Wednesday, August 18, 2010




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General Gemstone Details
The name serpentine refers to a group of predominantly green minerals that occur in masses of small intergrown crystals. Some say this stone earned it's name from the word "serpent" as it's coloring resembles the skin of a snake.
It was in the 19th century that people became aware of the fire resistant nature of serpentine, as a result is was utilized in many materials and fabrics. According to legend, Romans used this stone as protection against sorcery and the dark arts. Vessels were made of serpentine, as they were said to shatter is they came into contact with poison. Therefore many ancients began using serpentine to craft drinking vessels.
In the ancient civilizations of America, serpentine was considered as a guardian of vital energy as well as a protector of the soul against invisible powers.
In the Middle Ages, serpentine was used to house medicine as it was told to increase the healing powers of the medicine and to make it last longer.

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Scientific Properties:
Mohs Hardness of 5 with a monoclinic crystal structure.
Serpentine, Bowenite (translucent green or blue-green) and Williamsite (translucent green, veined with inclusions) is found in Southwest Africa, China India the USA and Italy.

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Mystical Properties:
To dream of serpentine symbolizes that someone near you will do something treacherous.
This stone is an exceptional meditation stone, it will assist one in finding inner peace, as well as clearing the mind to become closer with oneself, but it should be reinforced with jade or chrysoprase to temper the energy.
In ancient Assyria, it is told that this stone was carried to request of the gods and goddess to provide blessings.

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More Healing Information

Healing Properties:
Serpentine has been used for treating a wide range of physical disorders. It is beneficial for cardiac irregularities, stomach and bowel issues, kidney disorders, and menstrual problems
It can be worn or placed directly on the skin to help women with menstrual issues, such as pain and cramps, it is also said to help regulate the milk flow when one is lactating, as well as assisting women who are unable to reach orgasm due to tension. It will even out the moods and calm the wearer when in stressful or hectic situations.

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Magical Properties:
Energy: Projective
Element: Fire
Powers: Protection, lactation
In ancient civilizations, serpentine was used as a talisman, it was said to protect against demonic powers as well as promoting fertility. It is still used to protect against snake bites, poison and magic spells. In China and India it is quite often incorporated into altars, carvings and temple decorations, as it is seen as a protective stone that will bring peace.

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Associations: Saturn
Not a traditional birthstone for any month.
Stone of Scorpio, serpentine is said to protect one against venomous bites from snakes and all type of other creatures.

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Chakra Classification:
Serpentine is particularly powerful for the 4th, Heart Chakra and 2nd, Sacral or Navel Chakra.

Information Sources:
The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, 2003
Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith, PhD, 2000
Crystal Enchantments by D.J. Conway, 1999
Smithsonian Handbooks Gemstones by Cally Hall, 1994
Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham, 2002
Chakra Healing & Karmic Awareness by Keith Sherwood, 2005
The Illustrated Directory of Crystal Healing by Cassandra Eason, 2003
Healing Crystals and Gemstones by Dr. Flora Peschek-Bohmer, Gisela Schrieber, 2002
The information here is presented to you to use as you see fit, but is not to take the place of professional medical advice. Crystals, Gemstones and Metal can accent, help, negate, protect, encourage, strengthen, and balance and thereby promote healing. Their effects can be extraordinary, but use in addition to medical advice, and not as a substitute for proper care. If you are ill, we beseech you to seek professional medical attention from a qualified physician.

Serpentine Healing Properties

Remembrance of past lives

Serpentine Associations:
Zodiac -Gemini
Typical colours - Green, black-green, brown-red, brown-yellow, white.
See Serpentine Jewellery.
Serpentine is the correct name for New Jade.
An earthing stone, Serpentine also opens new pathways for the Kundalini energy. It aids in meditation and enhances spiritual exploration. Serpentine assists the retrieval of wisdom, helping to regain memory of past lives. It clears the chakras and stimulates the crown chakra, opening psychic abilities. Serpentine assists the conscious direction of healing energy toward problem areas. It corrects mental and emotional imbalances, helping you to feel more in control of your life.
Serpentine treats diabetes and hypoglycemia. It eliminates parasites within the body, and aids in the absorption of calcium and magnesium. Serpentine is extremely cleansing and detoxifying for the body and bloo


Crystal Information - Products Below

Serpentine Light Green
Is Associated To The High Priests. Serpentine aptly named as it is liked to the sacred serpent, the raising of kundalini success and overcoming fears, in particular the fear of letting go. Therefore the stone is also associated to the fool tarot card, and the fools fearless, innocent nature, that allows him to make that leap of faith, appear almost effortless. The stone stimulates the inner flute, in which kundalini travels, and eases the tensions associated with the rise of kundalini. Uses; Diabetes, Hypoglycemia. Gall Stones.
Associated Stone: Atlantisite.

Serpentine Green - Serpentine aptly named as it is liked to the sacred serpent, the raising of kundalini success and overcoming fears, in particular the fear of letting go. Therefore the stone is also associated to the fool tarot card, and the fools fearless, innocent nature, that allows him to make that leap of faith, appear almost effortless. The stone stimulates the inner flute, in which kundalini travels, and eases the tensions associated with the rise of kundalini. Uses; Diabetes, Hypoglycemia. Gall Stones. Note: This version of serpentine is often Sold as Jade, or New Jade.

Serpentine, is a beneficial and versatile stone. It is said by mystics to help with emotional cleansing, psychic powers, and attract love and money. It is also used in the rise of the kundalini, facilitating the rise by opening a path that lessens discomfort. In addition, serpentine is considered a metaphysically protective stone that is especially protective against snakebite, poison, and venom. Serpentine is an excellent stone for meditation. Physically, traditional and mystical lore says that serpentine eliminates parasite infections, diabetes, removes venom and other poisons. Serpentine is associated primarily with the heart chakra.

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