Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Reading The Face

The face is a rich source of information about human behavior and is often part
Of a psychic reading. Facial displays indicate emotion, pain, brain function and
Pathology/health, and regulate social behavior.

Facial aging is linked to genetics and the life the person has lead. It is also
Affected by time spent outdoors.

Cosmetic surgery allows us to change and enhance our facial flaws thus
Reinventing our personality.

Early on in life we learn to recognize facial features and expression as a key
To personality. Many people become skilled at analyzing personality types and
Disorders based on facial features, hair, and facial expressions, eye movements,
And particularly nervous habits. One might view this as 'face reading' - reading
someone's face. The more we experience in life, the better we get at reading
Faces and relating them to personality types.

The information below is general and not accurate in al cases. It is a brief
Overview of what you brain processes when meeting someone.

Facial analysis is not an exact science, but rather subjective, and open to many
Factors in a persons' life, from genetics to environmental influences.

The next thing one notices is a person's hair especially on a woman and if there
Is something special about it. To look young, keep your hair in a youthful color
And style. Style, tecture, color, length reflect personality and personality
Disorders, from sexuality to homosexuality. Poeple who color their hair black,
General suffer from depression. Astrological signs often link with hair, for
Example, someone with a Leo Sun, with generally have a thick mane of hair.

The Face
It all begins with the eye- consciousness and perception.
When 2 people meet, eye contact allows them, within a few seconds, to determine
A connection or not. Eyes are the windows of the soul and reflect our inner self
And issues.

Eye color is important, with light eye often more favorable then brown. The
Lighter the better. Uniquely colored eyes, lighter shades of blue, seem to
Trigger higher frequnecy spiritual significance for some.

The person who looks away or has has small squinty eyes is secretive and perhaps
A dysfuntional personality, and someone who does not want to relate. In
Contrast, a wandering or shifty eye portends a nature given to unsettled and
Inconsistent habits.

Same face builds trust, not lustBBC - March 2005 - "Similar facial features make
People trust, but not fancy, each other"

Direct eye contact reflects a more functional personality, someone direct and

Unevenly set eyes convey that the person is capable of seeing things from a
Different perspective and applying lateral thought processes to resolving
Problems - an analytic person at best.

With a balanced personality the person has one eye width between other eyes, it
Is even and thus balanced. Closer set eyes, to the nose, implies a more limited
View of the world. This person may prefer codependent realtionshps, often
Remaining at home and not leaving the family in adulthood. This also goes to the
Person whose life path is parental caretaker. In this case, the person may feel
Heated in life, have emotional problems involving moods swings. Professional
Help should be sought.

People with eyes set wider apart, may be more open minded about life and
Reality. They often fall into the holistic sciences as a means of self
Awareness, and find themselves in creative careers that reflect their inner
Issues. They need space, to be sure and can move on with the drop of a hat. Some
Have learning challenges, but that does not mean you should be the one to point
Out their faults, or they will leave. Not bad as friend, but not good in

Deep set eyes go to a deep, intense personality. These are the observers who
Like creative things and inspiring others, with artistic expression. They are
Soul searchers, often here to make a difference with their endeavors. They are
Romantic and sometimes spontaneous. They are of sound judgement, compassionate
And serious minded.

A philosopher's face may often also display a deepset soul window or heavy


If you look at the eyelids of people through the millennia who were the seers,
Creative geniuses, writers, and more, you will note they all have heavy eyelids.

The shape of the eyebrows is easily altered with tweezing or waxing excess hair.
One must note the end result to associate with personality type. Many people
Enhance their eyebrows with pencil or eye shadows. As people age, or if they are
Sick, the partail or full loss of one or both eyebrows is possible.

In general, a developed brow line shows a high degree of dexterity or ability
With the hands (engineers, electronics, civil engineers, drafts persons and
Architects). Outgoing personalities have full, well shaped eyebrows. People who
Are observant and who have to combine refined measurements with dexterity will
have the brow line well developed. The highly arched or ideal brow is thought of
as a dramatic brow. The low set brow reveals an impulsive temperament while a
higher brow signals a more cautious attitude to decision making. A single thick
brow over the nose bridge is a sign of intensity and possessive or jealous
nature. A straight brow is the sign of an aesthetic and sensitive temperament.

The Forehead
Wrinkles and lines are generally genetic. They may speak of problems, and are
sometimes called 'worry lines.' Wrinkles could be less than skin deepNew
Scientist - March 2005

The Nose
The Mouth

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