Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Herbal Dreamcraft

Herbal Dreamcraft

Dream Divination: Sights into the future, burn frankincense, dried
Jasmine flowers, or mugwort in bedroom before going to sleep. Tea
Brewed from mugwort or rosebuds will also work. You can also sleep
With ash leaves, bay leaves, cinquefoil, heliotrope, holly, jasmine
Flowers, marigold flowers, mimosa, mugwort, onion, or yarrow under
Your pillow.

Dreams of Guidance for Love matters: sleep with any of the following
Herbs above your bed or underneath your pillow; cinquefoil, marjoram,
Vervain, and yarrow.

Dreams of Spiritual Guidance: drink mint tea before sleeping, or
Sleep with Buchu leaves or mint leaves under your pillow.

Enhance Dream Recall: mugwort, passionflower leaves, and rosemary.
Drink as tea before going to bed or place under your pillow while

Healing Dreams: drink tea-potion made from catnip or mint, burn cedar
As a magickal dream incense, or sleep with agrimony, catnip, mint,
Sandalwood, or thyme under the pillow.

Mugwort: Most potent herb for dreamcraft. Aids in astral projection
And lucid dreaming when burned as incense or placed under pillow
While sleeping. Brew a tea from mugwort and drink it just before
Going to bed in order to strengthen psychic and magickal dream

Prophetic Dream Visions: Make dream pillows or potions with any of
The following herbs; adder's tongue, agrimony, anise, camphor,
Cinnamon, daisy, holly, hops, ivy, lemon verbena, lesser celandine,
Mandrake root, marigold, mistletoe, mugwort, onion, peppermint,
Purslane, rose, Saint John's wort, verbena, vervain, wormwood, and

Psychic and Spiritual Growth: burn frankincense or mugwort, drink
Mugwort tea, or sleep with the herb underneath or sewn into your

Spiritual Protection: Burn cedar incense before going to bed. Keep
Live hyacinth plant near your bed, or sleep with any of the following
Herbs underneath your pillow; anise seeds, marigold flowers,
Mistletoe, mullein, purslane, rosemary, thyme, Ti plant, and yarrow.
Will also guard against nightmares, psychic attacks, and baleful
Phantoms of the night.

Sweet Dreams and Restful Nights: Place any of the following herbs
Under your pillow; catnip, hops, mistletoe, passionflower leaves,
Psyllium seeds, and vervain. Rub juice of a lettuce on your forehead
Or eating its leaves before going to sleep will also help

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