Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Part 1

Remember when your mother told you to be careful at play and to stay away from strangers? She insisted that you handle sharp objects carefully, avoid poison, and wear good shoes. She even told you not to stand under anything dangling from a rope. Back then, you thought she was a pessimist, but she wasn't. She was actually talking to your Moon.

While radical congenital difficulties are shown by your Sun, your Moon is also an important indicator of your health. Your Moon Sign describes acute illnesses, accidents, and acquired health problems either developed through habit or derived from your environment. Interpretations of the Moon's placement by sign usually explain the relationships, environments, or emotional responses you have with persons and situations met in life. Although not minute-by-minute accounts, they are the background routines that tend to have a strong influence on how you act and react. Actions, reactions, and inaction lead to patterns and habits that can develop into illness by inhibiting your good health and awareness. If you continually ignore your reactions with your surroundings, you could find yourself in a chronic state of discomfort.

Illness, Accident, and Recuperation

At your birth, the Moon was in a specific sign. Throughout your life, that natal position has described how your body responds to passing or repetitive illness and accidents. Though the Moon in your chart indicates these difficulties, it also provides you with certain strengths and personal healing techniques to withstand them. For instance, each Moon sign endows a healing light. During hospital stays or prolonged rest, you can bathe in the glow of colored light to enhance your recuperation and healing.

With such information, you can intervene against illness and use your strengths to remain healthy. An insightful or holistic healthcare provider, with an understanding of medical astrology, will give you more information and help you ward off health problems by training you to change destructive habits or minimize them with preventative care.

Moon in Aries

The Aries temperament is known for its impetuosity. You jump straight into any fracas at top speed without thinking and often get in over your head. In the body, Aries rules the head, the muscular system, and the adrenal glands, which pump adrenaline into the bloodstream and account for a body's vigor, speed, and abrupt changes.

Speed characterizes the types of ailments and accidents of the Moon in Aries. Your illnesses tend to be immediate or heated: facial neuralgia, twitches, fever, gum infections, headaches, hemorrhaging or bleeding, inflammations, measles, muscular spasms, convulsions, postnatal drip, sharp pains, sores, toothaches, tinnitus of the ears, vertigo, or weakness of the eyes. As a matter of habit, you can exhaust yourself by attempting to simulate adrenaline rushes through overconsumption of stimulants in coffee, tobacco, and pills. Accidents, including animal bites, burns, cuts, crashes, and scalded skin, are quick and happen regularly.

To avoid health problems, you benefit from regular heath examinations and early attention to aches, pains, and twinges. When recuperating, bathe in a bright red light or wear red to evoke your sense of hope and energy.

Moon in Taurus

Deliberation and deliberative action describe Taurus. Being a person of few words, you prefer to take your time, observing activities and resources before you step into situations. Once committed, however, you are in for the log haul. Taurus rules the throat, neck, and the thyroid gland, which regulates the body's metabolism through rise and fall of internal temperature.

Taurus illnesses tend to be durational. Generally, your throat is the target of soreness, dryness, and tonsillitis. Your propensity to wait and see is not a blessing, as throat problems could cause abscesses or membranous growths. Your ability to wait also reflects in your body, where you usually tend to put on pounds from low activity or an underactive thyroid. At the same time, you generally are not accident-prone since you cannot be rushed into anything and always look ahead for problems.

For the most part, you are usually in good health, although you need regular exercise to release accumulated poisons in the body. Overall, your health depends on and benefits from plain eating and living. During periods of recuperation, use a pale-blue light or wear pale blue, which will increase demonstrativeness, kindness, tenderness, and sympathy.

Moon in Gemini

Butterflies must be Geminis, they're constantly in motion and just as hard to catch. As a Gemini, you are adroit at juggling many activities at once and need constant stimulation. Not much of an eater, you are thought to survive on your nerves alone. Gemini rules the arms and shoulders, the brain, the neural network throughout the body, the lungs, and the autonomic activity of respiration.

Many of Gemini's ills concern the breath and nerves, which are overwrought and gradually weakened by constant activity and poor rest. Your desire to be ever-ready for the new, different, and exciting makes you open to lung problems such as asthma, bronchitis, or pleurisy of the lung lining. Without proper attention, you run the risk of viral pneumonia and tuberculosis. Nervous disorders manifest as weak arms and shoulders, with wandering or shooting pains, sleeplessness, and insomnia. You experience accidents such as breaking your arms or collarbones, and you can be prone to automobile fender benders.

Rest is your greatest medicine; however, when recuperation is required, a light or clothing in pale yellow will steady your mind, increase mental continuity, and release you from the bonds of sensation.

Moon in Cancer

Adaptable Cancer has a magnetic attraction to the suffering of others. In an attempt to create comfort, you tend to take on others' worries and illnesses. Cancer rules the breasts, mammary glands, and the preparatory digestive system, which includes the alimentary canal, stomach, pancreas, and gallbladder. The stomach, pancreas, and gallbladder prepare food for absorption in the intestinal tract.

Your ailments arise from irregularity. Overeating, junk foods, long intervals between meals, or repetitious eating leads to chronic illness such as food allergies and digestive malabsorption. Imbalanced nutrition overburdens the stomach and deteriorates the pancreas and gallbladder, causing heartburn, indigestion, and stomach ulcers. Food that is not properly treated in the first digestive process cannot be absorbed in the intestines, which leaves the body's cells starved, creating edema (water retention), or a general malfunctioning and abnormal growth (cancer). Accidental poisonings arise from tainted foods and impure water.

Set a standard for pure living, know where your food comes from and how it is prepared. Breaking the habits of junk food and sweets early will minimize your tendency to heavier weight later in life. Any time you are in recuperation, use a pale violet light or clothing to expunge magnetic transfers from others and soften your awareness of serious illness.

Moon in Leo

Leo has a very regal presence and is the epitome of commitment, directing projects or developing relationships to their natural end. You play and work hard, sometimes overdoing things to the detriment of your health. Leo rules the back, spinal column, and heart--major supports for other body systems. It also rules the thymus, an endocrine gland which generates the immunological defense system in early childhood.

Your illnesses relate to strain on the back, spine, and heart. Because you have a strong constitution, overexertion and physical stress can result in lumbago of the lower back or heart afflictions, such as palpitations and heart attack. When your body is not replenished with food, water, or rest, you are prone to fainting and, in extreme hot weather, sunstroke and heat exhaustion. Generally, you are not prone to accidents, being more careful about your actions than most signs.

You are endowed with a great vitality and strong constitution, although overdoing it can wear you down. Because you keep a youthful self-image, you need to develop a measured pace for work and play after mid-life. During any recuperation period or when you need a rest, use an orange light to deter disease and to strengthen weak tissues.

by Leeda Alleyn Pacotti,
copyright 2000

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