Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Goddess Artemis


Artemis brings the gift of strength to say no to forces that inhibit or bind you. With the stunning power Artemis gives you, you are a powerful being able to bring an end to destructive forces in order to start afresh.
  • Resilience
  • Garnet, bloodstone, tourmaline, smoky quartz (red stones)
  •  blend for the base chakra, the home of grounding and connection to mother earth and humanity
  • It is easy to say "no"
  • I trust the Universe to provide
  • It's OK to release my anger
  • I say goodbye to destructive influences
  • There are rainbows in every rainfall
  • I am awake to my life's true calling
Her Story

Greek goddess Artemis was so adamant that she could never be seen by a man that when the hunter Actaeon encountered her bathing naked in a stream, she punished him by turning him into a stag and watching as her hounds tore him to pieces.

She was a champion of chastity and virginity (even amongst her followers), and quick to dispense her justice to wanton men as well  as women. Anyone who compromised chastity was punished - for example, they might be turned into a beast to be hunted... Hence, Artemis' image in ancient Greece was long associated with human violence and bloodshed, even human sacrifice.

So why look to such a seemingly heartless goddess as a role model?

As with most goddesses, Artemis has two faces. She was as passionate about protecting the forest animals as she was about protecting her (and her followers') chastity. She was the protector of life, ending life in order to bring about rebirth of "good". Life is cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

In accepting this as a state of being, modern women can fight for what they believe in, knowing that although their actions may seem heartless at times, they are for the greater good. 

Her Modern Energy

If you are feeling threatened by a project or circumstance that seems to be leading nowhere, don't be afraid to nip it in the bud - Artemis offers you the strength to rid your life of excess baggage, to confront the forces that threaten you, to destroy the elements of destruction in your life. Once this is done, you can redirect your energy and celebrate new life.

Reconnect With Your Inner Artemis

Refocus your energy by setting up three lit candles in front of you - a red one to re-establish your connection to the earth, an orange one to fire the creative energy of your sacral chakra, and a purple one to stimulate the intuitive vision of your third eye.

With your legs apart at shoulder width and your knees relaxed, root your feet to the ground, anchor your toes to the earth, and relax into "warrior stance". Close your eyes, and feel the strength of the earth energize you from your feet up, through your spine, your belly, your heart and your body. Feel it spark your third eye so you can visualize the direction you need to take. Notice the detail of your visualization as it provides you with the answers you need.

What Would Artemis Do?

.... If she were in your situation, she would get rid of negative elements in her life. She would lose the excess baggage. And, she would tell anyone  who stood in her way to step aside... Now. 
Love and delight
Anita Revel
Creatrix ::

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