Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Limitations-A Practical Guide

Limitations are perhaps one of the most important things to consider when working out the parameters of any ritual, working or spell, yet are one of the things most often overlooked or ignored by folks. I'm sure there are other names that folks use, but I use the term limitations, as it serves as a very obvious, to me at least, reminder of what they are and why they are needed.

Now down to the most basics. Limitations are by their very nature, obviously limits. They set conditions and restrictions on the spell or ritual you are working on. Which is a very practical and important thing, regardless of if you're a hedge witch, or the most distinguished of ritual magicians.

Why do we need limitations? The answer should be obvious, but in many cases folks ignore the obvious. We need them so that we have a clear goal, a clear path, and a clear means of achieving that end that we're working towards.

I'll offer up a perfect example. Let's say you're doing a spell or working by whatever name you call it to find the 'perfect' (for you) job. Why would you need to set limitations on such an obvious simple and ideal goal *grins and snickers* Well first off, an obvious limit would be a job that you are able to accept. Another obvious one, is a job that you are able to get to with a reasonable amount of effort. It's not going to help if your 'perfect job' is one that you have no way to get to. Say you have to rely on public transit and no public transit runs near the job's that help you then? Another one is to make sure it's a job that you are qualified for. *snorts* Now don't get me wrong, but the idiot just out of school who expects to get a job that pays at the level of someone with twenty or more years of experience in that job gets is obviously not going to get that kind of 'legitimate' job offer.

An even better example would relate to spells and workings connected to healing. You CAN NOT force the body to heal faster than it is capable of. If you try to do such, you'll cause more harm than good. Causing a broken bone to heal instantly, before it's been properly set is a very obvious, even if not realistic, example. The body can only do so much in a set time frame, exhausting it trying to accelerate the healing process beyond the limits it has, is going to do more harm than good.

The classic; and to me, much abhorred; love spell. You do the spell to meet Mr/Ms Perfect...only you left out one or two important little details. Maybe they're married? Too old/young for you ? How about ego or vanity the size of Mother Earth? *cackles* Yep, you got EXACTLY what you asked for, but was it what you really wanted?

Money spells, another area of much debate. I'll not start that old arguement up about the ethics, need, etc. That's a whole different thread. But consider what you're asking for. Do you need to put limits on it? There's that classic cautionary tale of 'The Monkey's Paw' to serve as a reminder of exactly why one should be careful what they ask for. Asking for great wealth, if it's granted, doesn't always mean it will come about in a way you want, expect, or desire. How would you feel about the favorite relative(s) who kick the bucket just in time for your working for massive money to come true? Now granted, it's on the less likely side, but ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Especially if you don't put limits on how you phrase your working.

Just a reminder to look beyond the obvious and consider the hidden catches that can bite you on the rear.

The Silent One

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