Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Witches House

Witches House
~simple natural cleaners and solutions~

Furniture Polish
Pound fresh sweet cicely seeds. Place a handful on a rag and rub on wood.
Furniture Polish
Mix 2 parts vegetable oil and 1 part lemon juice. Wipe on areas to be
Furniture & Floor Polish
Mix 3 parts olive oil with 1 part white vinegar. Wipe on areas to be

Glass Cleaners
Fill a spray bottle with equal amounts of vinegar and water. This is my
Favorite glass cleaner because it does not streak.
Glass Cleaner
Fill a spray bottle with:
2 cups rubbing alcohol
2 TBS household ammonia
1 1/2 TBS liquid dishwashing detergent
Window Cleaner
Make a wet paste out of cornstarch and water. Wipe on windows and let dry.
Wipe off.
Wall Cleaner
Mix in bucket:
1 gallon of water
1 cup household ammonia
1/2 cup vinegar
1/4 cup baking soda
Carpet Cleaner
1 TBS vinegar
1 TBS household ammonia
Mix with one quart water.

Carpet Cleaner
Sprinkle cornstarch on the carpet and let sit for 10 minutes. Vacuum.
Deodorizer for Cat & Dog Messes
Clean up mess. Sprinkle baking soda on the area and then spray with vinegar.
Let sit for about an hour. Wipe up with a mild soap and water solution.

Oven Cleaner
Sprinkle fresh spills inside the oven with salt. The salt will absorb the
Spills and can be brushed away once the oven has cooled.
Oven Cleaner
Do this only if your kitchen is well ventilated. Preheat the oven to 200F
And then turn it off. Pour 2 cups of straight ammonia into a non-aluminum
Pan and place on the middle rack. Shut the oven door and let sit overnight.
By morning the grease will be easy to wipe up.

Refrigerator Cleaner
Spray and wipe clean with equal parts of vinegar and water.
To Clean the Dishwasher
Once a month, pour a cup of vinegar into the dishwasher and run it through
The whole cycle. This will clean, disinfect and reduce the soap build up.
Herbal Disinfectant
Simmer a handful of the leaves and stems of rosemary, juniper, lavendar or
Sage in 2 cups of boiled water. Strain and use to clean kitchens and
Bathrooms. Adding a little dishwashing detergent helps to cut the grease.
Recipe can be doubled.
Kitchen Cleaner
Once a month, wipe down entire kitchen and the inside of the refrigerator
With 2 TBS chlorine bleach in one gallon of water. This will kill off all
The harmful germs.

For Greasy Dishes
Add a splash of vinegar to your dishwater to cut the grease.

Garbage Disposal Cleaner
Grind a couple of ice cubes made from vinegar in the garbage disposal and
Then run cold water for about a minute.

Get Rid of Sink Odor
Pour a 1/2 cup of vinegar down the kitchen sink. Flush with cold water a
Half hour later.

Air Freshener
Simmer 2 tsp. Cinnamon in 2 cups of water.
Bug and Rodent Deterents
Spray vinegar on ant trails and around the areas they are getting into your
House. Place sprigs of pennyroyal, tansy, or rue in the cupboards and
Fleas hate laurel leaves, rue, and winter savory. Crush and place under
Rugs, sofa cushions, doormats, etc.. Add a tsp. Of vinegar to your pets
Drinking water.
Hang sprigs of lavender, mint, pennyroyal, peppermint, or rue. Make
Potpourris out of lavender. Grow any one of these herbs in and / or outside
Of your house.
Make sachets out of lavender, lemon, thyme, mint, rosemary, tansy, or
Wormwood. Place in linen closets and drawers and in closets.
Place bay leaves on shelves and in cupboards. Put a whole leaf in with your
Flour, rice and dried beans.
Place sprigs of tansy or mint on your shelves, cupboards and anywhere mice
Have been seen to deter them.

Herb Lore: Natural Remedies

Herb Lore: Natural Remedies
We all know that herbs make great companions in
The garden and kitchen. Herbs also have a long history as a natural remedy—and
Many other more unusual uses, too!Read on. . .

Romans paid taxes with anise, and it was used in cough drops.
Precious to lovers in Italy and considered sacred in India. Many years ago,
Italian men wore a sprig of basil to indicate their intended marriage. A cup of
Basil tea after dinner helps digestion. Ease a headache by drinking tomato juice
Blended with fresh basil.
The Romans believed the herb to be an antidepressant, and ancient Celtic
Warriors took it for courage.
Caraway was used to scent perfumes and soaps. The Greeks used it for upset
Eating a whole plant would cure hiccups; chervil was said to warm old and cold
Bunches of chives hung in your home were used to drive away diseases and evil.
Romans made wreaths and garlands out of dill. Dill keeps witches away.
Bunches of fennel were used to drive off witches. It was used in love potions
And as an appetite suppressant.
It was thought to give strength and courage. Aristotle noted garlic's use as a
Guard against the fear of water. It's also been widely used against evil powers.
Chewing on a piece of the dried root will keep you awake. Lovage warms a cold
Stomach and help digestion. Added to bathwater, it was believed to relieve skin
The Greeks believed it could revive the spirits of anyone who inhaled it. At
Weddings wreaths and garlands were made of marjoram.
It was believed to cure hiccups and counteract sea-serpent stings. The Romans
Wore peppermint wreaths on their heads. It was added to bathwater for its
Used for "sour humours" that plagued old farmers. Also used for scorpion and
Spider bites.
Used for wreaths and in funeral ceremonies. Believed to repel head lice and
Attract rabbits.
Rosemary in your hair will improve your memory. It will protect you from evil
Spirits if you put a sprig under your pillow.
Thought to promote strength and longevity and believed to cure warts. American
Indians used it as a toothbrush.
Summer Savory
It was believed to be an aphrodisiac. Some thought it was a cure for deafness.
Put in shoes before long walking trips to give strength. It has been used to
Relieve toothache and as an antifungal.
Burning thyme gets rid of insects in your house. A bed of thyme was thought to
Be a home for fairies.
Anyone who has sage planted in the garden is reputed to do well in business.

Basil Protection Spell

Basil Protection Spell
By Lrae Sirrub

To be done during a Full Moon
You Will Need:
One white candle
One carnation flower
Ground basil 1 cup

The Spell:

Place the carnation in the bowl of consecrated water, and set the basil in front of the white candle.
Light the candle ,breathe deeply and clear your mind. Begin to concentrate on the powers of protection, visualize a strong shell surrounding you, glowing hot.
When this has been accomplished, say in a powerful voice:

"I call on the guardians and on the power of the Lord and the Lady.
I surround myself with the protection of fire.
I am supported by the strength and grace of earth.
The winds bring me gentle shifts and the water's flow eases the energy in this time.
I believe in this protection and I release my fears, so that I may connect to the pulse of life.
May this be done within the greater good,
So mote it be, so be it should!"

Let the candle burn for as long as you like.
You can take this opportunity to meditate and release the spell into the cosmos.
When you are ready, snuff out the candle.
Keep this candle and burn it during meditation whenever you feel a need for extra protection.
When the candle has eventually been burned completely, repeat this spell if you feel the need.
When done, take the basil and scatter it on the ground under the light of the full moon.
The spell is complete.

A Dozen Ways To Use Dryer Sheets That Do Not Involve The Dryer

A dozen ways to use dryer sheets that don't involve the dryer
By Bonnie McCarthy
Jul 31st 2010 at 4:00PM

I thought I knew a thing or two about the alternative uses for dryer sheets: stuffing them under the car seats after an unfortunate spilled milk incident; tucking them into suitcases, gym shoes, musty closets; at the bottom of a trash can or pretty much anywhere funky odors were lurking. I had no idea that by the standards of many I was a complete amateur. I had been woefully underestimating the capabilities of the humble dryer sheet.

Cleaning Stainless Steel Pots & Pans
My advanced education in regard to the fragrant, anti-static sheets began when a friend suggested using dryer sheets to easily clean stainless steel pans. So recently, after fixing scrambled eggs, I soaked the frying pan with a dryer sheet for about an hour. To be honest, it didn't look like anything was happening and I was beginning to doubt my source.

At this point, some of you may be wondering why my pan is such a hard-to-clean mess after making scrambled eggs, and to you I can only respond: you are obviously a better cook than I will ever be. As a result, however, you will not fully comprehend the joy I felt when the pan easily scrubbed clean.

Another bonus, I was treated to a "spring-fresh" scent while I worked. After a final washing, it was something to behold. Artist Ferdinand Leger once said, "Beauty is everywhere, in the arrangement of saucepans on the white walls of your kitchen, perhaps more there than in your 18th century salon or in official museums."

My sauce pan looked kind of like that after getting it easily clean with a dryer sheet. Poetry!

Turns out, if I had left the pan soaking for several more hours it would have been even easier. Evidently, the softening agents and the anti-static properties present in the sheets team up to reduced the bond between the food and the frying pan.

Dusting Computer Monitors, TV Screens and More
I was hooked. The anti static properties that provide the sheets with a slight positive electric charge, also means they work wonders on cleaning computer monitors, TV screens and venetian blinds because they don't allow the dust to resettle. But wait, there's more!

Scrubbing Bugs Off the Car
Wanna scrub bugs easily off the family car? Wet the area and grab a dryer sheet.

Removing Soap Scum
Need soap scum removed from a shower door? A little elbow grease, a wet surface and a dryer sheet work like magic.

De-Linting and Removing Pet Hair
Dryer sheets can also be used for swiping away cat hair from surfaces or picking up dust bunnies, animal hair and human hair off of wood floors. Like a Swiffer, only cheaper.

Getting the Stinky Gunk Off
Another tip, try using the sheets to remove the sticky residue from price tags on new dishware. Similarly, they are also reported to assist in taking old wax off a surfboard. Cowabunga!

Getting Rid of Pests--Both Indoors and Outdoors
The sheets do have their detractors, however, ants, bees and mice do not like them at all. After layering several sheets in my pantry cupboards, the ant party was over.

In fact, dryer sheets can also be used as bug repellent in the great outdoors. Rub the sheets over your clothes, or tuck them into pockets, the tops of socks, or through belt loops. The spring fresh scent will repel the no-see-ums and you don't have to shell out extra for bug spray. After they've been used, toss them into the truck, or anywhere that would use some freshening up.

For advanced frugalistas, cut the sheets in half and get two-times the value. Regularly priced under $5, the versatility of dryer sheets makes it a bargain in a box.

Household Uses For Lemons

Household Uses for Lemons
Farmer's Almanac

At the Almanac, we know that lemons can add plenty of flavor to some of our favorite recipes, but they also are very useful to have in the house. Here are some of our helpful home uses for lemons.
For a sore throat or bad breath, gargle with some lemon juice.
Clean discolored utensils with a cloth dipped in lemon juice. Rinse with warm water.
Toss used lemons into your garbage disposal to help keep it clean and smelling fresh.
Use one part lemon juice and two parts salt to scour chinaware to its original luster.
A few drops of lemon juice in outdoor house-paint will keep insects away while you are painting and until the paint dries.
Remove scratches on furniture by mixing equal parts of lemon juice and salad oil and rubbing it on the scratches with a soft cloth.
To make furniture polish, mix one part lemon juice and two parts olive oil.
To clean the surface of white marble or ivory (such as piano keys), rub with a half a lemon, or make a lemon juice and salt paste. Wipe with a clean, wet cloth.
To renew hardened paintbrushes, dip into boiling lemon juice. Lower the heat and leave the brush for 15 minutes, then wash it in soapy water.
To remove dried paint from glass, apply hot lemon juice with a soft cloth. Leave until nearly dry, and then wipe off.
Rub kitchen and bathroom faucets with lemon peel. Wash and dry with a soft cloth to shine and remove spots.
Fresh lemon juice in rinse water removes soap film from interiors of ovens and refrigerators.
Create your own air freshener: Slice some lemons, cover with water, and let simmer in a pot for about an hour. (This will also clean your aluminum pots!)
Fish or onion odor on your hands can be removed by rubbing them with fresh lemons.
To get odors out of wooden rolling pins, bowls, or cutting boards, rub with a piece of lemon. Don't rinse: The wood will absorb the lemon juice.
Save lemon and orange rinds to deter squirrels and cats from digging in the garden. Store rinds in the freezer during the winter, and then bury them just under the surface of the garden periodically throughout the spring and summer.
After a shampoo, rinse your hair with lemon juice to make it shine. Mix the strained juice of a lemon in an eight-ounce glass of warm water.
Mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with two tablespoons of salt to make a rust-removing scrub.
Before you start to vacuum, put a few drops of lemon juice in the dust bag. It will make the house smell fresh.
Get grimy white cotton socks white again by boiling them in water with a slice of lemon.
Clean copper pots by cutting a lemon in half and rubbing the cut side with alt until the salt sticks. Rub the lemon onto the metal, rinse with hot water, and polish dry.
Suck on a lemon to settle an upset stomach.

Household Uses For Vinegar

Household Uses for Vinegar Farmer's Almanac
From cleaning shower curtains, to relieving insect bites, vinegar
Certainly has many functions. Here are some of our favorite household
Uses for vinegar.

Molasses catches more flies than vinegar.

* Bring a solution of one-cup vinegar and four tablespoons baking
Soda to a oil in teapots and coffeepots to rid them of mineral deposits.
* A solution of vinegar and baking soda will easily remove cooking
Oil from your stovetop.
* Clean the filter on your humidifier by removing it and soaking it
In a pan of white vinegar until all the sediment is off.
* Vinegar naturally breaks down uric acid and soapy residue, leaving
Baby clothes and diapers soft and fresh. Add a cup f vinegar to each
Load during the rinse cycle.
* Saturate a cloth with vinegar and sprinkle with baking soda, and
Then use it to clean fiberglass tubs and showers. Rinse well and rub dry
For a spotless shine.
* To remove chewing gum, rub it with full-strength vinegar.
* For a clean oven, combine vinegar and baking soda, then scrub.
* Clean and deodorize your toilet bowl by pouring undiluted white
Vinegar into it. Let stand for five minutes, then flush. Spray stubborn
Stains with white vinegar, then scrub vigorously.
* Clean windows with a cloth dipped in a solution of one part white
Vinegar and ten parts warm water. This works for dirty TV screens, too!
* For brunettes, rinsing hair with vinegar after a shampoo makes hair
Shinier. Use one-tablespoon vinegar to one-cup warm water.
* Soak paint stains in hot vinegar to remove them.
* To clean drip coffeemakers, fill the reservoir with white vinegar
And run it through a brewing cycle. Rinse thoroughly by brewing two
Cycles with water before using.
* To remove bumper stickers from car chrome, paint on vinegar and let
It soak in. Next, scrape off the stickers. Decals can be removed
* Rid your refrigerator and freezer of bad odors by cleaning the
Insides with a solution of equal parts vinegar and water, then wiping
* Apply full strength vinegar to mosquito or other insect bites to
Relieve the itching. (Caution: Do not do this if the affected area is
* White vinegar takes salt and water stains off leather boots and
Shoes. Wipe over the stained area only, and then polish.
* To remove smoke odors on clothes, hang them above a steaming
Bathtub filled with hot water and a cup of white vinegar.
* To prevent mildew, wipe down surfaces with vinegar.
* Place a vinegar-soaked brown bag on sprains to ease pain and aid
* Use a sponge dampened with vinegar to clean shower curtains.
* To remove salt stains from winter boots, rub with a solution of 1
Tablespoon white vinegar and 1 cup water.
* To loosen a stuck jar lid, hold the jar upside down and pour warm
Vinegar around the neck at the joint between the glass and the top.
* Rub cider vinegar on your skin to repel insects.
* Clean windows with a mixture of 1 part white vinegar and 10 parts
Warm water.

Moon Magick

Moon Magic

The accumulation and direction of the subtle forces of the moon, is one of
The arts of Witchcraft. Moon magic is a personal art, even though there are
Basic guidelines.

In ancient times, witches held the position of the Moon priestesses/priests.
In coastal regions, and upon islands, witches were also Sea
Priestesses/Priests. The use of water from the sea was an important aspect
In Moon Magic (salt being a crystal form). The "charging" of water, and the
Release of the "char- GE" through evaporation, was an important aspect. So
Too was the soaking of woods and herbs in sea water, which were later dried,
And burned as incenses and offerings. Two excellent books on this subject

The use of Portals to gain access to the Lunar Realms, and the building of
Magical images there, is a very important aspect of Moon Magic. The actual
Essence" of the power used in Moon Magic, originates out among the stars.
The Sun draws in the stellar influences and transmits them into our Solar
System. The Planets within our System absorb this energy which then merges
With their own vibrations or energies. The Planets, in turn, then emanate a
Composite energy within our Solar System. Each Planet's energy or vibratory
Pattern is unique, and influences other planetary bodies and forces, within
Each planet's sphere of influence. This is the basis of Astrology and
Planetary correspondences in Magic (this is how and why it works).

The Moon is the focal point of power upon the Earth. The Moon absorbs,
Condenses, and channels all of these forces, which are then carried to our
Planet, upon the Lunar Light Spectrum.

Agrippa, a 15th Century magician, understood these principles when he wrote

"...but the Moon, the nearest to the heavenly influences,
By the swiftness of her course,
Is joined to the sun,
And the other planets and stars,
As a conception,
Bringing them forth to the inferior world,
As being next to itself,
For all the stars have influence on it,
Being the last receiver,
Which afterwards communicates the influence of all superiors to these
And pours them forth upon the Earth..."

Aradia, the Holy Strega, told her followers to seek the Moon above all
Others, for the purposes of Magic. In the closing prayer of the Full Moon
Ritual, we find these words which Aradia's followers were later to have

"O' Goddess of the Moon...
Teach us your ancient mysteries...
That the Holy Strega spoke of,
For I believe the Strega's story,
When she told us to entreat Thee,
Told us when we seek for Knowledge,
To seek and find Thee above all others".

Agrippa understood this also, when he wrote,

"Therefore. Her (the moon) motion is to be observed before the others,
As the parent of all conception......hence it is,
That without the Moon intermediating,
We cannot at any time attract the power of the superiors..."

What Agrippa spoke of, is what witches have known for Ages:
The Moon is the focal point of power upon the Earth.

Without the Moon we cannot make use of the Universal Forces beyond her. In
Moon Magic, the ritual altar is the focal point for the lunar forces which
Are drawn upon. Women are the vessels for Lunar Energy, receiving and
Directing the magical force. Men can also become lunar vessels, but women
Are much better suited (as their biology is more attuned to the Moon's
Cycles, than are men's biology).

The Moon altar is placed facing the West Quarter. The altar itself should be
Round, but a square or a rectangle is OK.

In the centre of the altar, place a bowl of saltwater. A white sea shell is
Then set into the centre of the bowl. As this is done, whisper the name of
The Goddess who rules the current phase of the Moon, under which you are
Working. The new moon belongs to Diana (De-ah-nah), the Full Moon to Jana
(Jah-nah) and the waning Moon to Umbrea.

Around the bottom of the bowl, set nine white shells, forming a crescent
(horns upward, as in a smile). If the magic is for the gain of something,
Place the shells from right to left. If the magic is for the removal, or
Loss of something, then place the shells from left to right. As each shell
Is placed, chant the name of the Goddess who presides over the goal of the
Magical influence you desire.

Matters concerning "beginnings" are under Diana. Matters involving "forces",
Energies, or powers are under the influence of Jana. Matters of Death,
Decline, and stagnation are ruled by Umbrea.

Censers of Moon Incense are placed around the bowl, upon the altar, forming
a triangle (so you have 3 incense containers forming a triangle, with the
Moon Bowl in its centre). A reversed triangle (V) is formed for
manifestations desired upon the physical plane. Upright triangles (A) are
formed for manifestation upon the astral plane.

During the magical work, the energy is focused into the altar bowl (or moon
bowl, as it is often called). This can be done in several different ways. In
group rituals, members may point their ritual blades at the Priestess, who
stands before the altar. The members visualize their energy flowing from
themselves, through their blades, and into the aura of the Priestess. The
Priestess then visualizes this collective energy flowing from herself,
through her own blade, into the moon bowl. Or she may simply place her palms
over the bowl and focus the energy out through her hands. During this
technique, she may recite an incantation, stating the purpose of the "charge
, or the group may chant the spell's intent.

One of the ways in which energy can be raised for this technique, is through
deep breathing. Each person draws in air slowly and deeply, and exhales as
they visualize the energy flowing outward through their ritual blades, or
their hands. Eastern Mystics teach that the Ether of our planet can be drawn
in through the breath, and condensed as pure energy. This they call "Prana".

Another method is to "enchant" the water. Begin by passing your right hand,
palm down, over the bowl in a clockwise manner. Perform nine passes, and
then do the same with your left hand. You will need to create a Chant which
will serve to describe your intent. It can be a simple rhyme, or whatever
you want. As you chant, blow gently upon the water slightly disturbing the
surface. Formulate the incantation to be as descriptive as you can, about
what you desire. Once you have spoken the incantation into the bowl, it is
time to release the "charge". One technique for this is to boil the water,
and observe the steam as it evaporates. Boil it until all of the water is
gone. As the steam rises up, repeat your incantation, and watch the steam as
it moves upward. It is carrying off your magic, so that it may take effect.
Think this as you watch it (thoughts ARE things).

Another very old method is to pour out the contents of the bowl into a
stream, or river. As you do this, you recite a simple rhyme spell, such as:
Water to water, a witch's spell, I give this stream, to speed it well"
Receiving the Moon's Light: (for women)

The Priestess receiving the Full Moon will need an assistant. The assistant
will require a silver disk, smooth and highly polished. If absolutely
necessary, a small hand mirror may be used in its place. The Priestess will
stand or kneel before the altar, with her head bowed down. The assistant
will part her hair at the base of the skull, using water or oil to help
separate the hair, if it is short. While the priestess visualizes the form
of the Goddess merging from behind, into her own form, the assistant will
reflect the Moon's light upon the base of the skull, using the silver disk.
You will find that this is quite difficult in city light pollution, and
works best in a country setting, or a desert. Once the Priestess receives
the Moon she can channel it into the Moon bowl, or she can "store" it within
her being for seven days. This light is pure Lunar energy, and can be
impregnated" with whatever "thought form" the priestess desires.

Receiving the Moon's light: (for men)

The Priest receiving the Full Moon, does not need an assistant, but may
choose one if he desires. Men cannot receive the Moon in the same manner as
women, nor should they visualize the Goddess merging with them.

The Priest will stand, or kneel, before the altar with his head slightly
bowed. Using a polished brass disk, the Moon's light is reflected upon his
forehead. At this point the Priest will visualize himself as the Full Moon
itself. Once the light is received, the Priest can channel it into the bowl.
Men do not "hold" Moon Light very well, and it is best to channel it off
before the seven day period, which the Priestess enjoys.

Receiving the Moon's light: (for women without assistance)

There are several ways for a woman to receive the Moon's Light, without any
assistant. The technique I gave in this subject note, is just one of the
magical techniques. The Moon may also be received in a religious setting (no
magic intended, just a blessing or a union with Deity). In these modern
times, you can set up a mirror behind you, and angle it so that it reflects
down upon you, if you desire to try the magical technique.

One of the old ways of non-magical union was for the woman to lay nude
beneath the Full Moon in the Full Moon Goddess Posture. This posture is also
referred to as the Star Goddess Posture, and is an X formation, arms and
legs spread out wide. The woman anoints herself with an oil of the Moon,
just below her navel (forming a crescent with the oil). As she lies upon the
earth, she will look up into the Moon, and slowly draw in the muscles of her
abdomen, as she mentally pictures that she is drawing down the light of the
Moon, into herself. Just as men draw power into themselves through the solar
plexus, a woman draws power into herself through the navel region ("pit of
the stomach" kind of thing. This is the centre of a woman). This is just one
method, but it can be a powerful experience.

**origin by Faery Witch ~ author unknown**

Low Magick-Excerpts From The Book Of Shadows

Excerpts from the Book of Shadows
Dream Journal
Often your dreams will give an indication of where you are in the course of the
Work, and the Work will stimulate your dreaming. Keeping a dream journal will
Improve your memory of your dreams. You should keep a pen and your journal next
To your sleeping area so you can write down the details of your dreams as soon
As you awaken and before they slip away. The last dream you have is usually the
Most important. Write something every day, even if only to note that you don't
Remember anything. ALWAYS write the full date. If you sleep somewhere other than
Your regular location, don't forget to take your dream journal with you. By
Reading your journal at a later date and remembering your dreams, you are
Pushing your consciousness to return to its focus in the spiritual world. This
May be the most important reason for keeping a dream journal.


Nine Paths of Union1.Trance - a small movement of the consciousness which may
Result in projection of consciousness or psychic events

2.Witches' Cradle - consciousness is turned within and becomes aware of
Spiritual energies not normally noticed

3.Fire - flame has a beneficial effect on the body, and when light from the
Flame is slowed down with your mind, it aids transformation of the physical body

4.Ritual - uses spiritual tides to accumulate power, and frees consciousness to
Focus on other realms

5.Music - chanting in rhyme, and the repetition of sounds opens doors to other

6.Sex - an exchange of energies, it imitates the Great Work and accelerates the

7.Dance - the deprivation of oxygen causes the brain to use unused systems
8.Drugs - allow new or unusual patterns of thought, belief and feeling to emerge

9.Meditation - meditation is a method of directing your consciousness by
Crossing the bridge of inner silence


Solar HolidaysSamhain (October 31) - the Veil between the worlds opens; step

Candlemas ( January 31) - the Rite of Purification
Beltaine (April 30) - the Marriage of the Forces
Lammas (July 31) - harvest the Fruit of the Work
Winter Solstice (December 21) - the Sun at Midnight; shed old ways
Spring Equinox (March 21) - begin anew to develop your power
Summer Solstice (June 21) - sublimate the power
Fall Equinox (September 21) - manifestation of the Stars
Full Moon Energies1. Sun (Aries) - renewed life
Moon (Libra) - precipitates decision
2. Sun (Taurus) - raising of desire
Moon (Scorpio) - increases the testing fires
3. Sun (Gemini) - weaving the web of partnership
Moon (Sagittarius) - marshals companions for the long journey
4. Sun (Cancer) - invoking the power of the uninitiated
Moon (Capricorn) - obliges initiates' response
5. Sun (Leo) - integrated individuals
Moon (Aquarius) - integrate the world
6. Sun (Virgo) - nurturing the power within
Moon (Pisces) - guarantees eventual seership
7. Sun (Libra) - pausing to weigh, choose, decide
Moon (Aries) - benefits next beginning
8. Sun (Scorpio) - purificatory tests
Moon (Taurus) - illumination via speech
9. Sun (Sagittarius) - exerting toward goal after goal
Moon (Gemini) - stimulates companion's evolution
10. Sun (Capricorn) - mountaintop experience of the few
Moon (Cancer) - gives direction to the uninitiated
11. Sun (Aquarius) - sense of universality
Moon (Leo) - expands selfhood into grouphood
12. Sun (Pisces) - total commitment to Spirit
Moon (Virgo) - fulfills service intent


The Magick CircleThe Circle is the meeting place of the Spirit and the Children
Of the Spirit, and is located between the worlds of the visible and the
Invisible. The magick Circle binds and subdues the power of the higher realms,
And contains the power raised within it. The power raised within the Circle has
A life and form of its own, and when it is released from the circle it builds
Its form and manifests in the various realms according to its power and
Instructions. In essence, the Circle is a tool by the use of which the order of
Things can be changed, healing can be performed, and spiritual wholeness and
Growth may be brought about. Ever do we aspire to greater heights, but being
Earthbound still, we must invoke the Spirit from its realm that we may commune
With it between the worlds.
Generally a nine foot circle is used, cast thrice about, but the Circle may be
Any size that is convenient to the working of Magick. The Circle is cast
Counterclockwise from the north (for Witches) or east (for Magicians), and at
The end of ALL Work it is banished clockwise from the north or east,
respectively. Candles are placed at the cardinal points for the Watchtowers. The
four Watchtowers are symbolic of the four elements which combine to form the
various realms. The elemental powers are summoned to the Circle to aid in
protecting the Temple of the Spirit and in working Magick. This summoning is
accomplished by drawing an invoking pentagram at each quarter with a magickal
tool. The Watchtower Guardians are invoked before working Magick, and banished
when all Magick has been worked and the Circle is closed. The Gateway is located
in the true North. None may enter or leave the Circle save by the northern Gate,
for this is the Way Between The Worlds. Those who are wise in the Mystery of the
Circle know that there are two Gates which must be passed through in order to
truly enter the Circle. Thus, we must purify ourselves before entering the
Circle. The Outer Gate may be dispensed with altogether.
The Circle may be cast and used by a single individual or by a group. Several
participants lend extra energy to the Work, but their energies must be brought
into harmony for the working. The Circle is normally cast according to solar and
lunar holidays to tap the 'seasonal' flux of energies, or as needed for a


Magickal RulesSympathy - like produces like
Contagion - once together (connected), always together
Doctrine of Signatures - attributes without mirror attributes within
Maxim of Persistence - perfection is eternal
Rule of Three - thrice spoken, once fulfilled
Law of Ubiquity - flame permeates all
Law of Dichotomy - dominance or submission


ElementalsThese are localized aspects of the four types of energy which flow
through all realities we experience and give form to our manifested universes:
solids, liquids, gases and radiant or plasmic energy (earth, water, air, fire):
Earth--Salts and Powders--Riches and Treasure--Happy spirits
Water--Washes and Solutions--Plants and Healing--Will aid gnomes for prosperity
Air--Oils and Incense--Knowledge & Inspiration--Attracted by incantations
Fire--Fire and Incense--Freedom and Change--Least interested in humans


The Cardinal FourThe explanation of the "cardinal" four or "turning" points of
human experience, with their hierarchies of correspondence including the
Watchtowers and elements, comes to us through Mathematics, the Divine Science
(Science of the Divine). Our basic premise is that the structure and
characteristic behavior of all of manifestation is explainable as an act of sex,
which is magickally defined as the exchange of energy between male and female
forces. The beginning of sex, and therefore of creation and destruction, can be
said to have developed in the following order:
1. Differentiated Father-Mother, God-Goddess, Yin-Yang existing in one, with
perfect balance of forces and no motion.
2. Separation of male and female forces; the beginning of duality, life (motion)
and sex (exchange of energy).
3. The interaction of Father and Mother in division results in the creation of a
Magickal Child, a Son-Daughter, male and female in one. It is necessary for one
polarity of this Magickal Child to be active and the other dormant in order for
the Son-Daughter to have life (motion).

4. This fourfold Trinity constitutes the Godhead, the primal Father-Mother and
their agent of expression, the Son-Daughter (Logos and Eros, or Will and Love).
Thus the triangle (male, female and their relationship) constitutes the basic
structure of reality, but the Mystery of the four-sided triangle (as embodied in
the Tetragrammaton, where two letters representing the Son-Daughter are the same
except for gender) constitutes the Higher Knowledge of reality. The exchange of
energy between these aspects of the Godhead give us the primary patterns or
archetypes of manifestation. This trinity of forces can exchange energy in only
four different combinations, thus: A,B,C = A-B, B-C, A-C, A-B-C.
5. Thus the fourfold structure of all energy patterns, including the four
elements and Watchtowers and magickal seasons and tides of power. These four
combinations plus each of the three aspects of the Godhead individually give us
the archetypical sevenfold process. Thus the directions of the Circle are:
(1) the four cardinal points (Watchtowers)
(2) the three points of Spirit (the Abyss above, the Abyss below and the
seed-center where all forces are balanced).
Elemental Attributions: Hermetic Axiom - "As above, so below,but after a
different manner."
Father - Fire / Mother - Water / Son - Air / Daughter - Earth
Above (archetypical level) - Fire/East -- Air/South-- Water/West -- Earth/North
Below (realm of Becoming ruled by Son/Sun) - Air/East -- Fire/South --
Water/West -- Earth/North
The four elements are used in the ancient philosophical manner, wherein they
describe four archetypical modes in which energy expresses itself; more limited,
but analogous modern scientific terms are earths/solids, water/liquids,
air/gases and fire/radiant or plasmic energy.
The Lord of the Four Directions has been worshipped throughout history in what
is sometimes called the Cult of John (cf - Jnana - Higher Knowledge - that which
is gained through evolution of seed-consciousness into perfect mastery of itself
and surrounding phenomena - in other words, the Magickal Adept. Tibetan - DYZAN,
Chinese - D'Chan, Latin - Juno, Janus, Djana [Diana], Italian - Janara [witch],
Basque - Dxana, Basa Jaun, Janicot, English - Little John, Spanish - Don Juan,
etc. )

Elemental WorkingsThe four elements are represented and manipulated in the
Circle by four magickal tools: Fire - Wand or Staff, Air - Knife or Sword, Water
- Cup or Cauldron, Earth - Pantacle or Altar. Practioners of Magick use these
tools to manipulate energy in many ways. To prepare yourself for these energy
manipulations, here are four preliminary workings:

Work of the Wand
Spiritual Will1. Perform Tree of Knowledge meditation
2. Centering
Close your eyes and look up through the top of your head to test your alignment.
You should see so much light that you feel like you have to open your eyes to
let it out. If you see little light, visualize yourself descending the spheres
of the Tree from the top sphere to the bottom sphere three times and try again.
Use this regularly until the light gets bright. Visualize your spiritual self
above your head and bathed in white light. Then feel your astral/emotional body
move into place beneath the spiritual body, filling happily with light because
your emotions are relaxed and happy. The mental body moves into place beneath
the astral, completing the circuit as white light flows through it into the
physical. Maintaining a good alignment of the bodies will allow your spiritual
will to guide you in your actions.

Work of the Cup
Emotional Beliefs1. Perform Tree of Knowledge meditation
2. Altering the past
Lie down, relax and collect your consciousness as a bright point of light at
your brow center. Visualize and will your consciousness to expand, first to room
size, then the block, then ocean to ocean, finally off the earth to view it as a
disc. Descend into past event and recall and relive the event up to the point
you want to change, and will and visualize a new ending to the event. Then rise
off of the earth again and descend back into your body in the present. Repeat
this as often as your feel it is necessary; a successful change of the past will
result in an alteration of your feelings and beliefs in the present.

Work of the Sword
Intellectual Concepts1. Perform Tree of Knowledge meditation
2. Karmic thoughtform
Hold your hands palms inward about three inches apart, hold your breath, and
visualize and will energy to flow between your palms. Feel a ball of energy
forming between your hands and feel it breathing. Send red light for vitality,
blue light to burn up negative energy, and indigo light for psychic control. In
your thoughtform build the image of a black sword, point down; this is the
Runesword, which gets its energy from absorbing negative energies. Program the
thoughtform with a chant to seek out and destroy any negative karmic energy
binding you. Release it when it feels ready to go. Repeat nightly during the
waning moon.

Work of the Pantacle
Physical Mastery1. Perform Tree of Knowledge meditation
2. Point of power
Meditate on the present being your point of power, from which you can control
your future. Hold your left nostril closed, breath into your right nostril and
out of your mouth, while visualizing and feeling strength coming in. Hold your
right nostril closed and breath in your left nostril, then hold your left
nostril closed and breath out of your right nostril. Repeat several times while
visualizing the image of your desire. Visualize solutions to your problems for
five minutes a day, and replace any negative ideas of the future with the
visualization of a positive solution.

Work of the Spirit
The Fifth ElementThe Look of Strange Affinity - Study your face in a mirror and
project a pentagram onto your image. The points should touch the cheeks, the
temples and the forehead. Then look for a focal point on the face, which will be
its asymmetrical center. This could be a mole or a point just above the
eyebrows; every face has a different 'point of departure'. Then find the point
on the face diametrically opposite from the point of departure. Let your gaze
move from one to another of the seven points, enveloping the face with your gaze
without moving your eyes. The image will become passive and can be instructed to
invoke the aid of your prime conscious self to aid your transformation.


The AuraThe aura is a subtly self-luminous energy field that completely
surrounds any physical object, but is much brighter and larger around living
organisms. The aura's functions are: protection, communication and connection.
The inner layer extends from the skin outwards from 1/8 inch to about an inch
and a half, and is white or pale blue. This duplicate of the physical body grows
to maturity with the physical body and deteriorates with it after death. It is
constantly being left on everything we touch and extended to everything and
everyone we think about. The bonds which are formed thus hold us firmly in our
consensus reality and must be overcome before transformation can occur. The
second layer of your aura extends from the inner layer to three to eight inches
all around the body, and is more misty in nature. This layer is rich in pastel
colors. Any potential disorder will show up beforehand in the aura, and can be
effectively dispelled with aura cleaning before they show up in the physical
body. Any muddiness or brownish cast to the aura is a sign of an impending
trouble and should be eliminated. Holes in the aura mean you are wounded by
negativity and must seek healing; no aura means you are preparing to die soon;
and a rapidly whirling aura signifies a practioner of meditation. Negativity or
low energy can rob us of effectiveness and leave us wide open to any vibrations
that come our way, resulting in tension, depression, sudden pains, unpleasant
odors, accidents or sickness. The primary source of this negativity is other
people. You can raise your vibrations by listening to music you like, reading
something that inspires you, asking for spiritual guidance, taking a shower or
rinsing your hands in water, sleeping with your head to the north, or leaning
against trees.

Building the AuraThe key to control of the aura is rhythmic breathing. Inhale
through the mouth to the count of eight, and expel through both nostrils for
eight; repeat several minutes at a time, and each day gradually increase the
count. Then add the visualization of a sphere of white light with you in the
center. As you master the visualization, increase the diameter of the sphere to
a comfortable size. When you are ready, move the white light from the sphere
over your head down your front and up your back, then reverse. These exercises
should be done each morning. Normally, aura size is determined by vitality,
brilliance by spirituality.

Seeing the AuraLook at your reflection in a mirror, with a clear background and
subdued light. Stare at a spot about six inches above your head and two feet
behind you, while watching your head and shoulders with your peripheral vision.
In a few minutes you should see at least a thin line of white or pale blue
outlining your head. This is the inner layer of your aura. With a week's
practice of ten minutes twice a day, you should easily be seeing subtler layers
of light extending from one to several feet in a egg shape around your body.
Regular practice will add color to your aura vision. As your aura vision
improves, you will notice the radiation from the shoulders linked with the
heart, balanced by the siphoning effect of the sea of fire in the solar plexus,
which reaches down into the base of the spine. Light gushes up from the crown of
the head, to fall back again in a fountain of color; this becomes red-violet
with spiritual enlightenment.

Aura Color ChartRED: bright red = force and energy; dark red = domineering;
light red = self-centered; scarlet = egotistical; pink = immaturity.

ORANGE:orange = thoughtfulness; golden orange = self-control; brownish orange =
a lack of ambition.

YELLOW:golden yellow = good health, learning ability and a lack of worry.
GREEN:emerald green with a dash of blue = healing, helpful, and friendly; green
with yellow = deceitful.

BLUE:blue = contemplation; pale blue = little depth and many personal problems;
deep blue = one has found his work in life,sometimes moody and unusual.

INDIGO & VIOLET:indigo and violet = seekers of all types; purple = inclined to
be overbearing.

WHITE:white is the perfect color, a harmonious blend of all the other colors. If
you see it in another, follow it as if it were a star; it is.

Basic Aura Work
Lesser Circulation of the LightVisualize a sphere of white light above your head
while standing facing your direction (otherwise, north). Visualize and feel a
stream of white light move downward through your crown to blossom as a sphere of
white light, first at your throat, then your solar plexus, then at your
genitals. Finally, visualize the stream of white light move downward to your
feet and blossom as a sphere of white light beneath your feet.
Now draw the white light out of the sphere above your head and down your left
side to merge with the sphere at your feet. Then visualize stream of white light
moving up right side to the sphere above your head. Now reverse directions and
see the white light moving down your right side, across the soles of your feet
and up your left side. Now visualize the stream of white light moving out of
sphere above your head and down your front to your feet. Then see the stream of
white light moving up your back to merge with the sphere over your head; then
reverse directions, and finally, do all directions at once.


GemstonesGemstones act in unison with the life force of man, aiding the organism
to sustain health, stimulating the perceptions and intuition. Gemstones should
be chosen according to the colors of the aura, the stones working best when they
are in accord with the colors. Gems that have been worn by others should be
cleansed in running water before use. They should be worn about the neck for the
individual's relationships with self and spiritual forces, and on the
extremities for relationships with others; always they should be worn next to
the skin.
AGATE(bands of colors) - attracts peace, victory in games, happiness & good luck

AMBER(a bridge of light between heaven and earth) - held in hands reduces
fevers, most efficacious near throat, protects against evil eye, charged with
electricity which attracts light particles

AMETHYST - attracts love and good luck and is a protector against sorcery, helps
control an undisciplined temperament, on the brow it relieves a headache, opens
the psychic centers (seeing the light)

AQUAMARINE - spiritual awakening, mental protection
AZURITE - induces influences from without that aid in contact with higher
sources of activity, good for meditation

BERYL - for deep romance and love, brings hope and protects against the
fascinations and spells of witchcraft (mysteries of the sea)

BLOODSTONE - brings friendship, calms people, soothes flaring tempers,
protection against the evil eye and depression, checks hemorrhages, relieves
pain, attunes to forces of healing and decision

CARBUNCLE - mental conditioning (to flash)
CHRYSOLITE(PERIDOT - precious) - attunes to healing, visions and psychic
phenomena, set in gold it dispels terrors of the night

CINNABAR - risen kundalini, path of initiate
CORAL - protects against the evil eye and all spells, natural disasters &
unfortunate occurrences, brings sensitivity to intuitive forces, associated with
the planet Venus, one should never wear dirty or discolored coral

DIAMOND(Adamas Stone - all virtue) - attracts power, riches and friends,
reconciles differences between, friends who have quarreled, symbolizes peace,
fidelity and opulence, selfish in its very nature, it will bring either
irritation or peace to the wearer, spiritual attunement, binds in wedlock

EMERALD - a stone of precognition, it nurtures love and beauty, turns negative
spells back upon the sender, banishes fear, quickens intellect, cures laziness

FIRE OPAL - gem of the gods, a stone of hope and achievement, held on the brow
it gives proper direction to the thoughts, held in left hand and gazed upon it
favors desires, above all a stone of love (but if the lover is false its
influence is reversed), purification of the Self

GARNET - attracts purity, sincerity and understanding, tends to be a bit stuffy
and Victorian, loyalty

JADE - brings good luck, protection from disease and evil spirits, enhances
occult powers, symbol of serenity and immortality, aids kidney functions

JASPER - protects from pain, guards independence brings good fortune and
protection from the controlling influence of others, courage, healing

JET(black amber) - protects against thunderstorms and evil magic
LAPIS LAZULI - an attractor of powerful and highly evolved spirits, builds
health and strength, assurance in self, mount between layers of glass to limit

LAPIS LINGUA (Caeruleum, Tuaoi)(azurite in combination with malachite resulting
in a transparent bluish-green stone)- held in hands a few minutes then set aside
it enables you to hear the vibrations given off by Self, light appears within as
a means of communication with spiritual forces and energy radiates from it as a
beam for various activities, should be mounted in white gold or silver

MALACHITE - protection of transmission of energy in the physical body and of
material benefits

MOONSTONE(travelers' stone) - protects love and inspires the tender passions, a
guardian and stimulator of the mind, aid to accomplishment of affections, held
in mouth for visions, worn with a pearl or opal for maximum effectiveness,
surface appearance changes with light and phases of the Moon

ONYX - guards independence, brings strange dreams, heals the eyes
OPAL - a mystical stone, calms anger, brings good luck and extra mental powers,
brings bad luck to selfish people, opens Third Eye, water is bad for it

PEARL - indicates in its formation and beauty the hardships overcome by creative
sources, healing and creative because of the very irritation that produced it,
watery influence, keeping an even temperament, emblem of peace, purity and

QUARTZ - purity, patience, perseverance, attraction of vital elemental
influences, attunes to helpful higher forces, neutralizes negative energies,
double terminated crystals aid in dreaming

RUBY - a stone of power, loyalty and courage, focus of occult energies, protects
from trouble, aids in love and passion, stimulates spiritual regeneration

SAPPHIRE - a stone of occult power, radiates gentleness and peace, brings
justice and truth to light, wisdom (to bend from a straight course)

SARDONYX - a protector against spells and incantations, sharpens wits, imparts
warmth and precision, influences choices made by mental forces, combines powers
of Sun and Moon

SARDESTONE (CARNELIAN) - protector of the dead
TOPAZ(stone of strength, the burning one) - a protector of warriors, it puts
women to flight and vanquishes the spells of sorcerors, used for divining water
and treasure, general strengthening of the physical body, helps receive astral
vibes, soothes wild passions, strengthens intellect, should be set in gold, its
powers increase with the Moon, exhibits strong electrical phenomena, occurs in

TURQUOISE - brings love and courage, protects against violence of thought or
deed, reduces tensions, an eye stone, brings good luck

ZIRCON - attracts fame and fortune, protects against accidents, a wishing stone,


MetalsGold (Sun) - attracts financial success, leadership, strength,

Silver (Moon) - dreams and intuitiveness, protects secrets, projecting energies,
increase and decrease, psychic abilities

Aluminum (mercury) - attracts mental alertness, invention and the art of making
money, aids in travel

Iron/Steel (Mars) - attack and defense, courage and aggressiveness, ionizes body
to resist disease

Copper (Venus) - guards health (esp. against arthritis & rheumatism), protective
against depression and negative energies, brings passion and intenseness,
success in love,

Tin (Jupiter) - the metal of luck and good fortune, generosity and expansion,

Lead (Saturn) - heavy and serious but mystical, the teacher and taskmaster,
breaking spells, protection against flamboyant people, justice, stability,

Electrum (Earth)from 'ulka' (beaming sun) - the magickal metal, a natural alloy
of gold and silver, an armlet promotes general well being,



To Enter the UnderworldAfter mastering astral projection, you are ready to begin
the process of attainment called Walking the Worlds. The first place to visit is
the classic Underworld of shamans and the Realm of the Dead of the ancient
Mysteries, called Hades or Hel. Typically, the astral tunnel which leads to the
Underworld opens to a realm of red mist. Here one must pass the Guardian of the
Dread Gate. This Guardian may take many forms; here, we will speak of Cerberus,
the classical three-headed dog of the Greco-Roman Mysteries who guards the Gate
against the unworthy. The successful outcome of this ritual requires that one
first become 'worthy' to enter the Underworld while still living by sacrifice in
the physical world to indicate one has overcome the hold of the world on
oneself. In ancient times, this was often accomplished by giving one's things to
the poor to feed the hungry. For your purposes, you must make a gesture in a
similar vein.

To pass the Guardian Cerberus and enter the Underworld, one must win the ritual
combat: 1. Approach Cerberus from the front with weapons down and halt when you
can see its eyes. Now enter the first stage of the ritual by staring Cerberus
down, until it looks away. 2. Now you must quickly leap upon the beast and
expend all your strength to wrestle it to the ground and place your neck over
the neck(s) of Cerberus; at this point, it will cease to struggle momentarily.
3. Complete the ritual by blowing your breath into its ears; Cerberus will now
cease to struggle altogether and passively allow you to pass the Dread Door. - 33k




Pax, the essence of peace, settle once more in my heart and soul, much has
Happened for which I am not proud. I've fallen along the Path of Beauty, and
Find it hard to stand once more. It's as if the wind of Spirit has been knocked
Out of me and the light eludes me. Please reach down with a helping hand and
Help me find my way home.

Let me integrate the important lessons of this experience so history doesn't
Repeat itself. Let me remain conscious of what has happened so I can repair the
Damage done to myself or anyone else. But don't let me dwell in self pity or
Condemnation -- those feelings bear no life, no well being and serve nothing
Positive. Replace them with the hope that comes from a new awareness, change,
And a readiness to meet the future as a better person for my experience.

So be it....

God/dess, your names and faces are many. Your ideals have been tinted by
Cultures, eras, politics, and social trends. Yet, the core of Universal truth
Remains in every tree and brook, every star and stone. This is the nucleaus of
All humankind's Spirits. Help us to see this central root as a binding tie
Through which we all can be nurtured.

While our words are different, they mean much the same. The differences that
Seperate us come from limited human vision, which cannot look beyond dogma.
Broaden our understanding to see as you see, to identify each other as brothers
And sisters of Spirit.

The path of beauty is many things to many people, but always leads back to you.
Help us recognize that you are the sacred parent. Any power so great as to
Create our diversity cannot be confided to one image or one creed. Help us find
Wonder and joy in our differences and appreciate our similarities. Today, and
Always we are all children of one family, both divine yet mortal - the family of


Hermes, messenger of the Gods, hear my prayer. Braggi, divine guardian of the
Nectars of the muses, hear my prayer. While the people of earth speak many
Languages, we all have similar desires and dreams. Help us share these with one
Another in gentleness and truth.

No matter the tongue or setting, help us find a universal language with which to
Know each other - not by color, culture, or creed, but as fellow human beings.
Even when we differ in opinions, let our words be sweet upon our lips, kind,
Insightful, and filled with peaceful intentions. Let our conversations be
Honest, buildt on a foundation of mutual respect, nurtured by mutual aspiration,
To eventually bloosom with love.

Guardian of all that is, Sacred, our world is hurting. People are hurting. War,
Crime, apathy, and negativity threaten to destroy the wonders of earth and its
Inhabitants. Reach out from the center of the Universe and motivate the winds of
Change. Help save us from ourselves.

Today, if you will guide me, I now give my hands, heart, and magic to the goal
Of world peace. Let me be gentle with myself and others. Let me care for those
Around me, no matter our differences. Where anger dwells help me bring harmony:
Where I see apathy, help me inspire: where there is negativity, help me affirm
And uplift.

Before the waves of conflict swell beyond the walls of goodness and decency,
Help all humankind do likewise. Let the walls (of goodness and decency) that
Seperate us come tumbling down, dismantled by honest effort and random acts of
Kindness. Drop a blanket of peace upon this planet to wrap us all in wholeness
Once more.


Light of Light, blazing through all time, space, and dimensions, come!
Illuminate the darkness that seems to engulf me. Push back the night until it
Becomes day once more. Don't allow the waves of _________ (how you have been
Feeling) to overwhelm me. Become my buoy. My strength through this storm.

I am willing to fight to stand up for truth and love. My resolve is strengthened
Knowing you're at my side. Help me to see clearly, to speak honestly, to hear
And really listen, and to reach out for support when my determination waivers.
Light of Light, hear this prayer, cast out the shadows wherever they may lie,
Including my own heart.

So mote it be...

Lord of Song, Lady of Dance, see the heaviness of my heart - the waves of
Sadness that threaten to drown the spark of my spirit. Help me find the light of
Hope in this darkness and follow it back to wholeness.

Let me find joy in the knowledge that I am not alone. Let me find happiness in
myself, my gifts, my friends, and family. Remind me that the greatest blessings
are not always part of the tangible world, but those that come in silent moments
of the soul. Refill the well of my spirit now, till it overflows with gladness.

So be it...

Kwan Yin, Goddess of mercy, She who is said to answer all sincere prayers, I
call to you. I stand at an impasse. I know not the way; no matter what I try,
the obstacles remain firm.

What lesson does this wall teach me? What benefit is there in waiting? Why can I
not move ahead? These are the questions that lay heavy on my heart. If I am to
move, guide my way. If I am to stay, help me stay. Grant me your vision but for
a moment so I can think and act wisely for the best possible outcome.

So be it....

Ancient Ones, I come before you to ask for renewal. Renew my body - give it
strength, energy and stamina with which to continue caring for myself. Wherever
sickness dwells, replace it with health. Renew my mind - give it peace,
understanding, insight, and keen awareness so that faith has foundations in
truth and reality. Wherever unhealthy thoughts dwell, replace them with hope.

Renew my spirit - give it discernment, harmony and the spark of all magic.
Wherever darkness dwells replace it with light. Let this shine from within to
act as a beacon for all my actions and thoughts.

So mote it be...

Venus, Frigg, Cupid, Krishna, all powers who embody the spirit of love, I come
to you. Fill every corner of my life with the wonder and power of love. Let me
first love myself so that I appreciate the temple that houses my soul and all
its amazing abilities. Help me to better accept love into my life by taking down
any walls between me and those I care about.

Today and everyday let me show more love to others. Let my words be filled with
kindness and truth. Let my thoughts be filled with good will. Let my heart
overflow with charity and my actions reflect that energy. When I meet another in
pain, let love in and around my life act as a salve to his or her wounds. Help
me to love freely and purely, without any expectations or selfishness as I walk
the Path of Beauty,

So be it....

Nucleus of the Universe, I have lost my way. My thoughts are scattered, my
actions uncertain. My heart doubtful. Numerous ________ (choices, idea's etc)
leave me hesitant to move, yet afraid to wait. Help me to find my focus again,
to reclaim order in my life and mind.

Help me to listen to the still small voice within that knows what priority to
set, and how to accomplish that goal. Give me a signpost to follow from within
or without, and set my eyes firmly upon it until the task is done.

So be it....

Crystal Help For Physical Ailments

Crystal Help for Physical Ailments

ALL physical healing: Phenacite

Absorption of Nutrients: Turquoise

Accident Prone: Pyrite

Acne: Amber

Adrenal Glands: Rose Quartz

ADHD: Charoite

AGING: Rhodocrosite

AIDS: Dioptase, Titanium Quartz

Air Sickness: Turquoise

Allergies: Turquoise, Spirit Quartz (skin allergies)

Anemia: Bloodstone

Angina: Emerald

Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome: Dioptase, Titanium Quartz

Arthritis: Malachite, Turquoise

Asthma: Amber, Emerald, Malachite, Rose Quartz, Turquoise

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Charoite

Autism: Charoite

Backache: Turquoise

Bacterial infection: Amber, Emerald

Balance: Bloodstone, Emerald, Malachite

Bile Ducts: Emerald

Birth (Easing): Malachite, Moonstone

Bladder: Amber

Blood: Bloodstone, Blue Quartz, Malachite, Rose Quartz

Blood Clotting: Bloodstone

Blood Pressure - High: Emerald

Body Fluids: Titanium Quartz

Bone Cancer: Titanium Quartz

Bone Marrow: Bloodstone

Bones: Emerald

Brain: Epidote, Kyanite

Breathing: Turquoise

Broken Bones: Malachite

Bronchitis: Turquoise

Burns (including sunburns): Rose Quartz

Cataracts: Turquoise

Cellular Regeneration: Seraphinite

Chills: Aragonite, Seraphinite

Circulation: Rhdodocrosite, Rose Quartz, Turquoise

Common Cold: Jet, Seraphinite

Complexion: Rose Quartz

Coughs: Rose Quartz

Dehydration: Epidote, Titanium Quartz

Detox: Amber, Charoite, Malachite, Spirit Quartz, Turquoise

Eczema: Aragonite

Endocrine System: Blue Quartz

Epilepsy: Jet, Malachite

Eye Health: Charoite

Eyesight: Emerald, Malachite

Fertility: Emerald, Spirit Quartz

Fever: Titanium Quartz

Flu: Rose Quartz, Turquoise

General Aches: Aragonite, Rose Quartz

Glands: Kyanite, Rose Quartz (adrenal glands)

Growth: Emerald

Hair Loss: Aragonite

Headache: Charoite

Heart: Amber, Bloodstone, Charoite, Emerald, Malachite, Rhodocrosite, Rose Quartz

Hemorrhages: Bloodstone

High Blood Pressure: Emerald

Hips: Bloodstone

Hormones: Amber

Hormones (Female only): Moonstone

Illness Prevention: Titanium Quartz

Immune System: Aqua Aura, Emerald, Malachite

Inflammation: Emerald, Malachite

Insect Bites: Emerald

Insomnia: Malachite

Intellect: Amber

Iron Deficiency: Bloodstone

Jaundice: Emerald

Joints: Bloodstone

Kidneys: Amber, Bloodstone, Emerald, Rhodocrosite, Rose Quartz, Seraphinite

Knees: Apache Tear

Liver: Bloodstone, Emerald, Seraphinite

Liver Damage (Sclerosis): Charoite

Lungs: Turquoise

Malaise: Turquoise

ME: Rhodocrosite

Memory: Amber

Menstrual Cycle Regulating: Bloodstone, Moonstone

Metabolism: Blue Quartz, Herkimer Diamond

Migraines: Jet

MS: Titanium Quartz

Multiple Sclerosis: Titanium Quartz

Multi-Purpose Healer: Turquoise

Muscles: Kyanite, Turquoise

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: Rhodocrosite

Nervous System: Epidote

Neurological System: Kyanite

Nose Bleeds: Bloodstone

Pancreas: Malachite

Parkinson's Disease: Epidote

Pituitary Gland: Malachite

PMS: Moonstone

Pregnancy: Moonstone

Post Operative Recovery: Amber, Turquoise

Psoriasis: Aragaonite

Pulse Rate (Slowing): Charoite

Radiation Effects: Herkimer Diamond, Turquoise

Rheumatism: Malachite, Turquoise

Schizophrenia: Amber

Sex Drive (balance): Rose Quartz

Sexual Frustration: Rose Quartz

Skeletal Pain: Turquoise

Skin Allergies: Spirit Quartz

Sleep (Restful): Malachite

Sores: Emerald

Spleen: Bloodstone, Blue Quartz, Malachite, Rhodocrosite, Rose Quartz

Stomach Ache: Jet

Stress-related illness: Aqua Aura

Sunburn: Rose Quartz

Swelling: Malachite, Moonstone

Swollen Glands: Jet

Teeth: Malachite

Tissue Regeneration: Malachite, Turquoise

Throat problems: Amber, Aqua Aura, Turquoise

Thymus Gland: Aqua Aura (plays a vital part in maintaining the body's immunity against all diseases).

Thyroid: Epidote

Torn Muscle: Malachite

Toxin Elimination: Bloodstone, Herkimer Diamond, Seraphinite

Tumors: Malachite

Varicose Veins: Pyrite, Rose Quartz

Vertigo: Rose Quartz

Viral Infection: Emerald

Vitamin A Deficiency: Aragonite
Vitamin C Deficiency: Apache Tear
Vitamin D Deficiency: Apache Tear

Water Retention: Moonstone, Titanium Quartz

Weight Gain: Turquoise

Weight Loss: Seraphinite

Whiplash: Turquoise

Wind Pains: Turquoise

Wounds: Bloodstone, Turquoise

Wrinkles: Aragonite, Rose Quartz

Youthful Appearance: Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Rutilated Quartz

Overview Of Uses Of Peppermint Essential Oil

Overview of Uses of Peppermint Essential Oil From another Group

IMPORTANT REMINDERS: Keep all oils out of the reach of children. Pregnant women should consult a physician before using. Avoid all contact with eyes. Some people may be allergic to mint oil. This information is in no way intended as a substitute for medical consultation by a health care professional.

Peppermint oil is excellent for mental fatigue and depression, refreshing the spirit and stimulating mental agility and improving concentration. It helps for apathy, shock, headache, migraine, nervous stress, vertigo and faintness and in general respiratory disorders, as well as dry coughs, sinus congestion, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and cholera.

For the digestive system, peppermint oil is effective for a range of ailments, as it stimulates the gall bladder and the secretion of bile. It is used for colic, cramps, dyspepsia, spastic colon, flatulence and nausea and can relieve pain in cases of toothache, aching feet, rheumatism, neuralgia, muscular pains and painful periods.
On the skin, peppermint oil is used to relieve skin irritation and itchiness and also helps to reduce skin redness, where inflammation is present. It is used for dermatitis, acne, ringworm, scabies and pruritus and also relieves itching, sunburn and inflammation of the skin, while at the same time having a cooling action.

Peppermint may ease headaches and migraines. Apply a rub to temple area in circular motion and across the forehead. For migraines, wet hair and put 4-5 drops into your hand and massage into the scalp.

Sinus Problems
Peppermint is very useful in reducing sinus congestion when added to a bowl of steaming or boiling water. A rub may be applied to chest, back of neck area, and behind ears. A few drops of oil in a vaporizer at night will help ease congestion as well.

Digestive System
Peppermint oil can help relax the muscles of the digestive tract to relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. One drop of peppermint oil on a sugar cube or used in tea may help relieve intestinal cramps.

Body Muscles & Arthritis
Peppermint oil is soothing to sore muscles when added to a hot bath or massage oil. Use this to soothe arthritis pain. Mix 4-5 drops of oil into 1 ounce of lotion and/or massage carrier oil.

Applied full strength, or mixed with a carrier oil, peppermint oil may relieve swollen feet and may reduce and assist in healing blisters, cuts, or athlete's foot by killing bacteria.

Women Only
Relieve menstrual or abdominal cramps, add 1-2 drops of peppermint oil on a sugar cube or into an 8 ounce glass of water and drink. A toothpick dipped in oil works great for tea or water. Also helps to relieve Hot Flashes!

Flu Season?
For a sore throat, sparingly dip a cotton swab into mint oil and carefully apply to the back of the tongue area.

Relieve congestion by rubbing a few drops of peppermint oil on chest & covering with warm compress.

Add a few drops of mint oil to the water of a humidifier or vaporizer to keep it smelling fresh and kill germs.

Peppermint Oil is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal!

Rejuvenating The Soul Spell

Rejuvenating the Soul Spell

When you are down and feel life is going nowhere,
go to your sacred
Space or a room where you are comfortable.
Light up the surroundings with a
Multicolored nurturing glow using seven candles
of seven different
Ensure the candles are placed in secure holders
before arranging them
In a circle on a bare table.
It is essential that all windows are shut and
That you keep an eye on the candles once they are lit.
Sit or recline near
The table, meditate for a few moments,
and feel the candlelight
Replenishing your soul.
This ritual can also be used when you feel lonely or
Visualize the colors surrounding you with warmth,
radiant health, and
See yourself overcoming your problems and solving your problems.

By S. Y. Zenith

Magickal Boosters-Part 1

Magical Boosters--Part 1

Almost anyone can work a spell, and you don't have to be a genius to obtain successful results. All spellwork requires is solid intent, concentrated focus, and the ability to channel energy toward the specific direction of your wishes. Be that as it may, the end results don't always parallel the original vision, and if a spell doesn't come to fruition in twenty-one days or less, chances are it won't work out at all. Why? Because certain cosmic forces can affect our magical efforts, and if the conditions aren't right, even the most carefully planned spell can fizzle out before it ever reaches its target.

Working with magical boosters is a good way to prevent such an occurrence and increase the chances of magical success. For example, the day of the week or time of day you begin a spell could provide the proper conditions to set the magic in motion. Using a particular Element or color in the spellwork might speed the results. Even the way the wind blows can make a difference in magical impact.

Atmosphere and the Working Environment

Creating an atmosphere conducive to spellwork is probably the most important step you can take toward successful magic. Atmosphere puts us in the mood, molds the frame of mind, and builds anticipation. Trying to work in an area that doesn't have a magical flavor is a little like trying to build a house without a hammer: things just don't hold together well.

Building the proper atmosphere for magic isn't difficult, and there
Is no wrong way to do it. All it takes is a small space, a little
Imagination, and a few items that say "magic" to you.

Some folks like to use an altar to create a magical environment, because it reminds them that spellcasting is a spiritual kind of work. They erect formal altars and include candles, incense, and symbols of the Lord and Lady. Others go for a more informal look, constructing a space that doesn't look like an altar at all, but more like an arrangement of interesting objects. One of my altars, for example, contains a miniature rocking chair made of grapevine and dried flowers, a basket of dried pomegranates, an antique doily, a cobalt blue perfume bottle, several packets of seeds, and an assortment of crystals and stones. The fact that it doesn't look
Like an altar in no way hampers its magical value. In fact, some of my most successful work began in that very space.

Constructing an altar isn't the only way to create a magical environment. Some of the most sacred spaces in my home include a bookshelf covered with building-block castles, a large wooden spice cabinet, a shelving unit filled with African violets, and the wall that faces my computer desk.

The point is, the working environment you create doesn't have to broadcast your practices for magical conductivity. The important thing is that you feel its power when you enter the area. Feeling the power makes you feel magical, and the person who feels magical produces potent magic.
By Dorothy Morrison,
"Everyday Magic,"
Copyright 1998

How To Choose A Tarot Deck

How To Choose A Tarot Deck

Learning to read tarot cards for yourself or others will require a
Sizable investment in time. You will have to look at and work with
Whichever deck you choose on an almost daily basis. This being the case, it
Is important that you choose a deck that you find visually attractive.
The images should stimulate you.

Many stores have sample decks available so that you can see all of
The cards. Some of the larger chain bookstores will open decks for
You if you ask. If you cannot see the cards in the store, there are several
Sites on the Internet that feature cards from a variety of tarot decks. If you
Don't have a computer, try your local library. Most public
Libraries now have computers with web access.

Try to see as many decks as possible before choosing one. Good
Tarot imagery can evoke feelings in the viewer. Do some cards look happy
Or sad, angry or peaceful? It is easier to learn the meanings of the cards
If the images portray emotions. Some people buy several decks before they
Find one that works for them. Tarot decks are fairly expensive, so take your
Time and find a deck that appeals to you before you buy.

Once you have found a deck that is evocative and visually pleasing,
You should make sure that it is, in fact, a tarot deck. There are
Several decks that are marketed as tarot, but are not. All tarot
Decks share several characteristics. They usually consist of 78 cards: 22
Trumps (called the Major Arcana) and 56 non-trumps (called the Minor
Arcana). The Minor Arcana usually consist of four suits, each of which can be further
Dividedi into four court cards and ten numbered cards. Some modern decks may
Deviate on one or more of these points. Recently there have been several decks
That have added additional cards, but even these decks maintain the
Framework of Major and Minor Arcana, suits and court cards. There are also decks
That have only the Major Arcana. Just how closely a deck must adhere to this
Layout is a matter of some controversy, but a deck with 40 cards and
Nondifferentiated suits is clearly not a tarot deck.

I divide tarot decks into three types: traditional decks, theme
Decks and art decks. Traditional decks include the Rider-Waite,
Aleister Crowley's Thoth, and decks based on these two standards.
Traditional decks have meaningful symbolism. A butterfly on a card in a traditional
Deck will have a specific meaning. Theme decks are based on a theme
Like Shakespeare, or the Grail Legend, or a specific Pagan tradition.
Art decks are designed to be aesthetically pleasing, but may lack meaningful
Symbolism. A butterfly in an art deck is usually there because it is pretty.

If you simply cannot find a deck that appeals to you, but you still
Want to study tarot, you may want to start with a traditional deck.
Once you have learned to read with a traditional deck, you will find
Subsequent decks easier to learn because most theme decks and art decks still
Bear similarities to traditional decks.

When you find a deck you like, ask whether there is a book written
Specifically for the deck you have chosen. The vast majority of
Decks come with a small instruction booklet with brief card meanings
And one or two spreads, but you will probably find the booklet wanting. If
There is a separate book written specifically for your deck, purchase it when
You buy your deck, or as shortly thereafter as possible. Many decks
Are sold as deck-and-book sets. This is probably the best way to go.

Take your time shopping for a deck. You will be spending a lot of
Time with whichever you choose. Choose a deck that you find
Pleasurable to look at, and the time devoted to study and practice will be a
Pleasure, not a chore.
By Michele Jackson
Copyright 2000

Why Do Divination

Why Do Divination?

People agree that Witches know about herbs and healing and that
They "tell fortunes," or perform divination. What is divination? It is more
Than just "telling fortunes." Divination at its most basic is used to tell
The past, present, or future through indirect means, either using a focus or
With pure psychic talents. It is used to obtain information about a person or
Situation through psychic means.

Why was divination originally developed? In the old days (before
Telephones or TV) there might be months between word from loved ones who were
Away from home. Divination was a way of keeping tabs on them that didn't
Depend on mail or messengers. If your livelihood depended on a king who lived
Far away, divination made sense when there was no other way of determining
What that king was thinking and doing. If you were a priest, you might use
Divination to determine what the Gods wanted Divination and divine have the same
Root, diva, which is Hindu for God. Some feel the ability to do
Divination is a divine gift, and should be used properly and reverently or it might
Be withdrawn.

With cell phones and pagers nobody is ever really out of touch
Today. Still, divination can give insights into people's actions and
Motivations. It can also help explain why things might have happened as they did. It
Can help shed light upon the future, but you have to remember the immortal
Words of that great sage Yoda, "Always in motion the future is. Careful you
Have to be."

Divination can be used to help a person in the great work: the
Continuing work of perfecting the self, with self-examination as the means for
Achieving it. Using divination as a personal psychological self-help tool
(using modern terminology) can give a person insight into their own motivations
And thoughts, and help gain perspective. Like those computer
Psychologist self-help programs that just mirror what is put in, a good reading will mirror a person's thoughts back, reinforce what has been done, and help the diviner
Extrapolate about the future.

To a small extent everyone practices divination. "If you go outside
Without your coat, you'll get sick." Witches have just made a franchise out
Of it, and, because practice makes perfect, they are more accomplished at
It than most. Having psychic ability helps also, though it is not
Necessary. There are computer programs that will tell your fortune. For those who
Have used them, they can be frighteningly accurate. Nobody can claim
Computers have psychic ability. They aren't even sentient. (Yet.)

So why bother trying to do divination yourself if computers can do it
For you? Computers may be accurate but they are impersonal, and a fair
Portion of a good reading is counseling, listening, and plain old-fashioned
Advice. That may sound boring, but there it is. Before psychologists and
The self-help industry were invented, people often went to the local wise woman
For advice and maybe a few herbs. The need for guidance and counsel from an
Outside source is universal. That's why fortune tellers of some type have
Been present in most every culture on Earth--people want it, and there's some
Sort of a living to be made from it.

Divination is fun. The entertainment factor is very strong for many
Who get readings. Some readers are more than willing to work in that
Context. Others feel it demeans the reading and trivialized their skills and
Results. It's a matter of personal preference.

Divination can forge a link with the psychic and spiritual realms.
One can feel a bit closer to the divine, however one views it. One can
Certainly get a feeling there is some intelligence taking interest in what happens
On this small blue ball when one gets an accurate and insightful reading.

Some Types of Divination

How many ways are there to do divination? There is literally no
Limit, from the more familiar Tarot cards, astrology, runes, numerology,
Palmistry, handwriting analysis (some dispute this is divination) to the more
Obscure scrying, augury, phrenology, physiognomy, bibliomancy and the ever
Popular Magic Eight Ball (don't knock it, it works). There are many methods to
Choose from.


Scrying is divination by using some outside focus, like water, a
Crystal ball, or fire. With scrying the focus is usually bright or
Shimmery. The reader concentrates and "sees" images, and interprets those images,
Often in the same way as dreams are interpreted.


Augury is very ancient. It is watching and listening to birds and
Interpreting their movements and sounds. Augury was also used by
The Romans to describe divination by entrails. They would sacrifice an animal and
Open it up to read the intestines, liver, heart and other organs. Eventually the
Animal would be gutted and dressed, and ready to roast as payment for the
priests who did the divination. What a coincidence! It's a living.


Phrenology is a form of divination popular in Britain in the 1800s.
It predicts character using the bumps on the head. There were machines
made around 1900 that did phrenology. They had lots of wires that pressed
against the head and, by measuring bumps, made a printout of the person's
character. This was a specialized early type of computer.


A physiognomist reads faces by the form and placement of features.
This form of divination was popular in ancient China, and is sometimes
used in concert with phrenology.


Bibliomancy is one of the few divinatory methods acceptable to
conservative religious authorities. To divine using this method you first think
of a question. Then hold your Bible closed, close your eyes, let the book
fall open, and put your finger on a page. Whatever verse your finger falls on
is the answer to your question. Some Puritan sects regularly practiced
bibliomancy, reasoning that the Bible was the word of God, and therefore the
advice came from God.

One can use many objects to tell fortunes, like dice, dominoes, cards
and mah jong tiles. One can use natural things, such as birds, flowers
(he loves me, he loves me not), clouds, and wind. Some claim meteorology is a
sophisticated and narrow form of divination. They even call it
predicting the weather. Meteorologists have about 50 percent accuracy (by their
own admission), which is really pretty low, but they have organized it better,
cloaked it in higher mathematics, and they use more sophisticated technology.
Have you ever watched radar? It can be used as a focus for scrying also. Maybe
that's how they do it.

Some Witches make money by telling fortunes. You can encounter them
at psychic fairs and parties. Some Witches only tell fortunes for
themselves and close friends and would never dream of charging for their services.
Some Witches use divination as a tool to help others, much like a
counselor or clergy. It's an individual choice.

Divination is a practice almost as old as civilization, maybe
older. Tortoise shells with patterns of cracks dating to 7000M BCE and
earlier have been found in China. Some feel these are the precursors to the I Ching.
They were certainly used for divination--take a tortoise shell and a hot
poker, think of your question and place the point of the hot poker against the
tortoise shell. Whatever cracks are made are your answer, but presumably you
need some sort of priest to interpret the answers. And yes, divination seems
to have developed contemporaneously with a priestly class. The tortoise
shell divinatory method wasn't ecologically sound for the turtle, but it
illustrates how people will use whatever is at hand in order to try to tell the
future. Divination is an ancient practice that still thrives in our modern
by Estelle Daniels,
copyright 1999

Astral Projection

Astral Projection

Reality is created by thought projection (consciousness) into the physical. There are 5 subtle bodies In astral projection the conscious mind leaves the physical body and moves into the astral body to experience. In astral projection you remain attached to your physical body by a 'silver umbilical type cord'. Some people are able to see the cord when astral projecting. To astral project, as with all out-of-body experiences, one must feel totally relaxed, clothing fitting comfortable, reclining is best. Often a comforter is best over the body as the physical body sometimes gets cold when you travel out.

When you astral project you are consciously aware of things you encounter while out of your physical body.

Some people can astral project naturally. Others are afraid to remove their consciousness from the physical body and never learn to astral project.

Astral projection (or astral travel) is an out-of-body experience achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming or deep meditation. People who say they experience astral projection often say that their spirit or astral body has left their physical body and moves in another dimension known as the spirit world or astral plane. The concept of astral projection has been around and practiced for thousands of years, dating back to ancient China. It is currently often associated with the New Age movement.

Psychics often say that the subconscious (or dreaming) mind contains the spirit or astral body, resulting in falling dreams or waking up with a falling sensation or sudden jerk. Most dreams are not remembered by the conscious mind, making the experience of astral projection a subject of subjectivity. Believers in astral projection point out, though, that most ghost sightings often define the ghost as a lucid or transparent apparition walking the earth.

It is unclear whether every physical object has an 'astral' counterpart, or if a spirit literally uses incarnation into a physical body and this is what results in astral projections, or if the phenomena is something else entirely. Astral projection also touches on life itself and what happens after physical death.

There are two general schools of thought on the nature of astral projection. These can broadly be defined as the mystical model and the phasing model.

The Phasing Model, which was defined by Robert Monroe, holds the belief that it is impossible to actually leave your body in the truest sense of the word, and that the astral planes and the physical world are merely points on the long spectrum of consciousness. When a person projects, they actually "phase" into another area of consciousness and the locales it contains. This can be likened to tuning a radio to another station. One of the initial signposts representing a phase shift away from physical reality has been labeled the state of focus 10 (mind awake/body asleep). This viewpoint can be seen as a logical progression of the philosophy that external reality is actually an internally created state
The Mystical Model includes a large variety of belief systems and astral maps, but they are tied together by their belief that astral projection takes place outside of the actual physical body. In this model, a more subtle energy body is believed to carry the consciousness outside of the physical body. In their book Projection of the Astral Body, Carrington and Muldoon detail how consciousness is transferred into a secondary "energy" body (the etheric body) to allow travel into the astral planes. This idea is also described by other authors such as Robert Peterson in his book Out of Body Experiences: How to have them and what to expect (chapters 5, 17, 22), and Robert Bruce in his book Astral Dynamics (pages 31-33, 404-410, 538). Bruce expanded on this idea in his book Astral Dynamics, stating that higher planes of existence are reached through the progressive projection of subtler energy bodies from previous projected bodies (pages 33-42). The subtle body is attached to the physical body by means of an energetic connection which usually takes the appearance of a silver cord 'plugging' into the chakra system like an umbilical cord. Robert Peterson describes this in chapter 13 of his book Out of Body Experiences, Robert Bruce in his book Astral Dynamics (pages 27, 52-53, 84, 397-403,544) and by Carrington and Muldoon in their book Projection of the Astral Body.

Kinds of Projection

Astral Projection - The traveler finds him- or herself in an apparently real domain, analogous to the "other worlds" experienced by traditional peoples, which have no parallel to any physical setting or to consensus reality, described by New Agers and occultists as the astral plane or "the astral". Environments here may range from populated to unpopulated, artificial to natural to completely abstract environments and from beautific to horrific. Here, normal physical laws often do not apply and humans can often, for example, float or fly. Quality of physical detail ranges from crude, non-detailed and depressing to bright, vivid and fascinating as detailed, among other writers, by Robert Bruce in his Astral Dynamics.

Travelers may travel from one realm to the other. Projectors may find access to visions of the past or future and to the Akashic Records accessible from here. It has been said that space and time do not exist on the astral plane nor the higher planes, but no explanation is given as to how forms and entire environments can exist without spatial dimensions, nor why there can be a sequence of events and yet no such thing as time. Many travelers have theorized that people having dreams actually travel to the astral realms, unaware, and, again as reported in Astral Dynamics, travelers have reported seeing dreamers enact dream scenarios on the astral plane, unaware of the more extensive and varied non-physical environment surrounding them. Some also claim common movements in dreams, such as falling or feeling like you are walking through quicksand, is the astral body in action.

Etheric Projection - In contrast to "astral" projection, the traditional understanding of out-of-body experiences involves the projector (or traveler) moving about in usually invisible or ghost-like form in a mundane physical realityÐthe etheric body. This world may, however, have minor differences between the physical reality world we know if strict mind control is not maintained. Proponents of the writings of Robert Bruce sometimes refer to this practice as "Real Time Projection" (RTP) and the mundane world as the "Real Time Zone" (RTZ). From the Real Time Zone, travelers can access "the astral" or remain in the RTZ and witness real time happenings.

In Western theosophy, each subtle body is functionally distinct. Since the etheric body and astral body are not the same, according to several sources (noted below), they can not possibly represent the same kind of psychic activity.

Alice Bailey, in Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle (Lucis Trust), stated that the etheric and astral bodies should not be confused. She indicated that "HPB" (Helena P. Blavatsky) had erroneously merged the two concepts, in order to cover a "mass of information anent the etheric [and] astral" (pages 140-141).

The Rosicrucian Fellowship has released several publications on the "etheric region" and the etheric body, as well as their integral relationship with the physical state of being (see Max Heindel, et al). The Theosophical Society, having several branches around the world, also has published literature on both the etheric and astral states. To them, the etheric body is actually the same as the physical; however, it "rests" at a slightly different frequency than regular matter.

Lawrence Bendit and Phoebe Bendit wrote a book called The Etheric Body of Man (Theosophical Publishing), in which the analysis of a psychiatrist meets the psychic visions of an alleged clairvoyant. Therein, the authors explain how the etheric body is a functionally separate body from the physical, and yet they share a mutual relationship, all of which seem to be consistent with how ether and etheric projection is believed to operate, as depicted in other literature.

The term was coined at least as far back as the 1940s, by Dion Fortune in her book Psychic Self Defense (Red Wheel/Weiser). She details how an etheric body (during etheric projection), once projected, is "sufficiently physical enough" to be mutually observed by on-lookers (pages 20-22).

James H. Brennan, in The Astral Projection Workbook (Sterling Pubishing), devotes an entire section of his book to etheric projection and its constituents (pages 17-28).
Annie Besant, in The Seven Principles of Man (Theosophical Publishing House) actually explained that the "etheric double" can be separated from the physical body: This etheric double is the exact double or counterpart of the [physical] body to which it belongs, and is separable [from it]... When separated from the [physical] body it is visible to the clairvoyant as an exact replica thereof, united to it by a slender thread... (pages 8-9).
Stuart Wilde in The Sixth Sense (Hay House) wrote that the etheric body (not astral) is the "true" individual, and that its function is to allow psychic abilities to actually surface. He stated that astral projection is not at all part of the etheric body's actions, and that it is more a "mental state [of reverie]" (page 102). Further, he said that the etheric body is actually the vehicle used in an OBE, and that calling it astral projection is misleading (pages 102-103).

Mental Projection

Mental projection is projection of the astral body to the mental plane via utilisation of mental energy while within the astral or etheric to phase into the Mental, or a different process used to project directly into the Mental Plane. The active subtle body of the mental plane is the mental body, which constitutes the intellectual consciousness of the projector in general. The environment is generally highly colorful and kaleidoscopic in nature, like the astral, and shifting consciously. The difference is that even mathematical functions and thoughts will manifest seemingly physically. The buffer zone between the astral and mental planes is known as the Akashic Records, and appears as a library of knowledge of past, present, and future possibility. There are many theories as to why the perceptions of these records and the mental plane in general differ from projector to projector, but the general consensus is that the Akashic records will appear differently, like a computer or library to different people at different times, and that the future is always sketchy and can often change mid-viewing to the projector.

Roman Catholic View

Astral Projection is a forbidden practice for Roman Catholics because the soul; containing all reason, thought, memories, emotion, attitudes, and beliefs; leaves the physical body during a wake state, and this can cause bizarre belief systems to develop, based on improperly interpreted sensations from the reality elevated from, and parallel to three dimensional reality.

The soul in an agnostic state; that is indifferent toward The Holy Trinity, or Triune God - God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit; is left without protection, roaming the atmosphere, and perhaps some distance beyond this in a spiritual ghetto that surrounds the earth: The Third Heaven. The Third Heaven is ruled by spiritual hosts of wickedness in the high places, which will send demons to deceive those who will not keep to the domain of the world.

A human soul, when detached from the physical body, during a waking state, without the protection of The Roman Catholic God, Jesus Christ, is very vulnerable to molestation by demons.

Roman Catholics refer to escorted travel in the spiritual dimension, an anointing. Jesus Christ is The Anointed of God, Who, while in human form was constantly aware of All Truth, regardless of the shortcomings of the human sensory channels. He was, therefore, constantly in a state of Astral Projection, or anointing. The anointed of God will prophesy Truth directly from God, perform miraculous healings, order the atmosphere to obey them, stop rain from falling in a certain area, pass through solid objects, and/or become invisible when threatened.

Robert Monroe - Monroe Technique

Robert Monroe in his series of books makes several references to a "second body", which he says must be "shed" in order to be completely free. Because many of his fantastical adventures are alleged to happen after this shedding, he was most likely referring to the etheric body and etheric projection.

Robert Allan Monroe (1915 - 1995) was a psychic researcher and author of
Monroe gives a detailed description of the "second body". It has weight, is visible under certain conditions, produces a sensation of touch just like the physical touch, and yet it is very plastic and may adopt any form required of it. Possibly, suggests Monroe, the second body is a reversal of the physical. He even relates this to his ideas that it may consist of antimatter, although what he means is obscure. As for a cord, he tried feeling it on some of his excursions, but it was not an important part of his experience. Finally he suggests that the second body is related in some important way to electricity and magnetism. In experiments in a Faraday cage he found that he could not pass through the walls when a current was passed through them, but when it was turned off he could (though sufficient details are not given to assess the explanation fairly). He suggests a "third force" to add to electricity and magnetism which is used by the second body and fundamental to thought.

What can we make of Monroe's descriptions? As always it is hard to disentangle what he has discovered about locations others might visit, from the product of his own bias or preoccupations. Some of his descriptions sound familiar, but many seem only odd.
Many people confuse this phenomenon with astral travel; however, etheric travel is mainly related to that which can and does exist, physically. During this type of experience, there are no fantastical worlds, or self-absorbed encounters; the majority of the experience can be validated. Dr. Charles Tart has done many experiments and tentatively concluded that the person may not have invented the experience - unlike astral travel, where the experience is conceptual. For example, in a 1967 study, a subject was unable to discover a five digit number written down and placed face up in an adjoining room, but did provide some details of the activities of the technician monitoring the experiment. Tart summarizes, "Thus, there is some indication that ESP may have been involved with respect to the technician's activities, but it is not at all conclusive."
According to Arthur Powell and Max Heindel, the etheric "double" serves as a medium between the astral and physical realms. Ether, also called prana, is the "vital force" that empowers the Physical forms in order for change to take place. This means that when one views the physical during an OBE, they are not technically "in" the astral realm at all.

The Monroe Technique

Step One:

Relax the body. According to Monroe, "the ability to relax is the first prerequisite, perhaps even the first step itself" to having an OBE. (out of body experience). This includes both physical and mental relaxation. Monroe does not suggest a method of attaining this relaxation, although progressive muscle relaxation, coupled with deep breathing exercises (inhale 1, exhale 2, inhale 3... until about 50 or 100) are known to work well.

Step Two:

Enter the state bordering sleep. This is known as the hypnogogic state. Once again, Monroe doesn't recommend any method of doing this. One way is to hold your forearm up, while keeping your upper arm on the bed, or ground. As you start to fall asleep, your arm will fall, and you will awaken again. With practice you can learn to control the hypnogogic state without using your arm. Another method is to concentrate on an object. When other images start to enter your thoughts, you have entered the hypnogogic state. Passively watch these images. This will also help you maintain this state of near-sleep. Monroe calls this Condition A.

Step Three:

Deepen this state. Begin to clear your mind. Observe your field of vision through your closed eyelids at the blackness in front of your. After a while you may start to notice light patterns. These are simply neural discharges. They have no specific effect. Ignore them. When they cease, one has entered what Monroe calls Condition B. From here, one must enter an even deeper state of relaxation which Monroe calls Condition C-- a state of such relaxation that you lose all awareness of the body and sensory stimulation. You are almost in a void in which your only source of stimulation will be your own thoughts.
The ideal state for leaving your body is Condition D. This is Condition C when it is voluntarily induced from a rested and refreshed condition and is not the effect of normal fatigue. To achieve Condition D, Monroe suggests that you practice entering it in the morning just as you are getting up, or after a short nap.

Step Four:

Enter a state of Vibration. This is the most important part of the technique, and also the most vague. Many projectors have noted these vibrations at the onset of projection. They can be experienced as a mild tingling, or as if electricity is being shot through the body. Their cause is a mystery. It may actually be the astral body trying to leave the physical body.

For entering into the vibrational state, he offers the following directions:

1. Remove all jewelry or other items that might be touching your skin.
2. Darken the room so that no light can be seen through your eyelids, but do not shut out all light.
3. Lie down with your body along a north-south axis, with your head pointed toward magnetic north.
4. Loosen all clothing, but keep covered so that you are slightly warmer than what might normally be comfortable.
5. Be sure you are in a location where, and at a time when, there will be absolutely no noise to disturb you.
6. Enter a state of relaxation.
7. Give yourself the mental suggestion that you will remember all that occurs during the upcoming session that will be beneficial to your well being. Repeat this five times.
8. As your breathe, concentrate on the void in front of you.
9. Select a point a foot away from your forehead, then change your point of mental reference to six feet.
10. Turn the point 90 degrees upward by drawing an imaginary line parallel to your body axis up above you head. Focus there and reach out for the vibrations at that point and bring them back into your body.

Even if you don't know what these vibrations are, you will know when you have achieved contact with them.

Step Five:

Learn to control the vibrational state. Practice controlling them by mentally pushing them into your head, down to your toes, making them surge throughout your entire body, and producing vibrational waves from head to foot. To produce this wave effect, concentrate on the vibrations and mentally push a wave out of your head and guide it down your body. Practice this until you can induce these waves on command. Once you have control of the vibrational state, you are ready to leave the body.

Step Six:

Begin with a partial separation. The key here is thought control. Keep your mind firmly focused on the idea of leaving the body. Do not let it wander. Stray thoughts might cause you to lose control of the state.

Now having entered the vibrational state, begin exploring the OBE by releasing a hand or a foot of the "second body". Monroe suggests that you extend a limb until it comes in contact with a familiar object, such as a wall near your bed. Then push it through the object. Return the limb by placing it back in to coincidence with the physical one, decrease the vibrational rate, and then terminate the experiment. Lie quietly until you have fully returned to normal. This exercise will prepare you for full separation.
Step Seven:

Dissociate yourself from the body. Monroe suggests two methods for this. One method is to lift out of the body. To do this, think about getting lighter and lighter after entering the vibrational state. Think about how nice it would be to float upward. Keep this thought in mind at all costs and let no extraneous thoughts interrupt it. An OBE will occur naturally at this point.

Another method is the "Rotation Method" or "roll-out" technique. When you have achieved the vibrational state, try to roll over as if you were turning over in bed. Do not attempt to roll over physically. Try to twist your body from the top and virtually roll over into your second body right out of your physical self. At this point, you will be out of the body, but next to it. Think of floating upward, and you should find yourself floating above the body.

Silva Method

According to its proponents, the Silva Method (Silva Mind Control, Remote viewing) is a self-empowerment system to shape beliefs, augment personal success and view distant objects or locations and connect with a higher intelligence for guidance. Jose Silva developed pseudoscientific explanations of brain function and its relationship with a higher consciousness in the 1960s.

According to its proponents, the technique aims to reach and sustain a higher state of mental functioning, called alpha state, where brainwave frequency is eight to thirteen Hz. The method also uses visualizations and affirmations. Advocates attest to healing, better attainment of goals, ESP and cure from addictions.

Jose Silva, founder of the Silva Method, claimed to have developed a program that trained people to enter certain brain states of enhanced awareness. He also claimed to have developed several systematic mental processes to use while in these states allowing a person to mentally project with a specific intent. According to Silva, once the mind is projected, a person can allegedly view distant objects or locations and connect with higher intelligence for guidance. The information received by the projected mind is then said to be perceived as thoughts, images, feelings, smells, taste and sound by the mind. The information obtained in this manner can be acted upon to solve problems.

J. B. Rhine, long-time parapsychology researcher at Duke University, coined the term, Extra-sensory perception (ESP). He thought that the psychic senses were an extra sense that only a few very special people had. Silva modified the phrase "Extra-sensory Perception" to "Effective Sensory Projection". Silva kept the same initials, ESP, but the revised meaning suggests that it is a more dynamic activity. In 1953, Silva believed he had trained his daughter to be psychic, and he introduced his training methods to Rhine with his daughter as proof. Rhine's response was that Silva's daughter was a natural psychic and he just hadn't noticed it before. Subsequently, Silva began working with another subject. This time, he tested his subject first to be sure he was not functioning as a psychic. Over the next ten years, Silva claimed to have trained thirty-nine more subjects to be psychics.

Another discovery claimed as successful is remote viewing. Rather than passively waiting for impressions to be perceived, a person projects him- or herself mentally and remotely views what is going on in a process similar to lucid dreaming.

Alleged successes with his methods convinced Silva that everyone has such abilities and can be taught to develop them, and that it is not an extra sense at all, but an unneeded - therefore undeveloped - sense. Everything happens first in the mind, he reasoned, then happens in the body. A person mentally decides to pick up a glass of water and drink it, then does it physically. Your life is the manipulation of the set rules of this universe, the trick is learning how to manipulate the rules right.

The Silva Method is now a multi-million dollar business with thousands of Silva Method instructors teaching the system over several days to groups of students in numerous countries worldwide.

The system has also spawned many books, some of them authored or co-authored by Jose Silva, with many others based on the basic principles of the method but spreading into other areas of awareness and application whilst in the alpha state.

The Silva Method is one of a number of therapeutic techniques sometimes grouped under the name Human potential movement.

Practice Techniques

Quiet your mind. Clear your thoughts. In your mind think ...

"I'm going to count down from 3 to 1, visualizing each number on a white orb suspended in the air above my head. When I reach the third and final "1" my body will be deeply relaxed. I will have no awareness of physical sensations. I will not perceive any physical discomfort. My consciousness will be focused on my astral body."

Now visualize a white orb suspended in the air above your head. Mentally focus on the orb I visualize a number "3" on the face of the orb. The numbers can be any color. They may vary with each experience. Visualize the 3 - three times: three number "3's" on the orb. Your body is completely relaxed. You are losing awareness of your physical body. (3 references 3D or the physical mind)

Repeat the visualization with three number "2's." You are into greater relaxation. Now visualize the "1's." You are losing awareness of physical sensations. Your consciousness will be in your astral body.

Repeat this using the number "1's" three times. Your consciousness is now in my astral body. This could involve training of several sessions. You may also find audio tapes that take you down into these altered states as well. You getting better and faster as you go along each time. There is no set agenda for how often you practice astral projection or any other out-of-body technique. It soon becomes fun. It is like a deep meditation. The key is to remain conscious while my body is asleep. Different thoughts may pull you from your focus as the mind loves to chatter. Just push these thoughts away.

Reality is created by thought projection (consciousness) into the physical. There are 5 subtle bodies In astral projection the conscious mind leaves the physical body and moves into the astral body to experience. In astral projection you remain attached to your physical body by a 'silver umbilical type cord'. Some people are able to see the cord when astral projecting. To astral project, as with all out-of-body experiences, one must feel totally relaxed, clothing fitting comfortable, reclining is best. Often a comforter is best over the body as the physical body sometimes gets cold when you travel out.

When you astral project you are consciously aware of things you encounter while out of your physical body.

Some people can astral project naturally. Others are afraid to remove their consciousness from the physical body and never learn to astral project.

Astral projection (or astral travel) is an out-of-body experience achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming or deep meditation. People who say they experience astral projection often say that their spirit or astral body has left their physical body and moves in another dimension known as the spirit world or astral plane. The concept of astral projection has been around and practiced for thousands of years, dating back to ancient China. It is currently often associated with the New Age movement.

Psychics often say that the subconscious (or dreaming) mind contains the spirit or astral body, resulting in falling dreams or waking up with a falling sensation or sudden jerk. Most dreams are not remembered by the conscious mind, making the experience of astral projection a subject of subjectivity. Believers in astral projection point out, though, that most ghost sightings often define the ghost as a lucid or transparent apparition walking the earth.

It is unclear whether every physical object has an 'astral' counterpart, or if a spirit literally uses incarnation into a physical body and this is what results in astral projections, or if the phenomena is something else entirely. Astral projection also touches on life itself and what happens after physical death.

There are two general schools of thought on the nature of astral projection. These can broadly be defined as the mystical model and the phasing model.

The Phasing Model, which was defined by Robert Monroe, holds the belief that it is impossible to actually leave your body in the truest sense of the word, and that the astral planes and the physical world are merely points on the long spectrum of consciousness. When a person projects, they actually "phase" into another area of consciousness and the locales it contains. This can be likened to tuning a radio to another station. One of the initial signposts representing a phase shift away from physical reality has been labeled the state of focus 10 (mind awake/body asleep). This viewpoint can be seen as a logical progression of the philosophy that external reality is actually an internally created state
The Mystical Model includes a large variety of belief systems and astral maps, but they are tied together by their belief that astral projection takes place outside of the actual physical body. In this model, a more subtle energy body is believed to carry the consciousness outside of the physical body. In their book Projection of the Astral Body, Carrington and Muldoon detail how consciousness is transferred into a secondary "energy" body (the etheric body) to allow travel into the astral planes. This idea is also described by other authors such as Robert Peterson in his book Out of Body Experiences: How to have them and what to expect (chapters 5, 17, 22), and Robert Bruce in his book Astral Dynamics (pages 31-33, 404-410, 538). Bruce expanded on this idea in his book Astral Dynamics, stating that higher planes of existence are reached through the progressive projection of subtler energy bodies from previous projected bodies (pages 33-42). The subtle body is attached to the physical body by means of an energetic connection which usually takes the appearance of a silver cord 'plugging' into the chakra system like an umbilical cord. Robert Peterson describes this in chapter 13 of his book Out of Body Experiences, Robert Bruce in his book Astral Dynamics (pages 27, 52-53, 84, 397-403,544) and by Carrington and Muldoon in their book Projection of the Astral Body.

Kinds of Projection

Astral Projection - The traveler finds him- or herself in an apparently real domain, analogous to the "other worlds" experienced by traditional peoples, which have no parallel to any physical setting or to consensus reality, described by New Agers and occultists as the astral plane or "the astral". Environments here may range from populated to unpopulated, artificial to natural to completely abstract environments and from beautific to horrific. Here, normal physical laws often do not apply and humans can often, for example, float or fly. Quality of physical detail ranges from crude, non-detailed and depressing to bright, vivid and fascinating as detailed, among other writers, by Robert Bruce in his Astral Dynamics.

Travelers may travel from one realm to the other. Projectors may find access to visions of the past or future and to the Akashic Records accessible from here. It has been said that space and time do not exist on the astral plane nor the higher planes, but no explanation is given as to how forms and entire environments can exist without spatial dimensions, nor why there can be a sequence of events and yet no such thing as time. Many travelers have theorized that people having dreams actually travel to the astral realms, unaware, and, again as reported in Astral Dynamics, travelers have reported seeing dreamers enact dream scenarios on the astral plane, unaware of the more extensive and varied non-physical environment surrounding them. Some also claim common movements in dreams, such as falling or feeling like you are walking through quicksand, is the astral body in action.

Etheric Projection - In contrast to "astral" projection, the traditional understanding of out-of-body experiences involves the projector (or traveler) moving about in usually invisible or ghost-like form in a mundane physical realityÐthe etheric body. This world may, however, have minor differences between the physical reality world we know if strict mind control is not maintained. Proponents of the writings of Robert Bruce sometimes refer to this practice as "Real Time Projection" (RTP) and the mundane world as the "Real Time Zone" (RTZ). From the Real Time Zone, travelers can access "the astral" or remain in the RTZ and witness real time happenings.

In Western theosophy, each subtle body is functionally distinct. Since the etheric body and astral body are not the same, according to several sources (noted below), they can not possibly represent the same kind of psychic activity.

Alice Bailey, in Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle (Lucis Trust), stated that the etheric and astral bodies should not be confused. She indicated that "HPB" (Helena P. Blavatsky) had erroneously merged the two concepts, in order to cover a "mass of information anent the etheric [and] astral" (pages 140-141).

The Rosicrucian Fellowship has released several publications on the "etheric region" and the etheric body, as well as their integral relationship with the physical state of being (see Max Heindel, et al). The Theosophical Society, having several branches around the world, also has published literature on both the etheric and astral states. To them, the etheric body is actually the same as the physical; however, it "rests" at a slightly different frequency than regular matter.

Lawrence Bendit and Phoebe Bendit wrote a book called The Etheric Body of Man (Theosophical Publishing), in which the analysis of a psychiatrist meets the psychic visions of an alleged clairvoyant. Therein, the authors explain how the etheric body is a functionally separate body from the physical, and yet they share a mutual relationship, all of which seem to be consistent with how ether and etheric projection is believed to operate, as depicted in other literature.

The term was coined at least as far back as the 1940s, by Dion Fortune in her book Psychic Self Defense (Red Wheel/Weiser). She details how an etheric body (during etheric projection), once projected, is "sufficiently physical enough" to be mutually observed by on-lookers (pages 20-22).

James H. Brennan, in The Astral Projection Workbook (Sterling Pubishing), devotes an entire section of his book to etheric projection and its constituents (pages 17-28).
Annie Besant, in The Seven Principles of Man (Theosophical Publishing House) actually explained that the "etheric double" can be separated from the physical body: This etheric double is the exact double or counterpart of the [physical] body to which it belongs, and is separable [from it]... When separated from the [physical] body it is visible to the clairvoyant as an exact replica thereof, united to it by a slender thread... (pages 8-9).
Stuart Wilde in The Sixth Sense (Hay House) wrote that the etheric body (not astral) is the "true" individual, and that its function is to allow psychic abilities to actually surface. He stated that astral projection is not at all part of the etheric body's actions, and that it is more a "mental state [of reverie]" (page 102). Further, he said that the etheric body is actually the vehicle used in an OBE, and that calling it astral projection is misleading (pages 102-103).

Mental Projection

Mental projection is projection of the astral body to the mental plane via utilisation of mental energy while within the astral or etheric to phase into the Mental, or a different process used to project directly into the Mental Plane. The active subtle body of the mental plane is the mental body, which constitutes the intellectual consciousness of the projector in general. The environment is generally highly colorful and kaleidoscopic in nature, like the astral, and shifting consciously. The difference is that even mathematical functions and thoughts will manifest seemingly physically. The buffer zone between the astral and mental planes is known as the Akashic Records, and appears as a library of knowledge of past, present, and future possibility. There are many theories as to why the perceptions of these records and the mental plane in general differ from projector to projector, but the general consensus is that the Akashic records will appear differently, like a computer or library to different people at different times, and that the future is always sketchy and can often change mid-viewing to the projector.

Roman Catholic View

Astral Projection is a forbidden practice for Roman Catholics because the soul; containing all reason, thought, memories, emotion, attitudes, and beliefs; leaves the physical body during a wake state, and this can cause bizarre belief systems to develop, based on improperly interpreted sensations from the reality elevated from, and parallel to three dimensional reality.

The soul in an agnostic state; that is indifferent toward The Holy Trinity, or Triune God - God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit; is left without protection, roaming the atmosphere, and perhaps some distance beyond this in a spiritual ghetto that surrounds the earth: The Third Heaven. The Third Heaven is ruled by spiritual hosts of wickedness in the high places, which will send demons to deceive those who will not keep to the domain of the world.

A human soul, when detached from the physical body, during a waking state, without the protection of The Roman Catholic God, Jesus Christ, is very vulnerable to molestation by demons.

Roman Catholics refer to escorted travel in the spiritual dimension, an anointing. Jesus Christ is The Anointed of God, Who, while in human form was constantly aware of All Truth, regardless of the shortcomings of the human sensory channels. He was, therefore, constantly in a state of Astral Projection, or anointing. The anointed of God will prophesy Truth directly from God, perform miraculous healings, order the atmosphere to obey them, stop rain from falling in a certain area, pass through solid objects, and/or become invisible when threatened.

Robert Monroe - Monroe Technique

Robert Monroe in his series of books makes several references to a "second body", which he says must be "shed" in order to be completely free. Because many of his fantastical adventures are alleged to happen after this shedding, he was most likely referring to the etheric body and etheric projection.

Robert Allan Monroe (1915 - 1995) was a psychic researcher and author of
Monroe gives a detailed description of the "second body". It has weight, is visible under certain conditions, produces a sensation of touch just like the physical touch, and yet it is very plastic and may adopt any form required of it. Possibly, suggests Monroe, the second body is a reversal of the physical. He even relates this to his ideas that it may consist of antimatter, although what he means is obscure. As for a cord, he tried feeling it on some of his excursions, but it was not an important part of his experience. Finally he suggests that the second body is related in some important way to electricity and magnetism. In experiments in a Faraday cage he found that he could not pass through the walls when a current was passed through them, but when it was turned off he could (though sufficient details are not given to assess the explanation fairly). He suggests a "third force" to add to electricity and magnetism which is used by the second body and fundamental to thought.

What can we make of Monroe's descriptions? As always it is hard to disentangle what he has discovered about locations others might visit, from the product of his own bias or preoccupations. Some of his descriptions sound familiar, but many seem only odd.
Many people confuse this phenomenon with astral travel; however, etheric travel is mainly related to that which can and does exist, physically. During this type of experience, there are no fantastical worlds, or self-absorbed encounters; the majority of the experience can be validated. Dr. Charles Tart has done many experiments and tentatively concluded that the person may not have invented the experience - unlike astral travel, where the experience is conceptual. For example, in a 1967 study, a subject was unable to discover a five digit number written down and placed face up in an adjoining room, but did provide some details of the activities of the technician monitoring the experiment. Tart summarizes, "Thus, there is some indication that ESP may have been involved with respect to the technician's activities, but it is not at all conclusive."
According to Arthur Powell and Max Heindel, the etheric "double" serves as a medium between the astral and physical realms. Ether, also called prana, is the "vital force" that empowers the Physical forms in order for change to take place. This means that when one views the physical during an OBE, they are not technically "in" the astral realm at all.

The Monroe Technique

Step One:

Relax the body. According to Monroe, "the ability to relax is the first prerequisite, perhaps even the first step itself" to having an OBE. (out of body experience). This includes both physical and mental relaxation. Monroe does not suggest a method of attaining this relaxation, although progressive muscle relaxation, coupled with deep breathing exercises (inhale 1, exhale 2, inhale 3... until about 50 or 100) are known to work well.

Step Two:

Enter the state bordering sleep. This is known as the hypnogogic state. Once again, Monroe doesn't recommend any method of doing this. One way is to hold your forearm up, while keeping your upper arm on the bed, or ground. As you start to fall asleep, your arm will fall, and you will awaken again. With practice you can learn to control the hypnogogic state without using your arm. Another method is to concentrate on an object. When other images start to enter your thoughts, you have entered the hypnogogic state. Passively watch these images. This will also help you maintain this state of near-sleep. Monroe calls this Condition A.

Step Three:

Deepen this state. Begin to clear your mind. Observe your field of vision through your closed eyelids at the blackness in front of your. After a while you may start to notice light patterns. These are simply neural discharges. They have no specific effect. Ignore them. When they cease, one has entered what Monroe calls Condition B. From here, one must enter an even deeper state of relaxation which Monroe calls Condition C-- a state of such relaxation that you lose all awareness of the body and sensory stimulation. You are almost in a void in which your only source of stimulation will be your own thoughts.
The ideal state for leaving your body is Condition D. This is Condition C when it is voluntarily induced from a rested and refreshed condition and is not the effect of normal fatigue. To achieve Condition D, Monroe suggests that you practice entering it in the morning just as you are getting up, or after a short nap.

Step Four:

Enter a state of Vibration. This is the most important part of the technique, and also the most vague. Many projectors have noted these vibrations at the onset of projection. They can be experienced as a mild tingling, or as if electricity is being shot through the body. Their cause is a mystery. It may actually be the astral body trying to leave the physical body.

For entering into the vibrational state, he offers the following directions:

1. Remove all jewelry or other items that might be touching your skin.
2. Darken the room so that no light can be seen through your eyelids, but do not shut out all light.
3. Lie down with your body along a north-south axis, with your head pointed toward magnetic north.
4. Loosen all clothing, but keep covered so that you are slightly warmer than what might normally be comfortable.
5. Be sure you are in a location where, and at a time when, there will be absolutely no noise to disturb you.
6. Enter a state of relaxation.
7. Give yourself the mental suggestion that you will remember all that occurs during the upcoming session that will be beneficial to your well being. Repeat this five times.
8. As your breathe, concentrate on the void in front of you.
9. Select a point a foot away from your forehead, then change your point of mental reference to six feet.
10. Turn the point 90 degrees upward by drawing an imaginary line parallel to your body axis up above you head. Focus there and reach out for the vibrations at that point and bring them back into your body.

Even if you don't know what these vibrations are, you will know when you have achieved contact with them.

Step Five:

Learn to control the vibrational state. Practice controlling them by mentally pushing them into your head, down to your toes, making them surge throughout your entire body, and producing vibrational waves from head to foot. To produce this wave effect, concentrate on the vibrations and mentally push a wave out of your head and guide it down your body. Practice this until you can induce these waves on command. Once you have control of the vibrational state, you are ready to leave the body.

Step Six:

Begin with a partial separation. The key here is thought control. Keep your mind firmly focused on the idea of leaving the body. Do not let it wander. Stray thoughts might cause you to lose control of the state.

Now having entered the vibrational state, begin exploring the OBE by releasing a hand or a foot of the "second body". Monroe suggests that you extend a limb until it comes in contact with a familiar object, such as a wall near your bed. Then push it through the object. Return the limb by placing it back in to coincidence with the physical one, decrease the vibrational rate, and then terminate the experiment. Lie quietly until you have fully returned to normal. This exercise will prepare you for full separation.
Step Seven:

Dissociate yourself from the body. Monroe suggests two methods for this. One method is to lift out of the body. To do this, think about getting lighter and lighter after entering the vibrational state. Think about how nice it would be to float upward. Keep this thought in mind at all costs and let no extraneous thoughts interrupt it. An OBE will occur naturally at this point.

Another method is the "Rotation Method" or "roll-out" technique. When you have achieved the vibrational state, try to roll over as if you were turning over in bed. Do not attempt to roll over physically. Try to twist your body from the top and virtually roll over into your second body right out of your physical self. At this point, you will be out of the body, but next to it. Think of floating upward, and you should find yourself floating above the body.

Silva Method

According to its proponents, the Silva Method (Silva Mind Control, Remote viewing) is a self-empowerment system to shape beliefs, augment personal success and view distant objects or locations and connect with a higher intelligence for guidance. Jose Silva developed pseudoscientific explanations of brain function and its relationship with a higher consciousness in the 1960s.

According to its proponents, the technique aims to reach and sustain a higher state of mental functioning, called alpha state, where brainwave frequency is eight to thirteen Hz. The method also uses visualizations and affirmations. Advocates attest to healing, better attainment of goals, ESP and cure from addictions.

Jose Silva, founder of the Silva Method, claimed to have developed a program that trained people to enter certain brain states of enhanced awareness. He also claimed to have developed several systematic mental processes to use while in these states allowing a person to mentally project with a specific intent. According to Silva, once the mind is projected, a person can allegedly view distant objects or locations and connect with higher intelligence for guidance. The information received by the projected mind is then said to be perceived as thoughts, images, feelings, smells, taste and sound by the mind. The information obtained in this manner can be acted upon to solve problems.

J. B. Rhine, long-time parapsychology researcher at Duke University, coined the term, Extra-sensory perception (ESP). He thought that the psychic senses were an extra sense that only a few very special people had. Silva modified the phrase "Extra-sensory Perception" to "Effective Sensory Projection". Silva kept the same initials, ESP, but the revised meaning suggests that it is a more dynamic activity. In 1953, Silva believed he had trained his daughter to be psychic, and he introduced his training methods to Rhine with his daughter as proof. Rhine's response was that Silva's daughter was a natural psychic and he just hadn't noticed it before. Subsequently, Silva began working with another subject. This time, he tested his subject first to be sure he was not functioning as a psychic. Over the next ten years, Silva claimed to have trained thirty-nine more subjects to be psychics.

Another discovery claimed as successful is remote viewing. Rather than passively waiting for impressions to be perceived, a person projects him- or herself mentally and remotely views what is going on in a process similar to lucid dreaming.

Alleged successes with his methods convinced Silva that everyone has such abilities and can be taught to develop them, and that it is not an extra sense at all, but an unneeded - therefore undeveloped - sense. Everything happens first in the mind, he reasoned, then happens in the body. A person mentally decides to pick up a glass of water and drink it, then does it physically. Your life is the manipulation of the set rules of this universe, the trick is learning how to manipulate the rules right.

The Silva Method is now a multi-million dollar business with thousands of Silva Method instructors teaching the system over several days to groups of students in numerous countries worldwide.

The system has also spawned many books, some of them authored or co-authored by Jose Silva, with many others based on the basic principles of the method but spreading into other areas of awareness and application whilst in the alpha state.

The Silva Method is one of a number of therapeutic techniques sometimes grouped under the name Human potential movement.

Practice Techniques

Quiet your mind. Clear your thoughts. In your mind think ...

"I'm going to count down from 3 to 1, visualizing each number on a white orb suspended in the air above my head. When I reach the third and final "1" my body will be deeply relaxed. I will have no awareness of physical sensations. I will not perceive any physical discomfort. My consciousness will be focused on my astral body."

Now visualize a white orb suspended in the air above your head. Mentally focus on the orb I visualize a number "3" on the face of the orb. The numbers can be any color. They may vary with each experience. Visualize the 3 - three times: three number "3's" on the orb. Your body is completely relaxed. You are losing awareness of your physical body. (3 references 3D or the physical mind)

Repeat the visualization with three number "2's." You are into greater relaxation. Now visualize the "1's." You are losing awareness of physical sensations. Your consciousness will be in your astral body.

Repeat this using the number "1's" three times. Your consciousness is now in my astral body. This could involve training of several sessions. You may also find audio tapes that take you down into these altered states as well. You getting better and faster as you go along each time. There is no set agenda for how often you practice astral projection or any other out-of-body technique. It soon becomes fun. It is like a deep meditation. The key is to remain conscious while my body is asleep. Different thoughts may pull you from your focus as the mind loves to chatter. Just push these thoughts away.
Astral Projection For Beginners �
5 Things Beginners Must Learn

I have been getting many comments and emails asking for more info. For beginners in Astral Projection. Here is an article that Abhishek sent me explaining the basics. You can also search Google for many free sites that offer excellent advice and input about getting started in Astral Projection.

Best wishes,
Dr. Donald Ryles

Summary: Anybody can astral project, even you! There are zillions of resources on astral travelling for beginners, which you can safely use. Before you do so, you are required to learn how to relax, focus, and control your thoughts. Read on for more.

If you want to astral project, you must understand that astral projection is easy; anybody can do it! In other words, astral projection is not a special gift given to a chosen few. Even you can astral project, given that you have the patience, grit, determination, and the will to do so. There are plenty of resources on astral projection for beginners.

1. Learn

This is one of the basic astral projection tips for beginners. Learn as much as possible from books, eBook, articles, and so on. Once you know everything about astral projection, you can successfully discard all fears, misunderstandings, and misconceptions you might have about the subject. Such negativities will only hinder your progress.

2. Train Your Mind

Train your mind to be still. Request people to stay away from you for some time. Go to a quiet place and become conscious of the noises inside your head. Examine your troubles, problems, hopes, and desires. Seek solutions to these problems and let them go. It doesn�t matter if the solution seems absurd; just take it as an excuse to let go of your problem.

Training one�s mind requires tremendous time and patience, and you must practice everyday in order to achieve it.

3. Relax

Complete relaxation is important because astral projection happens only when the body is fully asleep and the mind is fully awake. Adopt a relaxation technique that suits you and learn how to relax each and every muscle of your body.

4. Improve Your Concentration

You will never be able to astral project if you cannot focus on what you are doing. There are plenty of concentration-enhancing exercises that you can do.

For instance, focus on a boring sound. Avoid listening to music because it is easier to focus on music. Listen to something boring such as the ticking of a clock and train your mind to focus on it. Alternatively, you can gaze at the flame of a candle and gently push those stray thoughts away.

5. Use An Exit Technique

Once you have become good at the above points, you then need an Astral projection technique that you can use to come out of the body. There are many good techniques available. So use the one that suits you.

With practice you will find yourself out of your body, exploring the astral realms! And it can really be a wonderful experience.
Astral Projection Exercise

A How to Exercise

This week I received an email about astral projection that caused me to rethink this article. There is a slight difference between Astral Projection, Out of Body Experiences and Near Death Experiences. It's a small difference, but an important one that isn't very clear in the original article.

Astral projection and OBEs involve the projection of the sub-consciousness mind. The sub-consciousness is the mind of the Soul. It's not the soul itself. When we talk about the soul mind projecting to the astral plane, we're not talking about the entire spiritual being (not the entire soul), but rather the mind of the soul.

You might think of it like this: You maybe sitting in a meeting or in class and you become bored. Your physical body remains in the seat, but your conscious mind wanders outside into the warm spring sunshine. You body has not moved, just your mind.

Astral Projection and OBEs are doing the same thing but on a spiritual level. Your soul isn't moving out of the body, but your soul's mind is moving outward and upward to the astral plane. From this perspective, you can see how your sub-conscious mind is very light and able to lift upward out of the physical being in an effortless manner.

Subsequently a Near Death Experience is a little different in that it's not just the mind of the soul that moves out of the body. But rather the entire soul. Many things occur during this type of transition. One of which is the choice by the soul and it's connection to the super-consciousness of the self about returning to the physical body or not. This choice makes the difference between a NDE and the final transition to physical death.

Astral Projection:

To will the conscious mind into the soul mind and then to project ones conscious self out of the physical body into the etheric realm. The length and location of the projection is preplanned and preprogrammed. The project requires an altered state of awareness such as a deep meditation. The physical and soul are attached through the solar plexus by a silver cord.

Click here for more information about Astral Projection, Out of Body Experiences and Near Death Experiences

Astral Projection, Astral Travel, Astral Projected Travel {APT}

So many different names and acronyms for the same thing can get confusing. That is one of the reasons people get out-of-body-experiences (or OBEs) confused with APTs. The difference is:

An OBE is directed by the sub-conscious mind, the soul mind if you will, for purposes of spiritual evolution.

An APT is directed by the conscious mind, for many different reasons, some spiritual, some for fun and some for escape.

So when people talk about wanting to have an OBE, tell them they do it every night when they sleep. Then tell them how to accomplish an APT.

The first thing to note about an APT is the "intent" must be set before the attempt is made. You program the purpose of your journey, and where you want to go before you jump in the car and head out of the driveway. An APT is just like taking a Sunday drive. Even if the intent is just relax and get a way for a while, that in itself is an intent. Making this specification is necessary and will help the conscious mind direct the soul mind. Deciding where you want to go is also important. It's almost like filing a flight pattern with the tower at an airport. You need to layout a general map for which direction to head out into the ethers, to help you accomplish the goal.

Astral Projection Guide ~ A Step-by-Step Process

Once you have decided where you want to head out and why, you can use the following suggested steps for learning how to get there. There are a great many books and other resources on the subject of Astral Projection, so if this method doesn't work for you, don't give up. Just broaden your research and look for alternatives.

There are few items and arrangements to be made before you begin your journey. You want to find a place where you are not going to be disturbed for about 1 hour. Typically doing this outside is not a good idea because of the distractions. But if you can find a special place where you know for sure you won't be disturbed by man, animal or machine, then certainly give it a try.

You want to find a piece of calm relaxing music. Repetitive New Age meditation music is the best. You're going to use this to help drown out outside noises. The repetitive nature of the music will help you focus on the visualization process and not on the change in tempo and mood variations that most instrumental music contains. They're fabulous for listening enjoyment, but you don't want to be tapping your foot while you're trying to leave your body. It isn't recommended that you attempt this in bed, before sleep or just lying down. You might be too tempted to fall asleep. If you have a comfortable chair, like a Lazy-Boy or something similar, that might be ideal.

To get started:

Prepare your space as you would for any spiritual development effort. Grab a blanket if you think you might get cold. Light a candle, say a prayer for protection, ask your guides for assistance and so on. This ritual is part of "setting the intent" for your travel. During your prayer, call in your guides and teachers, the location and why you want to go on this journey. Clearly define the "flight plan" to program both your conscious mind and your soul mind.

Relax in a comfortable position. Try to keep everything at your finger tips so you can fully relax. Start your music and close your eyes.

Take in 3 deep cleansing breaths. Fill your lungs to their fullest capacity and exhale completely. Imagine the white protective light from the Divine filling your body. Know that you are protected, safe and secure from all harm, seen and unseen.

As you pull in the Divine light through your nose, imagine a large ball of purple energy collecting in and around your solar plexus. As the light grows within your physical body, imagine your silver cord emerging from the glow. Imagine the cord moving through your body and forming into a replica of you next to the ceiling. Try to form this image as your soul mind, the essence of the spiritual you.

Once you have that image, turn the visual body over so your soul mind is looking down at your physical body.

Now the hard part. When the two bodies are facing each other, one on the floor, the other on the ceiling, try to transfer your conscious mind into the spiritual image. You can imagine what your conscious mind will experience as it travels up the silver cord into the spiritual you. You imagine what the ceiling would feel like against the back of your soul mind. What ever it takes to actually put you there.

Once you've made a connection, look down at your physical body. Record in your conscious mind what you see. As much of the detail as you can.

When you're ready, move the soul mind through the ceiling, the roof and out into the ethers. Look back and see your silver cord floating in the breeze, completely intact.
Continue through space on the journey you outlined for yourself when setting the intent for this travel experience. When you're ready to return simply think to yourself, "It's time to go back." Then varoom, you'll be back.

The hardest part is transferring the conscious mind up into the soul mind. It's going to take time and probably several attempts before you actually make the transfer. Each time you attempt the journey, make note of how your physical body feels and reacts. I don't want to give you any ideas on what you might experience while doing this. I don't want you to have any influence or mental suggestion that might hinder or cloud your attempts. It's better that you try and practice, making notes of your own unique feelings.

For your first couple of journey's you might want to define some easy goals to validate your experience. For instance, in my first travel I planned on visiting my sister who lived on the other side of the U.S. in California. While there I made note of as many details as possible. What she was doing, wearing, what was around her and so on. After the trip, I phoned her and asked her to validate some things for me. I told her what she was wearing, what she was doing and so on. She was cooking dinner and looking for something, I knew in the spiritual essence she was looking for a special knife. When I wondered where the knife was and how could I tell her, in an instant I saw the knife and it's hidden location. When I called her, I asked her to look in that place and see if the knife was there. It was and I had my validation.

This process of validating your travel is meant for one purpose. To build your confidence. To show you that you really did take a journey to where you planned to go. As your confidence builds, so does the ease of the projection. As you grow in experience, you can grow in your intent. So if you want to see the dark side of the moon, then go take a look at it. And have some pleasant and wonderful journeys.
Astral Beginnings
By Paul from Wizard & Witch Newsletter

Astral Travel is a common phenomena. In fact everyone does it on a daily
Basis. So, why do so few understand and make use of this heavenly gift.
Though there are many reasons, they can all be traced back to two roots:

The tendency of our Western culture to over-complicate everything
Our fears being fed by misinformation from various groups (both religious and
Secular) with their own agendas .
For today's tale, I want to share with you how I first began to travel the
Astral realms.

When I was four the spiritual world invaded my life in a dramatic way.

It all started one night when a couple appeared at the foot of my crib. I
Listened in horror as they spoke about taking me away. I pulled the blankets
Over my head until they went away.

In the rich bright sun of the following morning, I convinced myself that it was
Nothing more than a nightmare. So, imagine my surprise when I went into my room
To read a book at mid-day and the same couple appeared.

Though I could feel terror coursing through me, I wanted this awful couple to go
Away and leave me alone. So with a lump in my throat I confronted them. They
Jeered at me and warned me that if I ever told my parents they would kill them.
They also told me that they would leave a watcher behind my dresser just in case
I should decide to be sneaky. This watcher was a skeleton with a sinister

My back was against the wall. I decided find out if the couple was tricking me
In some manner, so I called my mother into the room. My intention was to tell
Her about the whole situation and ask her for her help. The minute that I
Opened my mouth to do so the skeleton came out from behind the dresser and
Raised the sword as if to strike my mother. My blood ran cold and I sucked the
Words in. I reached out to touch the skeleton but my hand went right through
It. From that point I realised two things - I was dealing with something
Spiritual and I couldn't ask for help without endangering people.

I can't tell you the misery I lived in for the next couple of weeks. The
Watcher was always there. And every night the couple would come to jeer at my
Situation and make threats. It came to the point where I loathed my room, but I
Was afraid that if I didn't appear there at regular intervals the watcher would
Become suspicious and wreak havoc on the rest of the family.

One night while the couple was in the middle of their threats and the sinister
Skeleton was threatening me with his sword, I decided enough was enough. Better
To die fighting than to live the rest of my life in fear. The problem was I
Didn't have a clue about how to confront things that were not of this world. It
Was then that I heard a voice in my head say, "You must fight spirit with
Spirit!" "How?", I wailed in my head. "Picture a shimmering you in the room.
This is your astral self. Unlike your physical self, this you has no
Limitations." It sounded crazy, but what did I have to lose?

I did as the voice said and sure enough a shimmering me appeared. The couple at
The foot of my bed angrily commanded me to stop and threatened to hurt me. The
Shimmering me laughed, and it was then that I realised that my conscious was in
Both bodies at the same time. Remembering that the voice had told me that there
Were no limitations, I imagined a glowing sword in my hand. As it appeared the
Watcher attacked. I will never forget the feeling of joy and power when my
Astral body swung around and cut off its sword arm. Not to be deterred, the
Skeleton launched itself at me. This time I pictured fire coming from my astral
Hands and burning the skeleton to powder. As it attempted to reform I pictured
A black hole opening and all the powder being sucked in. When it was all in I
Closed the portal. Now it was time to deal with the couple who had made my life
A living hell. But when I turned to confront them they screamed and ran. If I
Would have known then what I know now I would've pursued them. They never came
Back, and life returned to normal.

To this day one mystery remains from that incident. What were the couple? Were
They earth bound spirits or simply other astral travellers that found a sick joy
In tormenting a child? The skeleton, I found out later through my studies, was
A thought entity created by the couple.

From that night on I began to practice and study astral travel. One of the most
Interesting things that I learned through my years of study was that changing
Things in the astral realm changes things on this plane. With this knowledge
I've chosen to dedicate my life to helping people change things for the better
with this ability that all possess from birth. I use it in all aspects of my
work from spell casting to removing an entity or earth bound spirit from
someone's home. I also encourage others to enter this realm and take control of
their lives. Just recently I put together a guide to demystify astral travel.
My goal was to give the basics without the mumbo jumbo so that anyone can begin
astral traveling immediately.