Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Low Magick-Excerpts From The Book Of Shadows

Excerpts from the Book of Shadows
Dream Journal
Often your dreams will give an indication of where you are in the course of the
Work, and the Work will stimulate your dreaming. Keeping a dream journal will
Improve your memory of your dreams. You should keep a pen and your journal next
To your sleeping area so you can write down the details of your dreams as soon
As you awaken and before they slip away. The last dream you have is usually the
Most important. Write something every day, even if only to note that you don't
Remember anything. ALWAYS write the full date. If you sleep somewhere other than
Your regular location, don't forget to take your dream journal with you. By
Reading your journal at a later date and remembering your dreams, you are
Pushing your consciousness to return to its focus in the spiritual world. This
May be the most important reason for keeping a dream journal.


Nine Paths of Union1.Trance - a small movement of the consciousness which may
Result in projection of consciousness or psychic events

2.Witches' Cradle - consciousness is turned within and becomes aware of
Spiritual energies not normally noticed

3.Fire - flame has a beneficial effect on the body, and when light from the
Flame is slowed down with your mind, it aids transformation of the physical body

4.Ritual - uses spiritual tides to accumulate power, and frees consciousness to
Focus on other realms

5.Music - chanting in rhyme, and the repetition of sounds opens doors to other

6.Sex - an exchange of energies, it imitates the Great Work and accelerates the

7.Dance - the deprivation of oxygen causes the brain to use unused systems
8.Drugs - allow new or unusual patterns of thought, belief and feeling to emerge

9.Meditation - meditation is a method of directing your consciousness by
Crossing the bridge of inner silence


Solar HolidaysSamhain (October 31) - the Veil between the worlds opens; step

Candlemas ( January 31) - the Rite of Purification
Beltaine (April 30) - the Marriage of the Forces
Lammas (July 31) - harvest the Fruit of the Work
Winter Solstice (December 21) - the Sun at Midnight; shed old ways
Spring Equinox (March 21) - begin anew to develop your power
Summer Solstice (June 21) - sublimate the power
Fall Equinox (September 21) - manifestation of the Stars
Full Moon Energies1. Sun (Aries) - renewed life
Moon (Libra) - precipitates decision
2. Sun (Taurus) - raising of desire
Moon (Scorpio) - increases the testing fires
3. Sun (Gemini) - weaving the web of partnership
Moon (Sagittarius) - marshals companions for the long journey
4. Sun (Cancer) - invoking the power of the uninitiated
Moon (Capricorn) - obliges initiates' response
5. Sun (Leo) - integrated individuals
Moon (Aquarius) - integrate the world
6. Sun (Virgo) - nurturing the power within
Moon (Pisces) - guarantees eventual seership
7. Sun (Libra) - pausing to weigh, choose, decide
Moon (Aries) - benefits next beginning
8. Sun (Scorpio) - purificatory tests
Moon (Taurus) - illumination via speech
9. Sun (Sagittarius) - exerting toward goal after goal
Moon (Gemini) - stimulates companion's evolution
10. Sun (Capricorn) - mountaintop experience of the few
Moon (Cancer) - gives direction to the uninitiated
11. Sun (Aquarius) - sense of universality
Moon (Leo) - expands selfhood into grouphood
12. Sun (Pisces) - total commitment to Spirit
Moon (Virgo) - fulfills service intent


The Magick CircleThe Circle is the meeting place of the Spirit and the Children
Of the Spirit, and is located between the worlds of the visible and the
Invisible. The magick Circle binds and subdues the power of the higher realms,
And contains the power raised within it. The power raised within the Circle has
A life and form of its own, and when it is released from the circle it builds
Its form and manifests in the various realms according to its power and
Instructions. In essence, the Circle is a tool by the use of which the order of
Things can be changed, healing can be performed, and spiritual wholeness and
Growth may be brought about. Ever do we aspire to greater heights, but being
Earthbound still, we must invoke the Spirit from its realm that we may commune
With it between the worlds.
Generally a nine foot circle is used, cast thrice about, but the Circle may be
Any size that is convenient to the working of Magick. The Circle is cast
Counterclockwise from the north (for Witches) or east (for Magicians), and at
The end of ALL Work it is banished clockwise from the north or east,
respectively. Candles are placed at the cardinal points for the Watchtowers. The
four Watchtowers are symbolic of the four elements which combine to form the
various realms. The elemental powers are summoned to the Circle to aid in
protecting the Temple of the Spirit and in working Magick. This summoning is
accomplished by drawing an invoking pentagram at each quarter with a magickal
tool. The Watchtower Guardians are invoked before working Magick, and banished
when all Magick has been worked and the Circle is closed. The Gateway is located
in the true North. None may enter or leave the Circle save by the northern Gate,
for this is the Way Between The Worlds. Those who are wise in the Mystery of the
Circle know that there are two Gates which must be passed through in order to
truly enter the Circle. Thus, we must purify ourselves before entering the
Circle. The Outer Gate may be dispensed with altogether.
The Circle may be cast and used by a single individual or by a group. Several
participants lend extra energy to the Work, but their energies must be brought
into harmony for the working. The Circle is normally cast according to solar and
lunar holidays to tap the 'seasonal' flux of energies, or as needed for a


Magickal RulesSympathy - like produces like
Contagion - once together (connected), always together
Doctrine of Signatures - attributes without mirror attributes within
Maxim of Persistence - perfection is eternal
Rule of Three - thrice spoken, once fulfilled
Law of Ubiquity - flame permeates all
Law of Dichotomy - dominance or submission


ElementalsThese are localized aspects of the four types of energy which flow
through all realities we experience and give form to our manifested universes:
solids, liquids, gases and radiant or plasmic energy (earth, water, air, fire):
Earth--Salts and Powders--Riches and Treasure--Happy spirits
Water--Washes and Solutions--Plants and Healing--Will aid gnomes for prosperity
Air--Oils and Incense--Knowledge & Inspiration--Attracted by incantations
Fire--Fire and Incense--Freedom and Change--Least interested in humans


The Cardinal FourThe explanation of the "cardinal" four or "turning" points of
human experience, with their hierarchies of correspondence including the
Watchtowers and elements, comes to us through Mathematics, the Divine Science
(Science of the Divine). Our basic premise is that the structure and
characteristic behavior of all of manifestation is explainable as an act of sex,
which is magickally defined as the exchange of energy between male and female
forces. The beginning of sex, and therefore of creation and destruction, can be
said to have developed in the following order:
1. Differentiated Father-Mother, God-Goddess, Yin-Yang existing in one, with
perfect balance of forces and no motion.
2. Separation of male and female forces; the beginning of duality, life (motion)
and sex (exchange of energy).
3. The interaction of Father and Mother in division results in the creation of a
Magickal Child, a Son-Daughter, male and female in one. It is necessary for one
polarity of this Magickal Child to be active and the other dormant in order for
the Son-Daughter to have life (motion).

4. This fourfold Trinity constitutes the Godhead, the primal Father-Mother and
their agent of expression, the Son-Daughter (Logos and Eros, or Will and Love).
Thus the triangle (male, female and their relationship) constitutes the basic
structure of reality, but the Mystery of the four-sided triangle (as embodied in
the Tetragrammaton, where two letters representing the Son-Daughter are the same
except for gender) constitutes the Higher Knowledge of reality. The exchange of
energy between these aspects of the Godhead give us the primary patterns or
archetypes of manifestation. This trinity of forces can exchange energy in only
four different combinations, thus: A,B,C = A-B, B-C, A-C, A-B-C.
5. Thus the fourfold structure of all energy patterns, including the four
elements and Watchtowers and magickal seasons and tides of power. These four
combinations plus each of the three aspects of the Godhead individually give us
the archetypical sevenfold process. Thus the directions of the Circle are:
(1) the four cardinal points (Watchtowers)
(2) the three points of Spirit (the Abyss above, the Abyss below and the
seed-center where all forces are balanced).
Elemental Attributions: Hermetic Axiom - "As above, so below,but after a
different manner."
Father - Fire / Mother - Water / Son - Air / Daughter - Earth
Above (archetypical level) - Fire/East -- Air/South-- Water/West -- Earth/North
Below (realm of Becoming ruled by Son/Sun) - Air/East -- Fire/South --
Water/West -- Earth/North
The four elements are used in the ancient philosophical manner, wherein they
describe four archetypical modes in which energy expresses itself; more limited,
but analogous modern scientific terms are earths/solids, water/liquids,
air/gases and fire/radiant or plasmic energy.
The Lord of the Four Directions has been worshipped throughout history in what
is sometimes called the Cult of John (cf - Jnana - Higher Knowledge - that which
is gained through evolution of seed-consciousness into perfect mastery of itself
and surrounding phenomena - in other words, the Magickal Adept. Tibetan - DYZAN,
Chinese - D'Chan, Latin - Juno, Janus, Djana [Diana], Italian - Janara [witch],
Basque - Dxana, Basa Jaun, Janicot, English - Little John, Spanish - Don Juan,
etc. )

Elemental WorkingsThe four elements are represented and manipulated in the
Circle by four magickal tools: Fire - Wand or Staff, Air - Knife or Sword, Water
- Cup or Cauldron, Earth - Pantacle or Altar. Practioners of Magick use these
tools to manipulate energy in many ways. To prepare yourself for these energy
manipulations, here are four preliminary workings:

Work of the Wand
Spiritual Will1. Perform Tree of Knowledge meditation
2. Centering
Close your eyes and look up through the top of your head to test your alignment.
You should see so much light that you feel like you have to open your eyes to
let it out. If you see little light, visualize yourself descending the spheres
of the Tree from the top sphere to the bottom sphere three times and try again.
Use this regularly until the light gets bright. Visualize your spiritual self
above your head and bathed in white light. Then feel your astral/emotional body
move into place beneath the spiritual body, filling happily with light because
your emotions are relaxed and happy. The mental body moves into place beneath
the astral, completing the circuit as white light flows through it into the
physical. Maintaining a good alignment of the bodies will allow your spiritual
will to guide you in your actions.

Work of the Cup
Emotional Beliefs1. Perform Tree of Knowledge meditation
2. Altering the past
Lie down, relax and collect your consciousness as a bright point of light at
your brow center. Visualize and will your consciousness to expand, first to room
size, then the block, then ocean to ocean, finally off the earth to view it as a
disc. Descend into past event and recall and relive the event up to the point
you want to change, and will and visualize a new ending to the event. Then rise
off of the earth again and descend back into your body in the present. Repeat
this as often as your feel it is necessary; a successful change of the past will
result in an alteration of your feelings and beliefs in the present.

Work of the Sword
Intellectual Concepts1. Perform Tree of Knowledge meditation
2. Karmic thoughtform
Hold your hands palms inward about three inches apart, hold your breath, and
visualize and will energy to flow between your palms. Feel a ball of energy
forming between your hands and feel it breathing. Send red light for vitality,
blue light to burn up negative energy, and indigo light for psychic control. In
your thoughtform build the image of a black sword, point down; this is the
Runesword, which gets its energy from absorbing negative energies. Program the
thoughtform with a chant to seek out and destroy any negative karmic energy
binding you. Release it when it feels ready to go. Repeat nightly during the
waning moon.

Work of the Pantacle
Physical Mastery1. Perform Tree of Knowledge meditation
2. Point of power
Meditate on the present being your point of power, from which you can control
your future. Hold your left nostril closed, breath into your right nostril and
out of your mouth, while visualizing and feeling strength coming in. Hold your
right nostril closed and breath in your left nostril, then hold your left
nostril closed and breath out of your right nostril. Repeat several times while
visualizing the image of your desire. Visualize solutions to your problems for
five minutes a day, and replace any negative ideas of the future with the
visualization of a positive solution.

Work of the Spirit
The Fifth ElementThe Look of Strange Affinity - Study your face in a mirror and
project a pentagram onto your image. The points should touch the cheeks, the
temples and the forehead. Then look for a focal point on the face, which will be
its asymmetrical center. This could be a mole or a point just above the
eyebrows; every face has a different 'point of departure'. Then find the point
on the face diametrically opposite from the point of departure. Let your gaze
move from one to another of the seven points, enveloping the face with your gaze
without moving your eyes. The image will become passive and can be instructed to
invoke the aid of your prime conscious self to aid your transformation.


The AuraThe aura is a subtly self-luminous energy field that completely
surrounds any physical object, but is much brighter and larger around living
organisms. The aura's functions are: protection, communication and connection.
The inner layer extends from the skin outwards from 1/8 inch to about an inch
and a half, and is white or pale blue. This duplicate of the physical body grows
to maturity with the physical body and deteriorates with it after death. It is
constantly being left on everything we touch and extended to everything and
everyone we think about. The bonds which are formed thus hold us firmly in our
consensus reality and must be overcome before transformation can occur. The
second layer of your aura extends from the inner layer to three to eight inches
all around the body, and is more misty in nature. This layer is rich in pastel
colors. Any potential disorder will show up beforehand in the aura, and can be
effectively dispelled with aura cleaning before they show up in the physical
body. Any muddiness or brownish cast to the aura is a sign of an impending
trouble and should be eliminated. Holes in the aura mean you are wounded by
negativity and must seek healing; no aura means you are preparing to die soon;
and a rapidly whirling aura signifies a practioner of meditation. Negativity or
low energy can rob us of effectiveness and leave us wide open to any vibrations
that come our way, resulting in tension, depression, sudden pains, unpleasant
odors, accidents or sickness. The primary source of this negativity is other
people. You can raise your vibrations by listening to music you like, reading
something that inspires you, asking for spiritual guidance, taking a shower or
rinsing your hands in water, sleeping with your head to the north, or leaning
against trees.

Building the AuraThe key to control of the aura is rhythmic breathing. Inhale
through the mouth to the count of eight, and expel through both nostrils for
eight; repeat several minutes at a time, and each day gradually increase the
count. Then add the visualization of a sphere of white light with you in the
center. As you master the visualization, increase the diameter of the sphere to
a comfortable size. When you are ready, move the white light from the sphere
over your head down your front and up your back, then reverse. These exercises
should be done each morning. Normally, aura size is determined by vitality,
brilliance by spirituality.

Seeing the AuraLook at your reflection in a mirror, with a clear background and
subdued light. Stare at a spot about six inches above your head and two feet
behind you, while watching your head and shoulders with your peripheral vision.
In a few minutes you should see at least a thin line of white or pale blue
outlining your head. This is the inner layer of your aura. With a week's
practice of ten minutes twice a day, you should easily be seeing subtler layers
of light extending from one to several feet in a egg shape around your body.
Regular practice will add color to your aura vision. As your aura vision
improves, you will notice the radiation from the shoulders linked with the
heart, balanced by the siphoning effect of the sea of fire in the solar plexus,
which reaches down into the base of the spine. Light gushes up from the crown of
the head, to fall back again in a fountain of color; this becomes red-violet
with spiritual enlightenment.

Aura Color ChartRED: bright red = force and energy; dark red = domineering;
light red = self-centered; scarlet = egotistical; pink = immaturity.

ORANGE:orange = thoughtfulness; golden orange = self-control; brownish orange =
a lack of ambition.

YELLOW:golden yellow = good health, learning ability and a lack of worry.
GREEN:emerald green with a dash of blue = healing, helpful, and friendly; green
with yellow = deceitful.

BLUE:blue = contemplation; pale blue = little depth and many personal problems;
deep blue = one has found his work in life,sometimes moody and unusual.

INDIGO & VIOLET:indigo and violet = seekers of all types; purple = inclined to
be overbearing.

WHITE:white is the perfect color, a harmonious blend of all the other colors. If
you see it in another, follow it as if it were a star; it is.

Basic Aura Work
Lesser Circulation of the LightVisualize a sphere of white light above your head
while standing facing your direction (otherwise, north). Visualize and feel a
stream of white light move downward through your crown to blossom as a sphere of
white light, first at your throat, then your solar plexus, then at your
genitals. Finally, visualize the stream of white light move downward to your
feet and blossom as a sphere of white light beneath your feet.
Now draw the white light out of the sphere above your head and down your left
side to merge with the sphere at your feet. Then visualize stream of white light
moving up right side to the sphere above your head. Now reverse directions and
see the white light moving down your right side, across the soles of your feet
and up your left side. Now visualize the stream of white light moving out of
sphere above your head and down your front to your feet. Then see the stream of
white light moving up your back to merge with the sphere over your head; then
reverse directions, and finally, do all directions at once.


GemstonesGemstones act in unison with the life force of man, aiding the organism
to sustain health, stimulating the perceptions and intuition. Gemstones should
be chosen according to the colors of the aura, the stones working best when they
are in accord with the colors. Gems that have been worn by others should be
cleansed in running water before use. They should be worn about the neck for the
individual's relationships with self and spiritual forces, and on the
extremities for relationships with others; always they should be worn next to
the skin.
AGATE(bands of colors) - attracts peace, victory in games, happiness & good luck

AMBER(a bridge of light between heaven and earth) - held in hands reduces
fevers, most efficacious near throat, protects against evil eye, charged with
electricity which attracts light particles

AMETHYST - attracts love and good luck and is a protector against sorcery, helps
control an undisciplined temperament, on the brow it relieves a headache, opens
the psychic centers (seeing the light)

AQUAMARINE - spiritual awakening, mental protection
AZURITE - induces influences from without that aid in contact with higher
sources of activity, good for meditation

BERYL - for deep romance and love, brings hope and protects against the
fascinations and spells of witchcraft (mysteries of the sea)

BLOODSTONE - brings friendship, calms people, soothes flaring tempers,
protection against the evil eye and depression, checks hemorrhages, relieves
pain, attunes to forces of healing and decision

CARBUNCLE - mental conditioning (to flash)
CHRYSOLITE(PERIDOT - precious) - attunes to healing, visions and psychic
phenomena, set in gold it dispels terrors of the night

CINNABAR - risen kundalini, path of initiate
CORAL - protects against the evil eye and all spells, natural disasters &
unfortunate occurrences, brings sensitivity to intuitive forces, associated with
the planet Venus, one should never wear dirty or discolored coral

DIAMOND(Adamas Stone - all virtue) - attracts power, riches and friends,
reconciles differences between, friends who have quarreled, symbolizes peace,
fidelity and opulence, selfish in its very nature, it will bring either
irritation or peace to the wearer, spiritual attunement, binds in wedlock

EMERALD - a stone of precognition, it nurtures love and beauty, turns negative
spells back upon the sender, banishes fear, quickens intellect, cures laziness

FIRE OPAL - gem of the gods, a stone of hope and achievement, held on the brow
it gives proper direction to the thoughts, held in left hand and gazed upon it
favors desires, above all a stone of love (but if the lover is false its
influence is reversed), purification of the Self

GARNET - attracts purity, sincerity and understanding, tends to be a bit stuffy
and Victorian, loyalty

JADE - brings good luck, protection from disease and evil spirits, enhances
occult powers, symbol of serenity and immortality, aids kidney functions

JASPER - protects from pain, guards independence brings good fortune and
protection from the controlling influence of others, courage, healing

JET(black amber) - protects against thunderstorms and evil magic
LAPIS LAZULI - an attractor of powerful and highly evolved spirits, builds
health and strength, assurance in self, mount between layers of glass to limit

LAPIS LINGUA (Caeruleum, Tuaoi)(azurite in combination with malachite resulting
in a transparent bluish-green stone)- held in hands a few minutes then set aside
it enables you to hear the vibrations given off by Self, light appears within as
a means of communication with spiritual forces and energy radiates from it as a
beam for various activities, should be mounted in white gold or silver

MALACHITE - protection of transmission of energy in the physical body and of
material benefits

MOONSTONE(travelers' stone) - protects love and inspires the tender passions, a
guardian and stimulator of the mind, aid to accomplishment of affections, held
in mouth for visions, worn with a pearl or opal for maximum effectiveness,
surface appearance changes with light and phases of the Moon

ONYX - guards independence, brings strange dreams, heals the eyes
OPAL - a mystical stone, calms anger, brings good luck and extra mental powers,
brings bad luck to selfish people, opens Third Eye, water is bad for it

PEARL - indicates in its formation and beauty the hardships overcome by creative
sources, healing and creative because of the very irritation that produced it,
watery influence, keeping an even temperament, emblem of peace, purity and

QUARTZ - purity, patience, perseverance, attraction of vital elemental
influences, attunes to helpful higher forces, neutralizes negative energies,
double terminated crystals aid in dreaming

RUBY - a stone of power, loyalty and courage, focus of occult energies, protects
from trouble, aids in love and passion, stimulates spiritual regeneration

SAPPHIRE - a stone of occult power, radiates gentleness and peace, brings
justice and truth to light, wisdom (to bend from a straight course)

SARDONYX - a protector against spells and incantations, sharpens wits, imparts
warmth and precision, influences choices made by mental forces, combines powers
of Sun and Moon

SARDESTONE (CARNELIAN) - protector of the dead
TOPAZ(stone of strength, the burning one) - a protector of warriors, it puts
women to flight and vanquishes the spells of sorcerors, used for divining water
and treasure, general strengthening of the physical body, helps receive astral
vibes, soothes wild passions, strengthens intellect, should be set in gold, its
powers increase with the Moon, exhibits strong electrical phenomena, occurs in

TURQUOISE - brings love and courage, protects against violence of thought or
deed, reduces tensions, an eye stone, brings good luck

ZIRCON - attracts fame and fortune, protects against accidents, a wishing stone,


MetalsGold (Sun) - attracts financial success, leadership, strength,

Silver (Moon) - dreams and intuitiveness, protects secrets, projecting energies,
increase and decrease, psychic abilities

Aluminum (mercury) - attracts mental alertness, invention and the art of making
money, aids in travel

Iron/Steel (Mars) - attack and defense, courage and aggressiveness, ionizes body
to resist disease

Copper (Venus) - guards health (esp. against arthritis & rheumatism), protective
against depression and negative energies, brings passion and intenseness,
success in love,

Tin (Jupiter) - the metal of luck and good fortune, generosity and expansion,

Lead (Saturn) - heavy and serious but mystical, the teacher and taskmaster,
breaking spells, protection against flamboyant people, justice, stability,

Electrum (Earth)from 'ulka' (beaming sun) - the magickal metal, a natural alloy
of gold and silver, an armlet promotes general well being,



To Enter the UnderworldAfter mastering astral projection, you are ready to begin
the process of attainment called Walking the Worlds. The first place to visit is
the classic Underworld of shamans and the Realm of the Dead of the ancient
Mysteries, called Hades or Hel. Typically, the astral tunnel which leads to the
Underworld opens to a realm of red mist. Here one must pass the Guardian of the
Dread Gate. This Guardian may take many forms; here, we will speak of Cerberus,
the classical three-headed dog of the Greco-Roman Mysteries who guards the Gate
against the unworthy. The successful outcome of this ritual requires that one
first become 'worthy' to enter the Underworld while still living by sacrifice in
the physical world to indicate one has overcome the hold of the world on
oneself. In ancient times, this was often accomplished by giving one's things to
the poor to feed the hungry. For your purposes, you must make a gesture in a
similar vein.

To pass the Guardian Cerberus and enter the Underworld, one must win the ritual
combat: 1. Approach Cerberus from the front with weapons down and halt when you
can see its eyes. Now enter the first stage of the ritual by staring Cerberus
down, until it looks away. 2. Now you must quickly leap upon the beast and
expend all your strength to wrestle it to the ground and place your neck over
the neck(s) of Cerberus; at this point, it will cease to struggle momentarily.
3. Complete the ritual by blowing your breath into its ears; Cerberus will now
cease to struggle altogether and passively allow you to pass the Dread Door. - 33k

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