Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Inner Powers

The Inner Powers
By Remez Sasson

We all possess various inner powers, but they are often in a dormant state. In order to awaken these inner powers and start using them, special training and inner work is required. Sometimes, due to various unpredicted circumstances, some of these powers might manifest unexpectedly and temporarily.

What are these inner powers? Let's review them briefly:

The Power of concentration
This is the ability of focusing the attention on one single object or thought, and at the same time excluding all other unrelated thoughts from the mind.

Concentrating on one single thought or subject directs the mental energies into one point and prevents their dissipation. Concentration strengthens the power of the thought focused on, and can achieve wonders. This action is similar to the action of a magnifying glass that concentrates the rays of the sun into one single beam, and which can then burn a piece of paper.

This ability can be developed through special exercises. Any time spent on such exercises is time well spent. The more time and energy you devote to strengthening the power of concentration, the stronger this ability becomes.

This is the inner strength to make decisions, take action and handle and execute any aim or task, regardless of inner resistance, discomfort or difficulty. It manifests as inner firmness, decisiveness, determination, resolution and persistence.

This inner power manifests as the ability to forgo instant gratification in favor of something better, and of the giving up of instant pleasure and satisfaction for a higher goal. It is the ability of the individual to stick to actions, thoughts and behavior, and which leads to improvement and success.

The power of imagination
This is the ability to experience a whole world inside the mind. Imagination is a creative power. By training and using it correctly one can create and attract health, wealth, happiness and favorable events and circumstances.

Imagination is not limited only to seeing pictures in the mind. Feelings and sensations relating to all the five senses can be imagined too. It is possible to imagine sounds, tastes, scents, physical sensations, feelings and emotions.

A well developed and strong imagination does not make one a daydreamer or an impractical person. On the contrary, it strengthens the creative abilities, the ability to solve problems and is a great tool for recreating and remodeling one's life and circumstances.

This is a great power that can change one's whole life. It is used extensively in magick, creative visualization and affirmations. The power of the imagination creates and transforms circumstances and events. When you know how to work with it you can make our hearts' desires come true.

It is so easy to stop and give up when one's plans don't turn out as expected or take too much time to accomplish. Persistence manifests as the inner strength to continue in spite of difficulties, obstacles and failure.

Motivation is an inner driving force, which directs one toward a chosen aim or goal. In order to accomplish anything, one needs a driving, directing power, otherwise nothing would happen, and motivation supplies this power.

Wishful thinking is not strong enough to make one take action. A wish is a weak desire. Only a strong desire can drive one forward, to take action, follow plans and accomplish desires and goals.

This is faith in one's abilities, strength and power. Confidence leads to courage, doing things, trying new things and to success.

This is the ability to remain calm and uninvolved on the emotional and mental levels. This ability saves one a lot of trouble, discomfort, fears and worries. Detachment helps one to accept calmly what cannot be changed and go on with one's life. Detachment leads to inner balance and peace.

Peace of Mind
A peaceful mind is free from the compulsion of incessant and restless thinking and worrying. When thoughts do not disturb the tranquility of the mind one experiences inner happiness. A person possessing peace of mind is calm and in control of himself. Such a person retains inner balance under almost all conditions, and is hardly affected by negative circumstances and situations.

Can you imagine a successful person, who cannot concentrate on a task, hasn't the willpower to follow his or her goal or is unable to visualize the kind of success he or she desires to attain?

Can anyone reach high spiritual levels without concentration, will power and self-discipline?

Even people who pursue psychic or occult training need the above-mentioned inner powers.

Do you wish to follow a particular course of action, change habits, lose weight, learn a new skill, study or succeed in your examinations?

Do you desire to develop psychic powers, clairvoyance or telepathy?

Do you want to excel in creative visualization?

Whatever is your aim in life is, all of the above mentioned inner powers are of great importance and should be developed and strengthened.

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