language. The unconscious mind
Tries to compare your dream to something else, which is similar. Its like
Writing a poem and saying that a group of ants were like machines that never
Stop. But you would never compare something to itself, for example: “That
Beautiful sunset was like a beautiful sunset”. So whatever symbol your dream
Picks on it is most unlikely to be a symbol for itself.

3. Quitters have more vivid dreams

People who have smoked cigarettes for a long time who stop, have reported
Much more vivid dreams than they would normally experience. Additionally,
According to the Journal of Abnormal Psychology: “Among 293 smokers
Abstinent for between 1 and 4 weeks, 33% reported having at least 1 dream
About smoking. In most dreams, subjects caught themselves smoking and felt
Strong negative emotions, such as panic and guilt. Dreams about smoking were
The result of tobacco withdrawal, as 97% of subjects did not have them while
Smoking, and their occurrence was significantly related to the duration of
Abstinence. They were rated as more vivid than the usual dreams and were as
Common as most major tobacco withdrawal symptoms.” [Source]

2. External Stimuli Invade our Dreams

This is called Dream Incorporation and it is the experience that most of us
Have had where a sound from reality is heard in our dream and incorporated
in some way. A similar (though less external) example would be when you are
physically thirsty and your mind incorporates that feeling in to your dream.
My own experience of this includes repeatedly drinking a large glass of
water in the dream which satisfies me, only to find the thirst returning
shortly after - this thirst… drink… thirst… loop often recurs until I wake
up and have a real drink. The famous painting above (Dream Caused by the
Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening) by Salvador
Dali, depicts this concept.

1. You are paralyzed while you sleep

Believe it or not, your body is virtually paralyzed during your sleep - most
likely to prevent your body from acting out aspects of your dreams.
According to the Wikipedia article on dreaming, “Glands begin to secrete a
hormone that helps induce sleep and neurons send signals to the spinal cord
which cause the body to relax and later become essentially paralyzed.”

Bonus: Extra Facts

1. When you are snoring, you are not dreaming.

2. Toddlers do not dream about themselves until around the age of 3. From
the same age, children typically have many more nightmares than adults do
until age 7 or 8.

3. If you are awakened out of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, you are more
likely to remember your dream in a more vivid way than you would if you woke
from a full night sleep.
Recurring Dreams

Recurring dreams can be extremely informative and important to decipher. Your subconscious mind has gone to a great deal of trouble to send the same "dream telegram" several times, and it will generally continue to do so until you recognize the insight being offered, or outgrow the issue being addressed. Often these dreams recur for a discrete period of time, such as during childhood, adolescence, college years, or during a specific relationship or period of employment. If you outgrow or move away from a certain lifestyle you may stop having the recurring dream, unless something in your current situation strikes a similar emotional chord from your past; then the dream may resurface, like an emotional "home movie" of certain feelings and moods.
Recurring dreams often come about for one of two reasons:

First, the dreamer has a recurring pattern in waking life that has not been consciously recognized. These dreams replay an objectively honest, though highly dramatized picture of some behavior or tendency that has an ongoing impact on current circumstances. A woman who chronically gave too much of herself dreamed repeatedly that she was a caterer, although she had never worked in the hospitality field. A man with an uncontrolled temper dreamed he carried a sword with which he beheaded anyone who crossed him. A woman who married into a rigid, old-fashioned family and tried to accommodate their restrictions had a series of dreams set in Nazi concentration camps. Like many recurring themes, these dreams reflected current conditions waking life, and illustrated the ways in which these people contributed to the very things that troubled them.

A second common connection with recurring dreams is a cyclical area of unresolved feelings or concern for the dreamer. People who have suffered abuse, trauma, injury or loss will frequently have recurring dreams about their painful experience which lessen in frequency and intensity over time. Any type of personal grief, loss, or anxiety can have a ripple effect that makes us feel vulnerable, and unable to adequately control the elements of life. When faced with any experience similar to the area of loss or threat from the past, we may dream again of the lover who left us at the alter, the teacher who ridiculed our speech, or the childhood friend we haven't seen in years. Recurring Dreams Try to Problem-Solve: In many recurring dreams we are attempting to resolve a problem; these attempts may help slightly, be laughably ineffectual, or make matters worse. These attempted solutions often reflect the manner in which we are trying to go about matters in
Waking life. It is important to identify the part of your life that is being reviewed in the dreams, but it is also important to examine the way you respond during the dream action. You may notice that you are waiting in a line where you will never be served, or that you are zealously trying to chop wood with a butter knife. Recurring dreams shed light on things we're missing while we are awake; sometimes we can see we are barking up the wrong tree, and other times we are given clues toward a more workable solution.
You Are the Authority on Your Dreams: Whatever your recurring dream, you can assume it is reflecting something in your current life situation, even if the dream takes you back in time. Presuppose there is something useful and constructive within your recurring dreams, and examine the action and setting from a metaphorical perspective. These dreams can reflect the pieces of your life in a more meaningful whole, so sort through their action carefully. Examine the common dream themes to stimulate your personal associations to dream imagery, but remember, these descriptions are strong probabilities, not rules. You are the best judge of what your dreams reveal.
The following are general themes offered to get you started with your own dream explorations:

Being Chased
Unprepared for the Exam
Not Enough Credits to Graduate
You Lost Your Car
Your Teeth Fell Out
Climbing Uphill
Naked In Public

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