Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Witches House

Witches House
~simple natural cleaners and solutions~

Furniture Polish
Pound fresh sweet cicely seeds. Place a handful on a rag and rub on wood.
Furniture Polish
Mix 2 parts vegetable oil and 1 part lemon juice. Wipe on areas to be
Furniture & Floor Polish
Mix 3 parts olive oil with 1 part white vinegar. Wipe on areas to be

Glass Cleaners
Fill a spray bottle with equal amounts of vinegar and water. This is my
Favorite glass cleaner because it does not streak.
Glass Cleaner
Fill a spray bottle with:
2 cups rubbing alcohol
2 TBS household ammonia
1 1/2 TBS liquid dishwashing detergent
Window Cleaner
Make a wet paste out of cornstarch and water. Wipe on windows and let dry.
Wipe off.
Wall Cleaner
Mix in bucket:
1 gallon of water
1 cup household ammonia
1/2 cup vinegar
1/4 cup baking soda
Carpet Cleaner
1 TBS vinegar
1 TBS household ammonia
Mix with one quart water.

Carpet Cleaner
Sprinkle cornstarch on the carpet and let sit for 10 minutes. Vacuum.
Deodorizer for Cat & Dog Messes
Clean up mess. Sprinkle baking soda on the area and then spray with vinegar.
Let sit for about an hour. Wipe up with a mild soap and water solution.

Oven Cleaner
Sprinkle fresh spills inside the oven with salt. The salt will absorb the
Spills and can be brushed away once the oven has cooled.
Oven Cleaner
Do this only if your kitchen is well ventilated. Preheat the oven to 200F
And then turn it off. Pour 2 cups of straight ammonia into a non-aluminum
Pan and place on the middle rack. Shut the oven door and let sit overnight.
By morning the grease will be easy to wipe up.

Refrigerator Cleaner
Spray and wipe clean with equal parts of vinegar and water.
To Clean the Dishwasher
Once a month, pour a cup of vinegar into the dishwasher and run it through
The whole cycle. This will clean, disinfect and reduce the soap build up.
Herbal Disinfectant
Simmer a handful of the leaves and stems of rosemary, juniper, lavendar or
Sage in 2 cups of boiled water. Strain and use to clean kitchens and
Bathrooms. Adding a little dishwashing detergent helps to cut the grease.
Recipe can be doubled.
Kitchen Cleaner
Once a month, wipe down entire kitchen and the inside of the refrigerator
With 2 TBS chlorine bleach in one gallon of water. This will kill off all
The harmful germs.

For Greasy Dishes
Add a splash of vinegar to your dishwater to cut the grease.

Garbage Disposal Cleaner
Grind a couple of ice cubes made from vinegar in the garbage disposal and
Then run cold water for about a minute.

Get Rid of Sink Odor
Pour a 1/2 cup of vinegar down the kitchen sink. Flush with cold water a
Half hour later.

Air Freshener
Simmer 2 tsp. Cinnamon in 2 cups of water.
Bug and Rodent Deterents
Spray vinegar on ant trails and around the areas they are getting into your
House. Place sprigs of pennyroyal, tansy, or rue in the cupboards and
Fleas hate laurel leaves, rue, and winter savory. Crush and place under
Rugs, sofa cushions, doormats, etc.. Add a tsp. Of vinegar to your pets
Drinking water.
Hang sprigs of lavender, mint, pennyroyal, peppermint, or rue. Make
Potpourris out of lavender. Grow any one of these herbs in and / or outside
Of your house.
Make sachets out of lavender, lemon, thyme, mint, rosemary, tansy, or
Wormwood. Place in linen closets and drawers and in closets.
Place bay leaves on shelves and in cupboards. Put a whole leaf in with your
Flour, rice and dried beans.
Place sprigs of tansy or mint on your shelves, cupboards and anywhere mice
Have been seen to deter them.

Herb Lore: Natural Remedies

Herb Lore: Natural Remedies
We all know that herbs make great companions in
The garden and kitchen. Herbs also have a long history as a natural remedy—and
Many other more unusual uses, too!Read on. . .

Romans paid taxes with anise, and it was used in cough drops.
Precious to lovers in Italy and considered sacred in India. Many years ago,
Italian men wore a sprig of basil to indicate their intended marriage. A cup of
Basil tea after dinner helps digestion. Ease a headache by drinking tomato juice
Blended with fresh basil.
The Romans believed the herb to be an antidepressant, and ancient Celtic
Warriors took it for courage.
Caraway was used to scent perfumes and soaps. The Greeks used it for upset
Eating a whole plant would cure hiccups; chervil was said to warm old and cold
Bunches of chives hung in your home were used to drive away diseases and evil.
Romans made wreaths and garlands out of dill. Dill keeps witches away.
Bunches of fennel were used to drive off witches. It was used in love potions
And as an appetite suppressant.
It was thought to give strength and courage. Aristotle noted garlic's use as a
Guard against the fear of water. It's also been widely used against evil powers.
Chewing on a piece of the dried root will keep you awake. Lovage warms a cold
Stomach and help digestion. Added to bathwater, it was believed to relieve skin
The Greeks believed it could revive the spirits of anyone who inhaled it. At
Weddings wreaths and garlands were made of marjoram.
It was believed to cure hiccups and counteract sea-serpent stings. The Romans
Wore peppermint wreaths on their heads. It was added to bathwater for its
Used for "sour humours" that plagued old farmers. Also used for scorpion and
Spider bites.
Used for wreaths and in funeral ceremonies. Believed to repel head lice and
Attract rabbits.
Rosemary in your hair will improve your memory. It will protect you from evil
Spirits if you put a sprig under your pillow.
Thought to promote strength and longevity and believed to cure warts. American
Indians used it as a toothbrush.
Summer Savory
It was believed to be an aphrodisiac. Some thought it was a cure for deafness.
Put in shoes before long walking trips to give strength. It has been used to
Relieve toothache and as an antifungal.
Burning thyme gets rid of insects in your house. A bed of thyme was thought to
Be a home for fairies.
Anyone who has sage planted in the garden is reputed to do well in business.

Basil Protection Spell

Basil Protection Spell
By Lrae Sirrub

To be done during a Full Moon
You Will Need:
One white candle
One carnation flower
Ground basil 1 cup

The Spell:

Place the carnation in the bowl of consecrated water, and set the basil in front of the white candle.
Light the candle ,breathe deeply and clear your mind. Begin to concentrate on the powers of protection, visualize a strong shell surrounding you, glowing hot.
When this has been accomplished, say in a powerful voice:

"I call on the guardians and on the power of the Lord and the Lady.
I surround myself with the protection of fire.
I am supported by the strength and grace of earth.
The winds bring me gentle shifts and the water's flow eases the energy in this time.
I believe in this protection and I release my fears, so that I may connect to the pulse of life.
May this be done within the greater good,
So mote it be, so be it should!"

Let the candle burn for as long as you like.
You can take this opportunity to meditate and release the spell into the cosmos.
When you are ready, snuff out the candle.
Keep this candle and burn it during meditation whenever you feel a need for extra protection.
When the candle has eventually been burned completely, repeat this spell if you feel the need.
When done, take the basil and scatter it on the ground under the light of the full moon.
The spell is complete.

A Dozen Ways To Use Dryer Sheets That Do Not Involve The Dryer

A dozen ways to use dryer sheets that don't involve the dryer
By Bonnie McCarthy
Jul 31st 2010 at 4:00PM

I thought I knew a thing or two about the alternative uses for dryer sheets: stuffing them under the car seats after an unfortunate spilled milk incident; tucking them into suitcases, gym shoes, musty closets; at the bottom of a trash can or pretty much anywhere funky odors were lurking. I had no idea that by the standards of many I was a complete amateur. I had been woefully underestimating the capabilities of the humble dryer sheet.

Cleaning Stainless Steel Pots & Pans
My advanced education in regard to the fragrant, anti-static sheets began when a friend suggested using dryer sheets to easily clean stainless steel pans. So recently, after fixing scrambled eggs, I soaked the frying pan with a dryer sheet for about an hour. To be honest, it didn't look like anything was happening and I was beginning to doubt my source.

At this point, some of you may be wondering why my pan is such a hard-to-clean mess after making scrambled eggs, and to you I can only respond: you are obviously a better cook than I will ever be. As a result, however, you will not fully comprehend the joy I felt when the pan easily scrubbed clean.

Another bonus, I was treated to a "spring-fresh" scent while I worked. After a final washing, it was something to behold. Artist Ferdinand Leger once said, "Beauty is everywhere, in the arrangement of saucepans on the white walls of your kitchen, perhaps more there than in your 18th century salon or in official museums."

My sauce pan looked kind of like that after getting it easily clean with a dryer sheet. Poetry!

Turns out, if I had left the pan soaking for several more hours it would have been even easier. Evidently, the softening agents and the anti-static properties present in the sheets team up to reduced the bond between the food and the frying pan.

Dusting Computer Monitors, TV Screens and More
I was hooked. The anti static properties that provide the sheets with a slight positive electric charge, also means they work wonders on cleaning computer monitors, TV screens and venetian blinds because they don't allow the dust to resettle. But wait, there's more!

Scrubbing Bugs Off the Car
Wanna scrub bugs easily off the family car? Wet the area and grab a dryer sheet.

Removing Soap Scum
Need soap scum removed from a shower door? A little elbow grease, a wet surface and a dryer sheet work like magic.

De-Linting and Removing Pet Hair
Dryer sheets can also be used for swiping away cat hair from surfaces or picking up dust bunnies, animal hair and human hair off of wood floors. Like a Swiffer, only cheaper.

Getting the Stinky Gunk Off
Another tip, try using the sheets to remove the sticky residue from price tags on new dishware. Similarly, they are also reported to assist in taking old wax off a surfboard. Cowabunga!

Getting Rid of Pests--Both Indoors and Outdoors
The sheets do have their detractors, however, ants, bees and mice do not like them at all. After layering several sheets in my pantry cupboards, the ant party was over.

In fact, dryer sheets can also be used as bug repellent in the great outdoors. Rub the sheets over your clothes, or tuck them into pockets, the tops of socks, or through belt loops. The spring fresh scent will repel the no-see-ums and you don't have to shell out extra for bug spray. After they've been used, toss them into the truck, or anywhere that would use some freshening up.

For advanced frugalistas, cut the sheets in half and get two-times the value. Regularly priced under $5, the versatility of dryer sheets makes it a bargain in a box.

Household Uses For Lemons

Household Uses for Lemons
Farmer's Almanac

At the Almanac, we know that lemons can add plenty of flavor to some of our favorite recipes, but they also are very useful to have in the house. Here are some of our helpful home uses for lemons.
For a sore throat or bad breath, gargle with some lemon juice.
Clean discolored utensils with a cloth dipped in lemon juice. Rinse with warm water.
Toss used lemons into your garbage disposal to help keep it clean and smelling fresh.
Use one part lemon juice and two parts salt to scour chinaware to its original luster.
A few drops of lemon juice in outdoor house-paint will keep insects away while you are painting and until the paint dries.
Remove scratches on furniture by mixing equal parts of lemon juice and salad oil and rubbing it on the scratches with a soft cloth.
To make furniture polish, mix one part lemon juice and two parts olive oil.
To clean the surface of white marble or ivory (such as piano keys), rub with a half a lemon, or make a lemon juice and salt paste. Wipe with a clean, wet cloth.
To renew hardened paintbrushes, dip into boiling lemon juice. Lower the heat and leave the brush for 15 minutes, then wash it in soapy water.
To remove dried paint from glass, apply hot lemon juice with a soft cloth. Leave until nearly dry, and then wipe off.
Rub kitchen and bathroom faucets with lemon peel. Wash and dry with a soft cloth to shine and remove spots.
Fresh lemon juice in rinse water removes soap film from interiors of ovens and refrigerators.
Create your own air freshener: Slice some lemons, cover with water, and let simmer in a pot for about an hour. (This will also clean your aluminum pots!)
Fish or onion odor on your hands can be removed by rubbing them with fresh lemons.
To get odors out of wooden rolling pins, bowls, or cutting boards, rub with a piece of lemon. Don't rinse: The wood will absorb the lemon juice.
Save lemon and orange rinds to deter squirrels and cats from digging in the garden. Store rinds in the freezer during the winter, and then bury them just under the surface of the garden periodically throughout the spring and summer.
After a shampoo, rinse your hair with lemon juice to make it shine. Mix the strained juice of a lemon in an eight-ounce glass of warm water.
Mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with two tablespoons of salt to make a rust-removing scrub.
Before you start to vacuum, put a few drops of lemon juice in the dust bag. It will make the house smell fresh.
Get grimy white cotton socks white again by boiling them in water with a slice of lemon.
Clean copper pots by cutting a lemon in half and rubbing the cut side with alt until the salt sticks. Rub the lemon onto the metal, rinse with hot water, and polish dry.
Suck on a lemon to settle an upset stomach.

Household Uses For Vinegar

Household Uses for Vinegar Farmer's Almanac
From cleaning shower curtains, to relieving insect bites, vinegar
Certainly has many functions. Here are some of our favorite household
Uses for vinegar.

Molasses catches more flies than vinegar.

* Bring a solution of one-cup vinegar and four tablespoons baking
Soda to a oil in teapots and coffeepots to rid them of mineral deposits.
* A solution of vinegar and baking soda will easily remove cooking
Oil from your stovetop.
* Clean the filter on your humidifier by removing it and soaking it
In a pan of white vinegar until all the sediment is off.
* Vinegar naturally breaks down uric acid and soapy residue, leaving
Baby clothes and diapers soft and fresh. Add a cup f vinegar to each
Load during the rinse cycle.
* Saturate a cloth with vinegar and sprinkle with baking soda, and
Then use it to clean fiberglass tubs and showers. Rinse well and rub dry
For a spotless shine.
* To remove chewing gum, rub it with full-strength vinegar.
* For a clean oven, combine vinegar and baking soda, then scrub.
* Clean and deodorize your toilet bowl by pouring undiluted white
Vinegar into it. Let stand for five minutes, then flush. Spray stubborn
Stains with white vinegar, then scrub vigorously.
* Clean windows with a cloth dipped in a solution of one part white
Vinegar and ten parts warm water. This works for dirty TV screens, too!
* For brunettes, rinsing hair with vinegar after a shampoo makes hair
Shinier. Use one-tablespoon vinegar to one-cup warm water.
* Soak paint stains in hot vinegar to remove them.
* To clean drip coffeemakers, fill the reservoir with white vinegar
And run it through a brewing cycle. Rinse thoroughly by brewing two
Cycles with water before using.
* To remove bumper stickers from car chrome, paint on vinegar and let
It soak in. Next, scrape off the stickers. Decals can be removed
* Rid your refrigerator and freezer of bad odors by cleaning the
Insides with a solution of equal parts vinegar and water, then wiping
* Apply full strength vinegar to mosquito or other insect bites to
Relieve the itching. (Caution: Do not do this if the affected area is
* White vinegar takes salt and water stains off leather boots and
Shoes. Wipe over the stained area only, and then polish.
* To remove smoke odors on clothes, hang them above a steaming
Bathtub filled with hot water and a cup of white vinegar.
* To prevent mildew, wipe down surfaces with vinegar.
* Place a vinegar-soaked brown bag on sprains to ease pain and aid
* Use a sponge dampened with vinegar to clean shower curtains.
* To remove salt stains from winter boots, rub with a solution of 1
Tablespoon white vinegar and 1 cup water.
* To loosen a stuck jar lid, hold the jar upside down and pour warm
Vinegar around the neck at the joint between the glass and the top.
* Rub cider vinegar on your skin to repel insects.
* Clean windows with a mixture of 1 part white vinegar and 10 parts
Warm water.

Moon Magick

Moon Magic

The accumulation and direction of the subtle forces of the moon, is one of
The arts of Witchcraft. Moon magic is a personal art, even though there are
Basic guidelines.

In ancient times, witches held the position of the Moon priestesses/priests.
In coastal regions, and upon islands, witches were also Sea
Priestesses/Priests. The use of water from the sea was an important aspect
In Moon Magic (salt being a crystal form). The "charging" of water, and the
Release of the "char- GE" through evaporation, was an important aspect. So
Too was the soaking of woods and herbs in sea water, which were later dried,
And burned as incenses and offerings. Two excellent books on this subject

The use of Portals to gain access to the Lunar Realms, and the building of
Magical images there, is a very important aspect of Moon Magic. The actual
Essence" of the power used in Moon Magic, originates out among the stars.
The Sun draws in the stellar influences and transmits them into our Solar
System. The Planets within our System absorb this energy which then merges
With their own vibrations or energies. The Planets, in turn, then emanate a
Composite energy within our Solar System. Each Planet's energy or vibratory
Pattern is unique, and influences other planetary bodies and forces, within
Each planet's sphere of influence. This is the basis of Astrology and
Planetary correspondences in Magic (this is how and why it works).

The Moon is the focal point of power upon the Earth. The Moon absorbs,
Condenses, and channels all of these forces, which are then carried to our
Planet, upon the Lunar Light Spectrum.

Agrippa, a 15th Century magician, understood these principles when he wrote

"...but the Moon, the nearest to the heavenly influences,
By the swiftness of her course,
Is joined to the sun,
And the other planets and stars,
As a conception,
Bringing them forth to the inferior world,
As being next to itself,
For all the stars have influence on it,
Being the last receiver,
Which afterwards communicates the influence of all superiors to these
And pours them forth upon the Earth..."

Aradia, the Holy Strega, told her followers to seek the Moon above all
Others, for the purposes of Magic. In the closing prayer of the Full Moon
Ritual, we find these words which Aradia's followers were later to have

"O' Goddess of the Moon...
Teach us your ancient mysteries...
That the Holy Strega spoke of,
For I believe the Strega's story,
When she told us to entreat Thee,
Told us when we seek for Knowledge,
To seek and find Thee above all others".

Agrippa understood this also, when he wrote,

"Therefore. Her (the moon) motion is to be observed before the others,
As the parent of all conception......hence it is,
That without the Moon intermediating,
We cannot at any time attract the power of the superiors..."

What Agrippa spoke of, is what witches have known for Ages:
The Moon is the focal point of power upon the Earth.

Without the Moon we cannot make use of the Universal Forces beyond her. In
Moon Magic, the ritual altar is the focal point for the lunar forces which
Are drawn upon. Women are the vessels for Lunar Energy, receiving and
Directing the magical force. Men can also become lunar vessels, but women
Are much better suited (as their biology is more attuned to the Moon's
Cycles, than are men's biology).

The Moon altar is placed facing the West Quarter. The altar itself should be
Round, but a square or a rectangle is OK.

In the centre of the altar, place a bowl of saltwater. A white sea shell is
Then set into the centre of the bowl. As this is done, whisper the name of
The Goddess who rules the current phase of the Moon, under which you are
Working. The new moon belongs to Diana (De-ah-nah), the Full Moon to Jana
(Jah-nah) and the waning Moon to Umbrea.

Around the bottom of the bowl, set nine white shells, forming a crescent
(horns upward, as in a smile). If the magic is for the gain of something,
Place the shells from right to left. If the magic is for the removal, or
Loss of something, then place the shells from left to right. As each shell
Is placed, chant the name of the Goddess who presides over the goal of the
Magical influence you desire.

Matters concerning "beginnings" are under Diana. Matters involving "forces",
Energies, or powers are under the influence of Jana. Matters of Death,
Decline, and stagnation are ruled by Umbrea.

Censers of Moon Incense are placed around the bowl, upon the altar, forming
a triangle (so you have 3 incense containers forming a triangle, with the
Moon Bowl in its centre). A reversed triangle (V) is formed for
manifestations desired upon the physical plane. Upright triangles (A) are
formed for manifestation upon the astral plane.

During the magical work, the energy is focused into the altar bowl (or moon
bowl, as it is often called). This can be done in several different ways. In
group rituals, members may point their ritual blades at the Priestess, who
stands before the altar. The members visualize their energy flowing from
themselves, through their blades, and into the aura of the Priestess. The
Priestess then visualizes this collective energy flowing from herself,
through her own blade, into the moon bowl. Or she may simply place her palms
over the bowl and focus the energy out through her hands. During this
technique, she may recite an incantation, stating the purpose of the "charge
, or the group may chant the spell's intent.

One of the ways in which energy can be raised for this technique, is through
deep breathing. Each person draws in air slowly and deeply, and exhales as
they visualize the energy flowing outward through their ritual blades, or
their hands. Eastern Mystics teach that the Ether of our planet can be drawn
in through the breath, and condensed as pure energy. This they call "Prana".

Another method is to "enchant" the water. Begin by passing your right hand,
palm down, over the bowl in a clockwise manner. Perform nine passes, and
then do the same with your left hand. You will need to create a Chant which
will serve to describe your intent. It can be a simple rhyme, or whatever
you want. As you chant, blow gently upon the water slightly disturbing the
surface. Formulate the incantation to be as descriptive as you can, about
what you desire. Once you have spoken the incantation into the bowl, it is
time to release the "charge". One technique for this is to boil the water,
and observe the steam as it evaporates. Boil it until all of the water is
gone. As the steam rises up, repeat your incantation, and watch the steam as
it moves upward. It is carrying off your magic, so that it may take effect.
Think this as you watch it (thoughts ARE things).

Another very old method is to pour out the contents of the bowl into a
stream, or river. As you do this, you recite a simple rhyme spell, such as:
Water to water, a witch's spell, I give this stream, to speed it well"
Receiving the Moon's Light: (for women)

The Priestess receiving the Full Moon will need an assistant. The assistant
will require a silver disk, smooth and highly polished. If absolutely
necessary, a small hand mirror may be used in its place. The Priestess will
stand or kneel before the altar, with her head bowed down. The assistant
will part her hair at the base of the skull, using water or oil to help
separate the hair, if it is short. While the priestess visualizes the form
of the Goddess merging from behind, into her own form, the assistant will
reflect the Moon's light upon the base of the skull, using the silver disk.
You will find that this is quite difficult in city light pollution, and
works best in a country setting, or a desert. Once the Priestess receives
the Moon she can channel it into the Moon bowl, or she can "store" it within
her being for seven days. This light is pure Lunar energy, and can be
impregnated" with whatever "thought form" the priestess desires.

Receiving the Moon's light: (for men)

The Priest receiving the Full Moon, does not need an assistant, but may
choose one if he desires. Men cannot receive the Moon in the same manner as
women, nor should they visualize the Goddess merging with them.

The Priest will stand, or kneel, before the altar with his head slightly
bowed. Using a polished brass disk, the Moon's light is reflected upon his
forehead. At this point the Priest will visualize himself as the Full Moon
itself. Once the light is received, the Priest can channel it into the bowl.
Men do not "hold" Moon Light very well, and it is best to channel it off
before the seven day period, which the Priestess enjoys.

Receiving the Moon's light: (for women without assistance)

There are several ways for a woman to receive the Moon's Light, without any
assistant. The technique I gave in this subject note, is just one of the
magical techniques. The Moon may also be received in a religious setting (no
magic intended, just a blessing or a union with Deity). In these modern
times, you can set up a mirror behind you, and angle it so that it reflects
down upon you, if you desire to try the magical technique.

One of the old ways of non-magical union was for the woman to lay nude
beneath the Full Moon in the Full Moon Goddess Posture. This posture is also
referred to as the Star Goddess Posture, and is an X formation, arms and
legs spread out wide. The woman anoints herself with an oil of the Moon,
just below her navel (forming a crescent with the oil). As she lies upon the
earth, she will look up into the Moon, and slowly draw in the muscles of her
abdomen, as she mentally pictures that she is drawing down the light of the
Moon, into herself. Just as men draw power into themselves through the solar
plexus, a woman draws power into herself through the navel region ("pit of
the stomach" kind of thing. This is the centre of a woman). This is just one
method, but it can be a powerful experience.

**origin by Faery Witch ~ author unknown**