Wednesday, August 18, 2010


The Ultimate Book of Shadows by Silver Ravenwolf

Put simply, to bless is to remove any negative energy from around a person,
Animal, place or thing and instill them with positive energy.
To bless another is to empower them.
By sound, touch and thought, we can help the sick,
Lighten the heart of the troubled or open a path for a better life by removing negative blockages.
The mere utterance of a blessing can change the course of a person’s life.

The mechanism of a blessing is very easy:

Think of a white light so powerful that it encompasses your mind, body and spirit.
Move the white light into a mental picture of the person, place or thing.
In your mind, allow the white light to burst through the object (no, this won’t hurt anyone).
In tone words of blessing or touch the person, animal or thing.
Seal the blessing with a hand motion of your choice while pronouncing aloud “It is done,” “Amen,” or “So mote it be.”

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