Wednesday, August 18, 2010




Pax, the essence of peace, settle once more in my heart and soul, much has
Happened for which I am not proud. I've fallen along the Path of Beauty, and
Find it hard to stand once more. It's as if the wind of Spirit has been knocked
Out of me and the light eludes me. Please reach down with a helping hand and
Help me find my way home.

Let me integrate the important lessons of this experience so history doesn't
Repeat itself. Let me remain conscious of what has happened so I can repair the
Damage done to myself or anyone else. But don't let me dwell in self pity or
Condemnation -- those feelings bear no life, no well being and serve nothing
Positive. Replace them with the hope that comes from a new awareness, change,
And a readiness to meet the future as a better person for my experience.

So be it....

God/dess, your names and faces are many. Your ideals have been tinted by
Cultures, eras, politics, and social trends. Yet, the core of Universal truth
Remains in every tree and brook, every star and stone. This is the nucleaus of
All humankind's Spirits. Help us to see this central root as a binding tie
Through which we all can be nurtured.

While our words are different, they mean much the same. The differences that
Seperate us come from limited human vision, which cannot look beyond dogma.
Broaden our understanding to see as you see, to identify each other as brothers
And sisters of Spirit.

The path of beauty is many things to many people, but always leads back to you.
Help us recognize that you are the sacred parent. Any power so great as to
Create our diversity cannot be confided to one image or one creed. Help us find
Wonder and joy in our differences and appreciate our similarities. Today, and
Always we are all children of one family, both divine yet mortal - the family of


Hermes, messenger of the Gods, hear my prayer. Braggi, divine guardian of the
Nectars of the muses, hear my prayer. While the people of earth speak many
Languages, we all have similar desires and dreams. Help us share these with one
Another in gentleness and truth.

No matter the tongue or setting, help us find a universal language with which to
Know each other - not by color, culture, or creed, but as fellow human beings.
Even when we differ in opinions, let our words be sweet upon our lips, kind,
Insightful, and filled with peaceful intentions. Let our conversations be
Honest, buildt on a foundation of mutual respect, nurtured by mutual aspiration,
To eventually bloosom with love.

Guardian of all that is, Sacred, our world is hurting. People are hurting. War,
Crime, apathy, and negativity threaten to destroy the wonders of earth and its
Inhabitants. Reach out from the center of the Universe and motivate the winds of
Change. Help save us from ourselves.

Today, if you will guide me, I now give my hands, heart, and magic to the goal
Of world peace. Let me be gentle with myself and others. Let me care for those
Around me, no matter our differences. Where anger dwells help me bring harmony:
Where I see apathy, help me inspire: where there is negativity, help me affirm
And uplift.

Before the waves of conflict swell beyond the walls of goodness and decency,
Help all humankind do likewise. Let the walls (of goodness and decency) that
Seperate us come tumbling down, dismantled by honest effort and random acts of
Kindness. Drop a blanket of peace upon this planet to wrap us all in wholeness
Once more.


Light of Light, blazing through all time, space, and dimensions, come!
Illuminate the darkness that seems to engulf me. Push back the night until it
Becomes day once more. Don't allow the waves of _________ (how you have been
Feeling) to overwhelm me. Become my buoy. My strength through this storm.

I am willing to fight to stand up for truth and love. My resolve is strengthened
Knowing you're at my side. Help me to see clearly, to speak honestly, to hear
And really listen, and to reach out for support when my determination waivers.
Light of Light, hear this prayer, cast out the shadows wherever they may lie,
Including my own heart.

So mote it be...

Lord of Song, Lady of Dance, see the heaviness of my heart - the waves of
Sadness that threaten to drown the spark of my spirit. Help me find the light of
Hope in this darkness and follow it back to wholeness.

Let me find joy in the knowledge that I am not alone. Let me find happiness in
myself, my gifts, my friends, and family. Remind me that the greatest blessings
are not always part of the tangible world, but those that come in silent moments
of the soul. Refill the well of my spirit now, till it overflows with gladness.

So be it...

Kwan Yin, Goddess of mercy, She who is said to answer all sincere prayers, I
call to you. I stand at an impasse. I know not the way; no matter what I try,
the obstacles remain firm.

What lesson does this wall teach me? What benefit is there in waiting? Why can I
not move ahead? These are the questions that lay heavy on my heart. If I am to
move, guide my way. If I am to stay, help me stay. Grant me your vision but for
a moment so I can think and act wisely for the best possible outcome.

So be it....

Ancient Ones, I come before you to ask for renewal. Renew my body - give it
strength, energy and stamina with which to continue caring for myself. Wherever
sickness dwells, replace it with health. Renew my mind - give it peace,
understanding, insight, and keen awareness so that faith has foundations in
truth and reality. Wherever unhealthy thoughts dwell, replace them with hope.

Renew my spirit - give it discernment, harmony and the spark of all magic.
Wherever darkness dwells replace it with light. Let this shine from within to
act as a beacon for all my actions and thoughts.

So mote it be...

Venus, Frigg, Cupid, Krishna, all powers who embody the spirit of love, I come
to you. Fill every corner of my life with the wonder and power of love. Let me
first love myself so that I appreciate the temple that houses my soul and all
its amazing abilities. Help me to better accept love into my life by taking down
any walls between me and those I care about.

Today and everyday let me show more love to others. Let my words be filled with
kindness and truth. Let my thoughts be filled with good will. Let my heart
overflow with charity and my actions reflect that energy. When I meet another in
pain, let love in and around my life act as a salve to his or her wounds. Help
me to love freely and purely, without any expectations or selfishness as I walk
the Path of Beauty,

So be it....

Nucleus of the Universe, I have lost my way. My thoughts are scattered, my
actions uncertain. My heart doubtful. Numerous ________ (choices, idea's etc)
leave me hesitant to move, yet afraid to wait. Help me to find my focus again,
to reclaim order in my life and mind.

Help me to listen to the still small voice within that knows what priority to
set, and how to accomplish that goal. Give me a signpost to follow from within
or without, and set my eyes firmly upon it until the task is done.

So be it....

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